Chapter 9 concerns authentic leadership, which is one of the latest concepts of the theory of leadership. The authentic approach tries to answer the question of whether the leadership can be genuine or true (Northouse, 2016). Unlike other approaches and theories, authentic leadership is a new concept at the stage of active development. Authentic leadership is transparent, morally justified and sensitively reacting to the current needs and values (Northouse, 2016). At this stage in the development of the concept, it is assumed that authentic leadership is a collective process created by the joint efforts of leaders and followers.
The theory of authentic leadership helps pay significant attention to the moral side of the leadership process, on which other concepts are not always focused. For example, path-goal theory focuses only on achieving results, without mentioning any specific psychological or moral aspects of leadership. A significant advantage of this approach is representing the true leader, whom the followers may expect in the conditions of an unstable world (Northouse, 2016). The theory also considers and describes the psychological abilities of the leader, which positively affect the construction of relationships. However, there are some insufficient points in this approach, the main of which is little evidence of effectiveness due to the novelty of the concept.
The theory of authentic leadership allows me to rethink my experience of leadership in student society. In my opinion, I cannot be considered a definitely authentic leader, but I use some features of this approach. For example, for me, the moral component is one of the most important, due to which I encourage followers for honest student work. In educational organizations as a whole, the concept is also applicable. Those leaders who can establish understandable and transparent relationships with students share the greatest influence. The only thing that is missed in theory is the explanation of how the psychological aspects of the leader allow them to establish these connections with the followers. Based on my experience, the theory of authentic leadership requires more theoretical validity for effective practical application.
The inventory of Chapter 9 evaluates the features of authentic leadership. The criteria are the characteristics of self-awareness, moral perspective, balanced processing and relational transparency (Northouse, 2016). According to my results I have good indicators of moral perspective and transparency in relations, but low points of self-awareness and balanced processing. These results are redeemed with my self-representation and signal that I need to pay more attention to listening to the opinion of others and compiling adequate self-esteem. These results may indicate that I need to consider other people’s opinions, as they can help sort out more reflective self-representation. For the leader, this skill is one of the most critical, and I will have to make efforts to develop it fully. In general, I can say that I have enough prospects for becoming an authentic leader. The inventory demonstrates important qualities that must be developed in a person to achieve high results.
In conclusion, I agree with the results of the inventory, they are similar to my inner feelings. The inventory provides me with the necessary qualities and skills that the authentic leader can develop. The disadvantage of the questionnaire is the insufficient accounting of situational context in the preparation of theoretical statements. Inventory conclusions are useful to me since they signal in which areas, I need to pay attention to self-development. My leadership practice will improve since I will develop the skills of listening to others and the compilation of adequate self-esteem.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice. (7th ed.). SAGE Publications.