Within my class, I have children of 8 to 10 years. There are 20 students in the class, and over half of the class is female. 11 children live in complete families, and living conditions in these families are satisfactory – the children receive due attention from their parents. 9 children live in single-parent families, and the psychological atmosphere in these families is not stable because there is no second family member. The economic status of most families is satisfactory: parents’ salaries allow children to live in comfort. All children speak two languages: English and Spanish, whereas a native language is the first one and a foreign language is the second one. The school is located in Brixton, England, which is a suburb of London.
There are general needs of the whole class due to the age of the students. Children at the age need a lot of care and support from their parents. Moreover, the children have different attitudes towards education: there are 7 active students and 13 passive students. The first ones are happy to write essays and make presentations, whereas the second ones do not want to study in most cases and work without desire. The overall level of student development is medium, and their interests are diverse. There is a need to work on team-building and improve the educational outcomes of the class. Moreover, it is necessary to build a friendly and positive atmosphere in the classroom.