The first method of preserving and conserving forests is the planned and regulated cutting of trees as there should be a pre-determined plan of cutting before it occurs to ensure that some areas remain preserved. Besides, there should be more control over forests fires by adopting latest firefighting techniques and the proper use of forest products and trees overall. For example, there is a practice of making forests into ‘national parks’ or ‘game sanctuaries,’ which can be an effective conservational method. Finally, more control over the areas of forests intended to be cleared for agriculture.
Education is among the most effective ways for saving forests from being cut down (Butler, 2020). The public debate and education on the issue is important because the global population has to acknowledge and understand its role in the loss of forests. Education is imperative because it will help learn more about the environment and enhance the overall ecological awareness of the population. In rainforest countries, more control should be given to the public as to whether forests should be cut down for economic benefit since there are Indigenous people who depend on the ecosystems for survival.
Despite the challenges of deforestation, the problem can be mitigated through the application of several solutions. It is important to establish policies and regulations that will enforce strict rules and laws controlling the cutting down of trees. Forests’ clear-cutting should be banned for curbing the total depletion of the forest cover while reforestation can help recover the vicinity of urban areas with newly-planted trees. On a larger scale, it is important to reduce the consumption of paper and engage in raising awareness of the issue to strengthen the actions for addressing it.
Ethical Perspectives
Media outlets regularly cover the latest news on deforestation in their environment-dedicated columns, with news spanning globally (The Guardian, 2022). State policies are passed for the preservation and protection of public forests by US Forest Service (USFS) to reduce the risks of forest exploitation. Thus, there is general public awareness that deforestation causes environmental issues. However, there are supporters of deforestation that see forests as resources necessary for the survival of the human population. According to them, forests have to be cut for economic stability and wellness, especially among lower-income economies.
Positive-Negative Balance
In the case of deforestation, in the balance between the positive and negative outcomes, the negative ones prevail because the adverse impact is long-term and, to reverse it, the same number of trees cut down needs to be planted, which is nearly impossible. To balance the negatives, the positive outcomes of deforestation include the production of usable materials, freeing space for industrialization and farming, the creation of job opportunities, and allowing for generating revenue. However, the negative outcomes prevail because forest is a limited resource, and its elimination leads to wildlife extinction and drought development due to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Personal Impact
Individual contributions matter, and there are actions that can be put in place to reduce the adverse impact of deforestations. A person can plant a tree where it is possible or choose to go paperless at their home and/or office. It is important to buy products made from recycled paper or wood and recycle them again instead of trashing them. It is also recommended to avoid using palm oil or products containing palm oil. Finally, individuals can participate in raising awareness of the problem of deforestation in their local community and support businesses that are dedicated to reducing deforestation.
Butler, R. A. (2020). Saving rainforests through education. Web.
Chand, S. (n.d.). Forest conservation: Useful methods for forest conservation. Web.
The Guardian. (2022). Deforestation.The Guardian. Web.