Comparing Kindergarten Programs in the US to the UK Research Paper

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Kindergartens are very important in the education system of different countries. In most countries it is compulsory while in some it is optional. Kindergartens are the foundational classes for education. The kindergarten helps shape the child’s attitudes towards education. They are also believed to have an impact on the child’s performance in their future.

Kindergarten refers to the beginning of primary school education and is sometimes compulsory. Children who attend kindergarten are between 4-5 years and sometimes 6 years. Kindergartens are experience based training for children so that they learn how to read, write and interact with others in a group.

Graham (2009, p. 1) points out that in the United Kingdom (UK), the word ‘year’ is equivalent to grade in the US. Another terminology for clarification is ‘public school’. In UK public school is an institution that privately owned while in the United States (US) it is an institution funded by the government. An equivalent name for kindergarten in UK is preschool.

Sometimes nursery may be used. All these names refer to the education that is given to schools or students who are about to join the first grade or the first year of school. This essay will compare and contrast the kindergarten programs in US and in UK.

Comparing Kindergarten programs in the US to the UK


Curriculum is the organized activities that are relevant to a specific time of learning. The curriculum enables students to learn and understand. It also makes note of the differences in abilities and is designed to be applicable to diverse students.

Another aspect of kindergarten curriculum that is identical in the US and in the UK is the fact that it encompasses a lot of play and experienced learning. The curriculum makes the child not to experience any form of failure in their experience based play. Furthermore, the curriculum motivates children to learn.

Another similarity between US and UK kindergartens is that the curriculum pays attention to the needs of the children. The programs encourage the students to interact with their environment.

They explore the environment by encouraging creativity and explorative activities that are exiting. Although the child at times may wish to play individually, group activities are encouraged as they learn to interact with their age group and their parents.

The curriculum develops the personality of the student. In both US and UK, activities that foster self esteem and self-discipline are incorporated. Some students who demonstrate leadership abilities are also nurtured. Decision making through informal play is encouraged so that they learn how to make choices for themselves.

The curriculums also have a range of skill based training that teach the student concentration capability. They also learn to be independent and to express themselves. The curriculum in both US and UK incorporates a lot of storytelling and music in the curriculum. Therefore, there is a variety in the curriculum that permits children to learn.

There are other programs that are incorporated in the school curriculum both US and UK. The kindergarten is taught to write their name, their home address, a mobile number telephone number that belong to the parent and their birth day. These programs are personalized according to individual needs. Progress reports are given to the parents or guardians of the children at least once a year.

Some institutions also offer three times a year. There are parent’s day meetings that are held twice or thrice per year and the parents are encouraged to attend all. Feeding the children is an important part of development and kindergartens ensure that children carry snacks for their break.

Parents are given an option whether to feed their children in schools lunch program or to sent their children to school with lunch. Birthdays can also be celebrated in the kindergarten if the parent sent some goodies to be shared in the class.

According to Waldfogel (2007, p. 126) absenteeism is discouraged in both UK and US. Parents and guardians are required to call and notify the teacher that the child will be absent whatever the reason. Failure to call the kindergartens calls to find out what is the cause.

Absenteeism is discouraged and so is lateness when reporting to the school. Kindergartens are very strict in getting the contacts of the parent. The address or telephone number given. It must be correct and available so that incase of sickness the parent is notified.

In accordance with Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (2007, p. 7) the UK curriculum identifies development and experience based learning as key components of their curriculum.

Development as a component covers the physical development, emotional development, social development, personality development, language development and innovative development. Experience as a component includes experience with the environment, basic mathematical experiences and scientific experiences as well as technology experiences.

On the other hand, US students of kindergarten are given a curriculum that is enabling as pointed out by Roosevelt (2007, p. 1). Depending on the development of the student the child is guided according to their ability to write, read, listen, recognize and emulate.

The child is introduced to phonics where they learn about words and letters and their relationship. Besides writing, they are also taught mathematics, science, social study, physical education and musical art and individual skills.

The UK curriculum introduces the experimental activities far much earlier before the child has mastered the art of language.

