The field in which I work is criminal law. It attracts me by its intricacies and complexities, which make it more interesting to solve criminal cases. Moreover, that there are many controversies and studies on the subject of criminal law, which develops every day. In addition, personal preferences are on the side of more complex types of research, so I prefer to perform tasks that require more activity and involvement in the process (Olson, 2016 C.E.). The topic of my study is criminal justice in relation to the number of criminals in the United States. The main goal of my work is to build evidence that the number of criminals is not proportional to the severity of the crime and that despite a large number of crimes, not all of them can be treated as criminal.
The problem with this study is that many people believe that the most dangerous regions or countries are those in which crimes occur more often than in other places. However, this type of crimes includes petty theft and other minor misdemeanors. Therefore, in order to form a coherent picture of the danger of a region, it is necessary to consider the seriousness of the crime. It is important to prove that the threat depends not on the number of criminals but on the severity of the crime. Since all such crimes are under the sphere of influence of criminal law, they are interrelated, and the study of one aspect implies the use of the other.
Concerning methodology, quantitative methods of data analysis will primarily be used. The main goal of the research is to establish a pattern between the severity of the crime and the number of offenders in order to determine the most dangerous regions in the United States. Thus, it turns out that it is necessary to establish a numerical value rather than using qualitative survey data. Also, despite the large number of studies related to this topic, their quality needs to improve with each such work. This is related primarily to people’s perceptions of the criminal world and its construction, which cannot be considered sufficient for a total theoretical basis of the problem considered in this work.
Adding to the above-mentioned factors, it is worth noting that despite the number of works that exist on the topic of crime severity, most of them use qualitative analysis and data collection. Therefore, it is vital to have more alternative ways of obtaining data and, based on them, to formulate a different point of view, which may differ from the generally accepted one (Olson, 201 C.E.). Thus, the study to be worked on refers to the use of other methodologies and, as a result, may have different conclusions, which will affect the field of investigation and stereotyping in general. It is essential to understand that finding information in this regard can be difficult because this type of research is radically different from what is generally accepted. It can also be challenging to find the correct data for the report since it is impossible to visit all of the places that the study will be about. However, using the figures provided in the reports, this difficulty can be neutralized and used in the course of my work and for future research in general.
Olson, L. M. (2016 C.E.). Criminal justice students and sexual prejudice. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 28(3), 428–440.