Complex Mechanism of Organizational Security Essay

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What do you believe is the greatest internal threat an organization faces? Why so?

Any organization is a complex mechanism with a substantial number of the interdependent components, which tend to determine the company’s strategy while evaluating its external (intensity of rivalry and changes in regulations can be eliminated by altering the corporate strategy) and internal influences (Griffin 72).

The importance of threats to the functioning of the company cannot be underestimated, as they assist in provisioning the trends in the industry and define the organizational decision-making plan. In the context of the presented discussion, it is critical to assess the intimidations, which have an internal presence while depicting their correlation with purchasing decision-making, value investigation, and the functions of security.

Nowadays, Internet access increases the availability of the data online while increasing the means of information sharing (Linkov and LaPorte 54). Due to the continuously changing technology, any firm has to consider the essentiality of threats to data security, as the majority of the information about the organizational operations, the functioning of the staff, and other vital and confidential attributes are stored online and highly vulnerable (Bertino 47). This type of internal threat has to be prioritized since it is critical to minimize the leakage of the information from the competitors and the public due to its ability to damage the existent reputation.

As for the purchasing decisions, this process has a connection with multiple levels of subordination in the organization while the insecurity of the data might reveal the information to the competitors while the wrongful decisions might have “widespread consequences felt over many years” (Monzczka et al. 53).

Meanwhile, the value of investigation has an interdependence with security, as “the leverage of security objectives” has to comply with the initial corporate culture of the company while ensuring that wrongful actions will be prosecuted (Burrill and Green 117). Subsequently, the presence of these aspects emphasizes their vitality for the maintenance of internal security in the organization while eliminating the risk factors related to decision-making.

Furthermore, in the context of the presented internal threat, the role of security cannot be underestimated, as it has a vehement connection with the functioning of other activities in the firm including accounting, risk assessment, auditing, continuity of the business, and the emergency management. Security monitors and controls the changes in the risks associated with these activities, and it helps avoid the negative consequences of the related risk assessment (Bertino 47). The factors mentioned above determine the vitality of the security’s function in relation to the company’s procedures while making it an important element of the company’s success.

The analysis presented above revealed that every organization has a tendency to face a plethora of internal and external threats, which have an adverse influence on profitability. Nonetheless, the lack of data security is the most disturbing aspect of the company’s stability since the electronic data is stored in every department to ensure the flow of information between different levels of subordination. Consequently, the security has to be prioritized, as it protects the organization from adverse internal and external influences.

How can the quality of purchasing decisions impact a security executive and the protection program?

The decision-making process is a complicated mechanism while the quality of the decisions is dependent “on the accurate assessment and intelligence exploitation of the knowledge” (Shahbazian and Rogova 104). Meanwhile, it remains apparent that these aspects have an impact on the functioning of the protection program and the actions of the security executive, as the decision-making processes have a connection with the maintenance of security in the organization. Consequently, in the context of these questions, it is critical to determine the correlation of the quality of the decision-making with the various threats, prudent purchasing decisions, and the security operations of other departments.

Insufficient decision-making, which lacks the “assessment and threat analysis”, will increase the vulnerability of the company’s position in the market by increasing the external threats related to the intensity of the competition and internal intricacies associated with the leakage of confidential information (Sullivant 112). In this case, the protection strategy changes its initial emphasis depending on the arising typology of threats.

For instance, the leakage of the information will be the primary initiator in increasing security control and conducting an investigation. Meanwhile, the changes in the external environment have to be monitored by using continuous assessment of its fluctuations. Consequently, the quality of the decision will impact the presence of particular threats while altering the overall organization’s security and strategy.

As it was mentioned earlier, the decision-making process is connected to the intensity of the occurrence of the threats and the stages involved in the protection tactics. Nonetheless, the well-developed decision-making and purchasing approaches have some drawbacks and disadvantages, as they do not consider the overall process from dissimilar angles, and the prudent strategies have the recommending nature (Easttom n.pag). Meanwhile, the investigation of the organization assists in eliminating the negative consequences of wrongful decision decision-making. In this case, a combination of these aspects cannot be underestimated, as it has an advantageous impact on the formation of the right strategy.

Meanwhile, it has to be depicted that security function and decision-making procedure have an effect on the development of other departments due to the domination of electronic data for the maintenance of the information flow and online data sharing (Linkov and LaPorte 54). Consequently, the quality of the decision-making patterns has an impact on the excellence of the provided products and services of the company due to the interdependence of the aspects and their substantial impact on the overall success and profitability.

The purchasing decisions have a tendency to define the overall protection program of the organization, as they imply the presence of particular threats, which can affect the development of the organization adversely. Meanwhile, it remains apparent that the decision-making practices influence the protection strategies and actions of a security professional due to the domination of different types of threats. Lastly, the investigation and monitoring could decrease the adverse outcomes of the wrongful decision-making while determining the initial reason for the issue and minimize its occurrence in future in similar situations.

Works Cited

Bertino, Elisa. Data Protection from the Insider Threats. San Rafael: Morgan and Claypool Publishers LLC, 2012. Print.

Burrill, David, and Kevin Green. Value from Security. Central Milton Keyes: AuthorHouse UK Ltd., 2011. Print.

Easttom, William. Computer Security Fundamentals. New York: Pearson Education, 2016. Print.

Griffin, Ricky. Fundamentals of Management. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2015. Print.

Linkov, Faina and Ronald LaPorte. Scientific Networking and the Global Health Network Supercource. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2006. Print.

Monzczka, Robert, Robert Handfield, Larry Giunipero, James Patterson, and Donald Waters. Purchasing and supply chain management. Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010, Print.

Shahbazian, Elisa, and Galina Rogova. Human Systems Integration to Enhance Maritime Domain Awareness for Port/Harbor Security. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008. Print.

Sullivant, John. Building a Corporate Culture of Security: Strategies Strengthening Organizational Resiliency. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 19). Complex Mechanism of Organizational Security.

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"Complex Mechanism of Organizational Security." IvyPanda, 19 Aug. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Complex Mechanism of Organizational Security'. 19 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Complex Mechanism of Organizational Security." August 19, 2020.

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