Communicating in Virtual Workplace Coursework

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The characteristics of virtual communication

Virtual communication is the exchange of information using forums, and discussion rooms as well as through e-mails. This form of communication is characterized by sending messages or information without the accessibility of the recipient. Mostly, it is in the written form; therefore, it lacks emotions and nuances. This form of communication is different from natural communication, which requires personal contact, because it happens without direct interaction. Unlike virtual communication, natural one is characterized by emotions and tones, and clarification and perception of information are easier here. As opposed to virtual communication, natural interaction allows to use facial expressions and hand gestures. That is why, it is slower than the virtual communication.

Various types of communications

The communication needs of a virtual worker should be stronger when compared to the needs of the traditional office worker. For instance, a virtual employee should reveal his or her personality as well as his or her point of view via the telephone, e-mail or video conference, and be a person who can initiate a communication through calling or sending an e-mail. Based on these needs, a virtual worker who communicates using memo should be superior in the writing skills than in verbal ones. On the other hand, the one using voice mail messaging should have more experience in verbal communication than in writing skills. When supervising virtual workers, a manager should be to result-oriented; he or she should define, facilitate and look for ways of encouraging performance among his or her employees.

The preferred methods, and technologies, for communication

In my company, communication flows up through various levels of management departments where managers of a lower level take information and communicate it to the top management. Thus, the information moves from one management level to another; the same applies to a down flow. In case of a top flow, an employee reports a problem to the team leader, then the team leader informs the department manager about it, who then forwards the case to the general manager, and the opposite happens in the case of the bottom flow. Communication across the company, of one department with the related one, happens directly; a department manager communicates directly to another department manager. The most preferred method of communication is verbal. With the advance of technology, telephone, etc. may be used for such cases. The interaction as well as a feedback is instant; however, in case of a failure in telephone service, the email is used.

A Forces Driving E-commerce

Forces driving e-commerce relate to each other; for instance, the role of information in business prompts companies to adapt new communication technologies or upgrade the existing ones. These two forces are influenced by the need of a company to access and process information efficiently and effectively. A company that works hard to improve its access and process of information aims at improving its competitiveness within the industry. This shows that the driving forces of e-commerce are interconnected, depend on and influence each other; one driving force initiates another, and the same force is initiated by another.

Businesses That Do Not Have an E-commerce Component

Communication characteristics shared by businesses without e-commerce include use of old forms of communication because e-commerce requires to apply new communication technologies. These businesses mostly rely on external infrastructure accessibility and technical support for effective communication. The information they receive depends on the extensiveness of the external infrastructure.

Electronic Commerce 2008

E-commerce leads to changes in business; thereby, more information is made available to the business. This helps the business to focus on activities that it can perform better. Every company should also use the available information to establish relationships with their clients and other enterprises, thus improving its performance. E-commerce also reduces communication costs; the business cuts down on its travel expanses because e-mails, mobile calls and ICTs are much cheaper than the above mentioned. There is also the reduction in the cost of arranging meeting, and all the funds saved from the use of e-commerce component can be used to expand the business.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 23). Communicating in Virtual Workplace.

Work Cited

"Communicating in Virtual Workplace." IvyPanda, 23 July 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Communicating in Virtual Workplace'. 23 July.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Communicating in Virtual Workplace." July 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Communicating in Virtual Workplace." July 23, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Communicating in Virtual Workplace." July 23, 2022.

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