Cognitive Functioning and Problem-Solving Issues Essay

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Persons in the actual world face a variety of contemporary issues as a result of cognitive function. Among these obstacles are lifestyle difficulties such as sleep deprivation, biological issues such as changes in brain activation, and psychological variables such as overconfidence and confirmation bias. These obstacles impair an individual’s aspirational quality of life. Hence, it is appropriate to implement appropriate strategies that can improve problem solving. For instance, using root cause analysis to identify, analyze, and resolve the fundamental causes of a problem. Therefore, the present challenges that people confront when solving problems in the actual world can be minimized by adopting and using the appropriate solutions.


The manner in which individuals make decisions is impeded by lifestyle issues such as lack of sleep. Lack of sleep diminishes mental clarity, impairing mental judgment and concentration while making decisions (Suni, 2022). Thus, sleep deprivation leads to mental and physical exhaustion, which results in stress. In regard to law enforcement, sleep deprivation influences how law enforcement agencies make decisions owing to work-related stress and strain that prevents law practitioners from obtaining sufficient sleep (Suni, 2022). Therefore, it is appropriate for law enforcement agencies to prioritize rest as part of their daily routine.

Biological elements, such as fluctuations in brain activation, present a further modern obstacle to problem-solving in the actual world. Brain activation changes may come from increased weariness or stress (Juliyanto et al., 2021). Consequently, this can lead to failure in problem-solving since variations in brain activation cause individuals to rely on established tactics rather than creating new criteria and ideas for problem-solving (Juliyanto et al., 2021). Changes in brain activation can impact the method by which information is interpreted in law enforcement. As a result, this impacts the decision-making process, as most law enforcement agencies may make conclusions based on emotions rather than evidence. Brain activation changes impact law enforcement officers’ concentration rate during work. Consequently, this causes errors in interpreting, processing, and analysis of crime data (Juliyanto et al., 2021). Hence, this results in making non-legal decisions and blunders in investigations and operations.

Appropriate solutions should be utilized to address the present challenges faced by people in the world when attempting to solve problems. For example, the use of reverse problem-solving, in which the focus is based on the desired outcome. Participant concentrates on building a work plan to fix the problem and generating methods for achieving the desired goals (Chen et al., 2019). The key finding from the fundamental problem-solving theory in underlying reverse issue-solving is Abductive reasoning. Abductive reasoning involves the construction of observations-based hypotheses and testing desired hypotheses (Saetre & Van de Ven, 2021). Consequently, creating a research hypothesis provides the researcher with a defined strategy for reaching the intended result.

Moreover, a methodical problem-solving strategy can be adopted to improve problem-solving. Systematic problem-solving entails dividing the problem into smaller portions for easier investigation and analysis of each piece to arrive at the optimal solution (Thomas et al., 2022). Utilizing scientific techniques, the findings from fundamental theory that support systematic problem-solving involves the scientific process. The scientific process comprises making observations, developing hypotheses, assessing results, and drawing reasonable conclusions based on the results (Thomas et al., 2022). Therefore, identifying the problem and generating a hypothesis, developing a critique, and drawing a valid conclusion is the most effective means of resolving any problem.


In conclusion, as a result of human cognitive functioning, current obstacles impede individuals’ ability to make the best options. Some current concerns result from developing biological issues, such as changes in brain activation or changes in lifestyle that lead to complications such as sleep deprivation. Therefore, making sound decisions needs the adoption of effective decision-making processes. Examples include the usage of inverted problem-solving and systematic problem-solving.


Chen, O., Retnowati, E., & Kalyuga, S. (2020). . British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 210-223. Web.

Juliyanto, E., Marwoto, P., Iswari, R. S., Nugroho, S. E., & Mindyarto, B. N. (2021, June). The brain activity of problem-solving process: a systematic literature review. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1918, No. 5, p. 052068). IOP Publishing.

Saetre, A. S., & Van de Ven, A. (2021). . Academy of Management Review, 46(4), 684-701. Web.

Suni, E. (2022). . Onecare Media Company. Web.

Thomas, J. R., Martin, P., Etnier, J., & Silverman, S. J. (2022). Research methods in physical activity. Human kinetics.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 24). Cognitive Functioning and Problem-Solving Issues.

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"Cognitive Functioning and Problem-Solving Issues." IvyPanda, 24 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Cognitive Functioning and Problem-Solving Issues'. 24 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Cognitive Functioning and Problem-Solving Issues." June 24, 2024.

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