Children need to learn oral language simultaneously with play so that they can learn how to present themselves in speech. In the US, the curriculum introduces the language skills in both writing and speech and mandatory before joining the first grade. Thus student achieve competence in experimental activities and in spoken language.

In both UK and US, the curriculum is monitored by the government so that it adopts certain standards that are required by the government. In most cases the government based curriculum is adopted by the kindergarten s that are fully or partially funded by the government, preschools that are funded by the students can adopt other curriculum including the international curriculum.

Another contrast between US and UK is that the UK sometimes includes religious education in their subjects. The US institution should not offer religious education to students unless it is in a home school system.

Learning in the US is interactive when compared with the UK. Students in the US kindergarten programs have a variety of subjects that entail playing and experimenting and group work. On the other hand UK has programs that participate in interactive activities but are not as extensive as those found in the US.

Consequently, some US institutions have adopted the group test which is used as an examination before joining the first grade.

In both countries, the children are taught to be independent and to perform some basic tasks for themselves. Apart from knowing their names they are taught to make choices for themselves and to socialize in groups. Among the subjects taught include use of technology. They are taught how to operate a phone.

Teaching aids are very common in the privately owned kindergartens. The children are taught with television programs and even computer games that enable them learn and develop. Slow learners are given programs that will enable them catch up with the rest of the group.


The US curriculum pays attention to physical exercises. This is because obesity among children in the US has been found to be more prevalent. The physical activities help the children remain physically fit and reduce their body weight. There are teachers with special training on physical exercises.

These activities are very helpful because they are not available at home. Teachers encourage parents to send their children to school with snack with low fat. Kindergartens also ensure that the children’s play ground is safe. Without limits children will enjoy playing. It has been noted that at the kindergarten level children tend to play a lot and reduce their playful activities as they grow up.

Teachers therefore encourage play and introduce physical education. Some teachers discourage television and computer games because they perceive them as learning methodologies that does not involve physical exercise. This is so even in the UK where teachers prefer learning activities that are experimental and involve play.

In both UK and USA teachers are trained to be sensitive to the health needs of the kindergarten. In the UK it is mandatory that teacher have first aid training and psychology. This enables them deal with individual needs of the children. Similarly, US teacher of Kindergarten are required to train in psychology as part of their bachelors degree course.

During admission, the child will disclose if they have any health problems in their file. The contact of the guardians is also given and the preferred way of handling the matter in case there is an emergency. Most schools may have a school clinic or a school nurse who is always present to provide health care. Nurses give first aid like dressing wounds, attending broken ankles among other things.

Teacher qualification

Kindergarten teacher shape the child’s attitude towards education because they interact with the children at their early stages of learning in life. In the US kindergarten teachers have a bachelor’s degree. Those who want to teach in state funded schools must have a license to practice. Various states have differences in their approach towards licensure.

Some have attractive offers that encourage people to join the kindergarten profession. This is so especially in vacancies that are hard to fill. Mathematics, and science teachers are rare to get and they are given good packages so that they may stay in the job. Bilingual teachers are also on demand. Sometimes teachers shun away from unfavorable districts and prefer others in the prime areas.

The teacher must have the ability to communicate. Communication involves giving instructions to students and listening to them. Their approach should stimulate self confidence of the child and foster trust. What is more is that they inspire and motivate the students to learn. Competent teachers know the individual needs of each child in their class.

In their training teachers are primarily taught the basic subjects required by the kindergarten students. Additionally they are educated on professional subjects such as teaching methods, psychology and philosophy. Before completion of their studies they are required to enroll for educational programs.

All teachers are taught to incorporate computers in their teaching. Qualified teachers must be accredited byNational Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education” or “the Teacher Education Accreditation Council” (Occupational outlook Handbook, 2011, p. 1).

Accreditation does not guarantee that one is qualified to be a teacher; it makes licensure easier. There are professional institutions that make it possible for students to have a one year experience following their bachelor’s degree completion. The experience is attained with the supervision of a qualified professional kindergarten teacher.

