Major Deliverables for the Project
The major deliverables are:
- Sufficient number of soccer fields to host the tournament
- Sufficient funds to successfully conduct the soccer tournament
- Favorable conditions for the tournament
These deliverables may be achieved if the committee considers all possible details important for the project (see fig.1).

Developing WBS to Alleviate Problems that Occurred during the First Meeting
Developing a WBS would help Nicolette avoid the problems experienced during the first meeting by enabling her to have objective targets that need to be achieved for successful completion of the tournament. The WBS would help her identify the main objective of the tournament and the expected deliverables. From these, she would be able to objectively identify the processes and programs that need to be developed to ensure the successful implementation of the activities of the tournament. Use of the WBS would also enable her to develop an objective timeline for the achievement of the deliverables desired. This would ensure the efficient utilization of time and other resources available for the tournament, ultimately ensuring that the tournament is carried out successfully.
The problems experienced during the first meeting would be thus dealt with effectively. Time wastage due to the discussion of issues unrelated to the objectives of the tournament would be avoided (Larson and Gray 124). Allocation of specific duties to committee members by virtue of their specialities would be possible, all geared towards the achievement of the objectives set out for the tournament.
Where Additional Information Can Be Found
Additional information on the use of WBS to assist in the planning of the tournament can be obtained from scholarly journals that extensively detail the use of the work breakdown structure in projects. Books on the same topic would also be hardy in gathering the information relevant for the successful implementation of a project through the use of the work breakdown structure.
Another relevant source of information on the use of the WBS would be individuals who have experience using the system. Project managers in consultancy firms would be the ideal people to consult in this case and would provide information relevant of how the tournament can be successfully run through the use of the WBS. From such experienced individuals, information based on actual real life project management through the use of the system can be obtained.
How WBS Can Be Used to Generate Cost Estimates for the Tournament
The use of the work breakdown structure requires that all the resources that will be used in a certain project to be accounted for. This includes financial, time and human resources. To obtain the cost estimates of hosting the tournament, the various activities under the deliverables of the project have their costs estimated accordingly. The costs of each activity will be determined by the budgetary allocations of the financial resources available for use for the tournament. In this way, the most objective adjustments will be possible for each activity to enable the development of a definitive cost estimate for the project. These estimates will enable the development of the most appropriate budget for the tournament, based on the available financial resources. The cost estimates may also be useful in determining the sources of funding for the project.
Works Cited
Larson, Eric and Clifford Gray. Project Management: The Managerial Process. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2010. Print.