Desktop Virtualization Research Methodologies Essay

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Preparing on how to talk about data

When preparing how to talk about data there is number of factors that determine what to discuss. To gather reliable data one has to consider aspects such as the statements as well as the methodologies. In this case, the research is on the problems encountered because of computer virtualization technology in an organization.

It is important to use various methods to gather the data and make it relevant. These methods of data collection are very important because the data gathered help to make valid conclusion of the research. The first method is having clear objectives on what the research is about (Schram, 2006).

Decision-making on what the research is about helps to identify the scope of the research. The scope or the locus of the research is the place or the context in which the research will take place. In the desktop virtualization research, the project must take place in a context where the organization uses desktop virtualization technology.

The context of the research must be predetermined to ensure that the scope of the research has the required data. It will be difficult to conduct the research in a place where there is no desktop virtualization technology (Schram, 2006).

To gather information on desktop virtualization and its challenges the researcher must formulate questionnaires that will gather both qualitative as well as quantitative data. The statement in the hypothesis forms the basis of the statements used to gather the data.

The statements contained in the questionnaires must reflect familiarity with the environment to ensure that they fall within the theoretical framework of the research (Donnelly & Trochim, 2008).

In the argument spontaneous statements and naturally occurring statements from the respondents will be perceived as authentic statements although they were not previously in the research questions as they present unanticipated information that will provide more information on the patterns, and viewpoints of the people working in a desktop virtualization setting.

In case of a shared response promoted by my comments the responses will be treated as the respondent’s response and the researcher only serves as a facilitator of the response.

Other than familiarity with the context of the research, the fieldwork will be successful when the respondent is involved directly in the research process like through working in the organization that it is using desktop virtualization to identify the challenges (Schram, 2006).

Anticipating ethical challenges

There are ethical challenges in the course of the research. The first one is on the routes of accessing the information as a fieldwork researcher. In the desktop virtualization, the participants are the employees who use the technology as well as the managers. To access the participants, the managers are informed of the intended research.

This is because conducting the research without informing them will be unethical. The managers have the authority to lead the employees and some of them may not disclose the information pertaining to the research without the consent of their seniors. Guaranteeing the participants of the privacy of their responses will play a major role as a matter of ethical concern.

When communicating to the managers, informing them of the research and the potential benefits of conducting the research in the organization will make it easy to get their approval unlike in a scenario where they do not recognize the potential benefits of the research.

How the study will demonstrate validity, integrity, and ethical principles

The relevant information on desktop virtualization as a field research is obtained through a number of issues that are considered to ensure that the participants perceive someone as a researcher. However, this is challenging, as some of the participants may not give valid data because they do not trust the researcher.

The participants should be informed that the data collected is for the purposes of the research and will not affect them. While conducting the research I shall cooperate with the participants by allowing them to express themselves and providing the required attention. Conversations on other issues unrelated to the research will assist (Donnelly & Trochim, 2008).

In the process of conducting the research, it is likely that the researchers are going to take into consideration the various aspects of the research. Maintaining a journal to describe experiences in the process of research may serve as a good documentation of the research work.

Having questionnaires for the busy technicians who may not have time to chat and give their views on focus groups or a conversation will certainly help in gathering credible information (Schram, 2006). To give the work validity, it is imperative to be aware of personal biases and their effect on the outcome of the research.

In the case of the research on desktop virtualization, biases such as predetermined outcome on how energy is wasted may arise although that is not always the case.

The temptation to shut down the monitors or inform the management of the need to shut down the monitors in the organization when they are not in use will interfere with the validity as well as the integrity of the research. Therefore, when conducting the research informing the participant of their shortcomings or an area in need of improvement before making the data will be necessary (Patton, 2002).

The major ethical principle that the research will adhere to is guaranteeing the clients or the organization privacy of the research conducted. Our study’s privacy will affect the organizations that use desktop virtualization technology more than the individuals who will work in the organization.

This is because it is difficult to balance the need for privacy of the organization and the publicity of the research findings. Signing an agreement prior to the research will be a way of guaranteeing the organization the much-needed privacy in the operations. However, the agreement should allow use of the information for academic research purposes (Donnelly & Trochim, 2008).

Preliminary qualitative data analysis and reporting plan

This is a plan of analyzing the data collected from the qualitative research on the field to suit the research design. The research in this case is the fieldwork analysis of an organization that uses the desktop virtualization technology. This will lead to formulation of a case study of the particular company explaining how the company uses its power and the advantages as well as the disadvantages of using the technology.

The data from the qualitative analysis will be in the form of case study and the analysis of methodologies will involve obtaining information from the case study. The research is made authentic through conducting it in two different organizations. Although it is difficult to conduct the two studies, information and patterns derived from the two cases will help to analyze and make deductions from the case studies (Shank, 2006).

One of the data coding techniques in this research on desktop virtualization is mapping. This is providing a graphical representation of the organizations desktop virtualization flow. The maps show the networking of the machines and the location of the mainframe computers that acts as the server to the monitors.

Depicting the information using maps will be appropriate to the study and will provide information on whether the locations have any effect on security and the spacing issues (Schram, 2006).

Hypothesis testing will also apply in this research, as there is already a hypothesis. Desktop Virtualization has a negative impact on the computing resources management and desktop Virtualization reduces the cost of operations. It will analyze the aspects of the organization that deal with resource management as well as how the resource management affects the organizations procedure and work.

Formulating methods and questions that the participants answer to either support or oppose the hypothesis is an important approach. The null hypothesis methods will apply in coding the data (Schram, 2006).

The other pattern of imperative use is the relevant pattern discernment. When analyzing patterns the focus is on recurrence of certain behaviors and words during the research process. When investigating the desktop virtualizations there are patterns that may reoccur such as the time of using the machines and the individuals who operate the machines.

The identification of efficiency of the technology in the organizations will be through the occurrence of technical problems associated with the desktop virtualization.

The other pattern that may reoccur is how the employees feel about the technology whether it assists them in terms of privacy of their work or not. Such patterns will mean a lot in the research coding of impact of desktop virtualization on the organization’s resources (Shank, 2006).


Donnelly, J. & Trochim, W. (2008). The research methods knowledge base. Ohio: Cengage

Patton, M. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods. California: Sage Publications.

Schram, T. (2006). Conceptualizing and proposing qualitative research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Shank, G. (2006). Qualitative research: A personal skills approach. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 20). Desktop Virtualization Research Methodologies.

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"Desktop Virtualization Research Methodologies." IvyPanda, 20 May 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Desktop Virtualization Research Methodologies'. 20 May.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Desktop Virtualization Research Methodologies." May 20, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Desktop Virtualization Research Methodologies." May 20, 2019.


IvyPanda. "Desktop Virtualization Research Methodologies." May 20, 2019.

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