The license is obtained from the “State Board of Education” (Occupational outlook Handbook, 2011, p. 1). The criterions for licensure depend on the states. It is clear that apart from a bachelor’s degree, every state requires the teacher to have a defined area of work they are capable of. It may be a range of subjects or a specialty in music and art among others.

Their internship must be supervised by a professional licensed teacher and a list of and their credits. Some states expect the teacher to upgrade their education with a master’s degree after a period of time. Also before the license is given, a professional exam that tests the performance of the teacher is undertaken.

States have also implemented the minimum time that a licensed teacher should spend with the student. Failure to which will result to non renewal of their license. Being knowledgeable in the subject taught cannot be compromised and thus training for those who are not competent is available. After successful training one can apply for a license.

Besides academic qualification, the personality of the teacher is also significant. They are required to model the kindergartens. It is important the teacher shows neutrality in religious views and understand the cultural background of the different kindergartens. The teacher may have to use different teaching methodologies for instance to address different needs of the kindergartens in the same class.

Innovativeness, patience and organizational skills are also considered as part of the requirements. Teachers can acquire national certificates. The benefits of the certificate include that of mobility to other states. Teaching is progressive and teachers can become librarians or administrators after they have gained experience.

Organizational skill is emphasized in both UK and US. The teacher must ensure that the students are safe and that the environment is conducive for them. Moreover, they must generate, file and keep the records of the class in such a manner that they can be retrieved easily whenever needed. They must also update them frequently.

A diploma is usually adequate to qualify a teacher in the kindergarten or childcare that is owned by the government. Those who want to teach in schools funded by the student’s tuition then they are required to have a bachelor’s degree and to have a license.

Training is not being compulsory in some states. Teachers’ training is important and some take the initiative of participating in development sessions that foster professionalism. Similarly to the US, the UK teachers are trained in specialized subject depending on their abilities.

Teachers in a kindergarten or in a preschool setting are also trained to deal with special children. In the UK, it is compulsory for every teacher in the preschool to have training on children with disability and children who need special care. This is because they are likely to encounter such children and will be informed to offer the best training depending on the needs of the child.

The US does not make it compulsory although having such knowledge will place a candidate as a competent employee. The US has a program for children who are disabled and with special needs. The program enables such children to access education without meeting any cost for their tuition; thus it is free education for them.

In US children with disabilities must attend government sponsored institutions to access the free education. This is applicable to children irrespective of their race. These children with special needs are given a test that will reveal their actual needs so that they are given personalized attention by the teacher.

This is done with the consent of the parent or the guardian. The kindergartens ensure that the environment for such children is guarded and restriction may be necessary.

Prior to being granted a teaching post a preschool teacher must have completed and passed the first aid test. This skills enable the teacher be well equipped to deal with emergencies. This is applicable in both US and UK.


In both UK and US, there are preschools that are preferred over others because they offer good services. Guardians apply to the schools directly. If the admissions are oversubscribed, the schools may rank the children or conduct some interviews that will enable them select the children for admission.

Children in UK are admitted to preschool after their third birthday. In the US children are first admitted in preschool as early as 18 months. They enroll in preschool before kindergartens. Parents choose when to take their children to school and have the sole responsibility of ensuring they begin their education. Factors that are considered when admitting the children include proximity and their needs.

Kindergarten admissions in the UK can be very competitive as revealed by the Newcastle City Council (2011). Application can be obtained from the institution or online from the internet.

When the applications are oversubscribed, some institutions give priority to children with special needs and those from public care. Others who are give priority are those with siblings enrolled in the same institutions or another institute that is associated with the preschool.

The proximity of the school is also considered. There are other social related problems that may be considered. They include: separation of the family, if the child comes from a family that exceeds three children who are below five years of age and the home environment is not conducive for the growth of the child.

Another reason for giving priority in the admission is the children with language difficulties because it is a foreign language, those with medical or psychological needs and those who are slow learners. Guardians or parent cannot appeal so that their child is offered an opportunity to study in a competitive kindergarten (Newcastle City Council, 2011, p. 1).

