My culture has greatly influenced my perception of the world. Parents from early childhood taught me the importance of equality. In my family, respect for other people, regardless of their characteristics, is a traditional value that is passed through the generations. Thus, I was taught to respect different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds. Life in the USA allowed me to communicate with people of different races and religions. Whenever I met with disrespect or rejection of people on certain grounds, I defended the offended because I respect equality.
Cultural humility allows people to look at themselves from the outside, evaluate their cultural biases, understand them, and work through them. Cultural humility makes it possible to understand personal attitudes towards another religion, gender, nationality, or culture (Foronda, 2019). The cultural competence concept is based on the ability of a person to interact with people of other cultures. It refers to attention, respect, and readiness to understand opinions, perceptions, or other aspects different from one’s own.
Implicit bias is based on already formed stereotypes, opinions, and other attitudes of a person. This bias triggers an immediate reaction to other members of society based on past experience or established opinions. Oppression involves acting against other people, such as those of a different race or culture. This includes harming other people based on one’s own wishes or judgment.
Privilege implies a special right or status of a person in relation to others. For example, in the past, people with light skin were initially considered privileged over those with dark skin. Over time, such social attitudes begin to disappear. However, the fact that I have associations with this issue of the past is based on life in the United States, where the problem was relevant. In this way, cultural settings are transmitted through historical and national events. Intersectionality allows studying the social and evaluative attitudes of a person, because of which he discriminates or, on the contrary, treats certain demographic characteristics with the privilege.
To be included in the course:
- Equality
- Multiculturalism
- Social Identity
Foronda, C. (2019). A theory of cultural humility.Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 31(1), 7-12. Web.