Climate Change and Alternative Ways to Address It Essay

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Climate change, which includes anomalies like droughts, severe storms, and floods, is the observed and anticipated long-term changes in the average climate and climate variability brought on by human activity. Long-term decreases in annual precipitation are anticipated in some regions of the world. In some locations, droughts and floods may occur due to climate changes. All of these changes result from human activity, and the only thing that can halt the harm being done to nature is a change in how people think and act.

How to Improve the Situation with Climate Change

The way people raise food, use land, transport goods, and generate energy in society will all need to undergo fundamental changes. Lombrozo (2015) mentions that it is necessary to convert warnings about the risks of climate change into relatable, concrete personal experiences. In addition to promoting the spread of food-, water-, and vector-borne diseases, weather changes also cause food shortages. The government should provide incentives to businesses and households that are environmentally friendly, as Lombrozo (2015) points out, it is vital to use encouragement rather than punishment. To improve the environmental situation, each individual and society must contribute. For instance, people should use public transportation or bicycles rather than personal vehicles.

Reusing or restricting the consumption of products should also become a social norm. Marketers have developed the cult of consumption due to the modern capitalist society’s focus on profit. To combat climate change, this social trend must be reversed. Policymakers should concentrate on the effects of global warming and the connections between our current behaviours and gains rather than losses, social norms, and our intrinsic motivations (Lombrozo, 2015). Moderate consumption includes three components: making the right purchase choices, responsibly using water and energy resources, and sensibly using transportation.


In conclusion, climate change is a significant global issue impacting nature, entire societies, and a particular individual. The situation can be improved by altering societal norms, such as rewarding environmentally friendly solutions or individual decisions to forgo transportation and reduce consumption. It is time to turn to human psychology now that there have been enough convincing justifications for why it is crucial to consider ecology.


Lombrozo, T. (2015). . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 24). Climate Change and Alternative Ways to Address It.

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"Climate Change and Alternative Ways to Address It." IvyPanda, 24 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Climate Change and Alternative Ways to Address It'. 24 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Climate Change and Alternative Ways to Address It." May 24, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Climate Change and Alternative Ways to Address It." May 24, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Climate Change and Alternative Ways to Address It." May 24, 2024.

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