In the US competitive kindergartens are a major challenge for those who need to get their children admitted. There are different types of test: some test by telling the child to recite the alphabet from the last letter. In the past some have asked the candidate to stand on one foot and which has been criticized. For the competent schools, the tests that are given are sometimes very challenging and may require preparation.

The parents already know the test and teach their children what to do to secure a place. They teach them the group tests which reveal their ability to adapt in a different situation, confidence, and leadership skills. They also test for skills in writing, listening and reading (Banjo, 2010, p.1).

In UK, the children are required to attend four or five terms of preschool education before joining the mandatory education. The parent chooses when to take the child to preschool. Children who join school at a tender age may belong to working mothers. They begin with programs that encourage creativity and play. They also begin to familiarize with the curriculum early hence they are in better position to perform well.

The number of students in a class differs. In UK classes are relatively larger than in the US. Kindergartens in the UK admit a larger number of students in class and also have big study groups for the children. Contrary, the US has a small number of students in kindergarten classes with smaller groups. Consequently, students in US have a one on one contact with the teacher for an extended time than in the UK.

Both UK and USA kindergartens have foreign students. The US is strict on the registration of the child and the parent or guardian. Usually the state takes hold of the license or the driving license of the parent. In the UK registration is not compulsory.

In both UK and US competitive kindergartens are very costly. Some kindergartens are prestigious and are considered to be for the rich. The cost of the kindergarten schools may actually force a parent with a competent grade to join another institution.

What is more is that the schools funded by the tuition of the student (private schools) perform better than the schools funded by the government. The programs are well reviewed and are more intense and professional. Teachers are well paid and the posts are highly competitive. It is believed that children in private schools have an advantage over the other.

The private schools are concentrated in the cities while the government sponsored schools are concentrated in the rural areas. However, there are few private schools in the rural when compared to the government sponsored ones and few public or government sponsored when compared to the private schools in the urban centers.


Retention can occur when a child remains in the kindergarten for long without being promoted to the next level of study. The UK and the US have different approaches to retention. In the UK students must attend preschool before joining the school first year of study. The examination that is given to student prior to joining may result to retention if the child does not qualify.

The teacher determines if the child will need additional time of study before joining school. After the child’s retention, they must undergo the same examination in the next admission. If the child is not qualified retention happens again. This kind of system has an impact on the child because the child will be forced to delay and will join a different age group.

In contrast the US education system may not encourage retention. In some states kindergartens are not compulsory. Students may join the first grade without going to a kindergarten.

When a child misses a chance in a competitive kindergarten, they have other options of admitting their child in another kindergarten. Moreover, children begin going to school much earlier hence they become competent and can secure places in the first grade (Waldfogel, 2007).

Education system

In both US and UK, the kindergarten classes are the foundational classes for the students before they begin their academic learning. Students are taught basic subjects that cover mathematics, science, language and art. However, the kindergarten in the US is also part of the primary education. On the other hand UK categorizes the preschool classes as part of the preschool.

Another difference between US and UK is that of identifying the level of study. The US uses the word grade to denote the level of study, while UK uses year to identify the level of study. Waldfogel (2007) points out that the UK is strict on the qualification of the kindergartens from the before they go to the first year of study.

This causes some to delay and may end up joining a younger age group. More so, in the UK students must attend kindergartens prior to the first year at school. On the contrary the kindergarten is not compulsory in the US. This is because some states do not need the child to go to a kindergarten before joining the first grade.

The US allows for home school system. Home school system is recognized by the government as long as they have met the requirements of the education system and have been approved. The home school systems have been adopted by some parents and guardians who do not prefer the private and public schools.

This is because they may want to incorporate religious education, value systems and morality that are not offered in school. Some may want to prevent their children for certain value systems that are contrary to their beliefs. These children are disadvantaged in that they may fail to socialize and perform poorly academically.

