The Purpose Driven Youth Ministry book by Doug Fields is an easy-to-read compilation of chapters targeting young children, youths and religious leaders. Fields primarily introduce the reader to Chapter 2 on a crucial insight of developing and communicating a purpose statement for the youth ministry. According to Fields, whenever there is an apparent statement, religious leaders will manage to comprehend the value of the programs, make use of volunteers and give direction for the learner’s spiritual growth. He as well indicates a purpose statement that will create more associations in church. Going after a purpose statement implies establishing the target group.
Fields introduce another valuable insight in Chapter 2, which entails a rounded approach to establishing members with little commitment and those with high commitment in church. According to Fields, this round system is adjustable to a cone-shaped figure. It is an intention of demonstrating that, with a purpose campaign approach, a number of learners will give up more willingly than move to the subsequent stage of devotion. Fields indicate that, in his career as a youth leader, he has never come across anyone going up against this rounded approach of devotion or his funnel figure approach.
It is also evident that the role of the parent in the life of a youth in the church is present in Chapter 4 of the book. Fields break down an inspiring chapter about working as a team with parents. He asserts that youth ministry did not find parents or home necessary in spiritual growth a long time ago. From his argument, he points out that the learner’s responsibility in spiritual growth is useful, but the responsibility of parents is vital.
From Fields’ book, I have acquired crucial insights of immediate and future importance in my life and ministry. For instance, the insight of developing and communicating a purpose statement for the youth ministry is creating focus in everyone’s life in the church. From this insight, I am capable of establishing the value of every religious event in and out of the church. Above all, this insight boosts my devotion to church and ministry. Consequently, I grow spiritually since I understand the need for righteousness and spirituality.
The rounded approach that Fields describes is an insight that helps me formulate significant commitment in Christ and the church. Above all, the cone-shaped approach makes me struggle not to fall out of the stages of righteousness. This makes me comprehend that the journey of righteousness is not easy, and I can make it to the top with spiritual sacrifices and prayer. I can relate the two figures as real or earthly challenges that the ministry and its followers go through while seeking deliverance. Upon holding tight on the stages, both the ministry and the followers end up developing a true commitment with the Almighty God.
Finally, the role of the parents in the life of a youth in the church has a significant impact on my life. Parents need to play a leading role to their children in and out of the church. Consequently, whenever the youth form groups with their parents, a never-ending devotion to the ministry develops. Above all, as a youth, I am a learner of spiritual growth and I will appreciate the value of righteousness in an equal presence of a spiritual leader and my parents.
Fields, Doug. Purpose Driven Youth Ministry. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998.