Communication Objectives and Budget Requests Essay

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Communication Objectives

Online marketing requires a unique communication mode that will attract customers to the RV Part Shop’s website. Currently, the firm’s social media accounts only present factual information in a clear and short format (RV Part Shop Canada, n.d.). This content is efficient and necessary, yet it lacks the personalized touch that modern customers seek. Companies that promote on social media must show their connection with readers of their posts (Belch et al., 2020). The first objective is to personify the messages and increase the website traffic to improve RV Parts Shop’s reach.

With a clear vision of target customer groups, the company can create an efficient message that will bring these clients to its locations. High brand recall is a vital objective for RV Part Shop, as it strengthens the associative connections within one’s mind with the image of the brand and its products (Durrani et al., 2021). Fixed continuity of communication activities helps businesses avoid overexposure while keeping clients engaged. To increase brand awareness among the intended audience, RV Part Shop must use platforms that are frequently visited by its current and potential clients. The third crucial communication objective of RV Part Shop is to influence its customers’ intention to switch to other sellers. This goal can be achieved by the value proposition, which may take the form of discounts, referrals, and loyalty programs that will assist with retaining buyers after their first purchase.

Budget Requests

The budget for this advertisement campaign must cover the basic functions related to both marketing research and the implementation of the selected strategy. First of all, the firm already has a notable amount of content posted on its social media accounts, which is bound to attract customers who seek such information (RV Part Shop Canada, n.d.). However, RV Part Shop does not possess the exposure, which implies a lack of likes and shares on its posts. Therefore, it is essential to employ a marketing specialist who will assess the situation and provide vital advice on the necessary changes to the strategy. With approximately $285 per session with a marketing consultant, RV Parts Shop can improve its return on investment in social media ads within a month of a course for a total of $1,140 (“Social media management pricing,” n.d.). The quality of the posts on these platforms must be reassessed to align the content with the communication objectives.

The second part of expenditures lies in static and dynamic banners through common advertising platforms, such as Google AdSense. With an investment of $3,000 per month, the firm can garner additional attention from customers of the requested age category (Yadav, 2019). This promotion format has a broad reach, as Google AdSense will automatically select appropriate websites that the targeted clients visit, thus creating a significant traffic transfer to the company’s website. Moreover, while it is impossible for the firm to outperform online superstores, it may be viable to invest in search engine optimization (SEO) activities to increase its position in search results. An investment of $2,000 can cover a one-time service from an SEO specialist who will improve the website’s ranking in search results (Young Entrepreneur Council, 2020). These expenditures, along with the continuous stream of new social media posts, are bound to increase the incoming website traffic significantly.


Belch, G. E., Belch, M. A., Kerr, G., & Waller, D. (2020). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Durrani, S. K., Khan, S., Khan, M. H., & Ishtiaq, M. (2021). . Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 7(3), 613-628. Web.

RV Part Shop Canada [@rvpartshop]. (n.d.). RV Part Shop [Facebook page]. Facebook. Web.

. (n.d.). WebFX. Web.

Yadav, K. (2019, September 20). Branding Marketing Agency.

Young Entrepreneur Council. (2020). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 19). Communication Objectives and Budget Requests.

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"Communication Objectives and Budget Requests." IvyPanda, 19 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Communication Objectives and Budget Requests'. 19 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Communication Objectives and Budget Requests." May 19, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Communication Objectives and Budget Requests." May 19, 2024.


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