The UK government sponsors the schools via the local government. Preschools not funded by the government raise their funds from the student’s tuition. This is also similar in the US where the governments fund the public institutions. However, the government does not fund all the public institutions fully.

The US has standardized tests that are administered in public schools. The taste represent represents the lowest level of education a student is expected to attain in a specific level. The student is also required to show progress. Failure to show progress will result to remedial classes that go on during vocation. This is because the child may need assistance to improve on their grades.

The US has standardized the education system and supports the standardized test financially. This standardization sets the minimal requirement. The standardized test is reviewed by each state so as to come up with own standards that correspond with the states environment and situations. This standard ensures that the quality of education remains high in the US.

Moreover it emphasizes credibility within the teachers. Moreover, children with low standards of education are likely to be raised. Kindergartens that persistently continue performing poorly are supposed to follow some steps that will guide it to improve. The outcome of the standardized test is accumulative improvement for kindergartens that have continually taken the test.


Both US and UK have included discipline in their preschool. Caning is discouraged and forbidden at the institutions. Teachers foster discipline by rewarding good work. Correction of bad behaviors done immediately the child is caught in misconduct.

Praising good behaviors is the best way to motivate the children to maintain discipline. The kindergarten students have not developed judgment hence the teacher must be understanding and show consistency in their correction. Moreover, children learn by imitation and the teacher must be the role model.


In UK every institution has a way of grading the students while in US the grading system is recognized and funded by the government. The grades determine the progress of the child and are often used to rank the students.

In both countries the grades are inclusive of the course work and are given inform of percentage. The grades are sometimes used to promote the child to the next grade or year of study. The grades are indicated in the child’s progress report.


Parents make important decisions for the children. They are responsible for choosing a kindergarten for their child and meeting the requirements. In the US and UK parents must provide contacts and be available on parents day. Parents must also ensure that the child attends school every day and give consent in case of absenteeism.

They are also supposed to communicate with the school teacher concerning immunization and providing health information. This is because the child may have allergies that can be avoided when the child is within the school. In case of medical emergencies, the child health record will be helpful.

Parents also follow the progress report and the development of the child. They also assist their children with their home work and foster what the child has been taught. Children are likely to perform well in school if their parents assist them to do homework.

They also ensure that their school supplies or learning materials are available. The parents are also required to dress the children in a manner that is comfortable. They are supposed to cloth the children in cloths that are easy to button and to unbutton so that they do not need assistance when going to the washrooms. All these are similar in both countries.

Lacey (2010, p. 1) notes that parents are important in developing the ability of the child to learn irrespective of their country. In both UK and US some school teachers help children develop gifts for their parents. These are some form of teaching aid.

Parents are advised to encourage the children by accepting the gifts. These gifts are colored papers in different shape. Children therefore learn to express themselves if they are not discouraged to express themselves. The parents can even initiate other activities such as tracing the shape of the hand and coloring it. The parents can also read stories and listen to the child. Moreover the parent can encourage behaviors that are


In line with Directgov (2011, p. 1) the UK government has entitled every child to fifteen weeks of thirty eight hours of free education before the first year at school. This means that irrespective of whether the child’s parents are working or not the child is entitled to the free hours. The services are available and parents and their children can approach them through the family agency in the area.

Working parents can recover up to 70% of the tuition paid for their children if they apply for child tax. This tax is applicable to all the children one has. For the unemployed parents, the full tuition or part of the tuition can be obtained from a government program that is designed to assist such parents. Another avenue for getting help is when the parent is below twenty years and they are students.

The parent who is also a student can be able to continue studying and support own child to go to the kindergarten. Employers are also a source of tuition for children. Some employers specify the number of children they are going to sponsor for the employees as part of their pay package. Such parents are able to educate their children in the competent kindergartens that they desire.

On the other hand the US governments emphasize the right to education and so every child has an opportunity to get educated. The government funds some kindergartens either fully or partially. Like in the UK, some employers have offered to pay the children’s schools fees. The tuition just like in the UK vary from one kindergarten to the other depending on the services offered

Length of school day for students

In line with Sharp (2010, p. 2) the kindergarten students are between two and a half hours and three hours in both UK and US. This is the standard time set by the government that at includes the time that is involved in teaching. Time for lunch and break are not included. Some in institutions may extent a little for the benefit of the child.

The students in UK have been found to differ from those in the US due to the time involved. In US children join grade one after the age of six or seven and are found to have more competent skills in writing, reading and are able to integrate well in the next level. on the other hand students in the UK are ready to join the next level after five years.

When compared with other graduates from kindergarten in the US, they have not achieved the same skills. This is partly because they have spent little time before joining the school level. Therefore, if preschool time could be extended with one year, the kindergarten students in UK would achieve the required skills.

The length of hours spend in the kindergarten may vary from one preschool to another in both US and UK. The schools that offer full day classes are preferred by the working mothers. A large part of the day is spent in playing activities and break. Some institutions approach these classes in an informal manner. The half day classes are more formal with reduced breaks and play. The half day kindergartens also have short breaks.


The US and UK kindergartens are highly regarded and are seen as a significant stage in education. The UK refers the kindergarten as the preschool and sometimes as the nursery. The kindergarten is the class that students undergo before they join the first grade in US or the first year of school in UK.

Students are normally between five years to seven years old although in UK the age may be four years. Thus students in UK join the school when they are younger than US. Kindergartens in US are optional in some states. In UK the child must have some form of preschool education before joining.

The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects that include mathematics, science, social studies, environment, technology, arts and language in both countries. The UK may include other subjects like religious studies which are not taught in the US.

Physical education is taught in both countries with the US emphasizing the programs that are healthy and reduce the rate of obesity. The curriculum also pays attention to the kindergartens development in areas like physical, emotional, social, personal, language and innovative developments. The curriculum is accommodative of all children’s needs. It is based on experience and a lot of playful activities.

Teaching aids include among others television, computers and musical songs. Children’s health is important and the details are given to the administration. Parents must give the school their contacts so that they can be contacted easily in case of sickness. Also the school may have a clinic or a school nurse to give first aid.

Teachers in both UK and US must be trained and qualified. They must also poses good communication skills, be patient and demonstrate ability to deal with the kindergarten.

They should also pose a valid license for practicing. US teachers differ from those in UK in that they must have a bachelor’s degree and be certified as well have undergo supervised internship for a year and obtain a license. The kindergarten teachers in UK need to be holders of a diploma or a degree and then obtain a license. Sometimes teachers can practice without a license in UK.

Admission is very competitive in some kindergartens and may require an interview in the US or follow the Criteria in the UK. In both countries the private kindergartens are preferred to the state owned because they perform better. However the tuition for the kindergartens is very high. Kindergartens may be sponsored by the government or obtain funding form students school fees.

The kindergartens spend two and half hours to three hours in both countries. Kindergartens that are full day are preferred by working mothers and have allocated most of the time to playing, half day kindergartens concentrate on academics.

The education system includes the US kindergarten in the school program while in UK it is part of the preschool. Teachers and parents are both responsible of impacting discipline. Parents assist their children with home work in both countries. Retention is prevalent in UK where the requirements are strict. In US children can join school without going to kindergarten in some states.

Reference List

Banjo, S. (2010). How to practice for the private-school play date. Web.

Directgov (2011). Getting help with preschool education. Web.

Graham, L. (2009). UK School system. Web.

Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment. (2007). Curricular guidance for Pre-school education. Web.

Lacey, B. (2010). Gifts for Parents from Preschool Children. Web.

Newcastle City Council. (2011). Starting nursery school. Web.

Occupational outlook Handbook. (2011). Teachers- Kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary. Web.

Roosevelt. (2007). Kindergarten Curriculum. Web.

Sharp, C. (2010). Age of starting school and the early year’s curriculum. Web.

Waldfogel, J. (2007). Welfare reforms and child well-being in the US and UK. Swedish Economic Policy Review, 126.

Waldfogel, J. & Washbrook, E. (2011). Early years policy. Child Development Research, 343016.

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