Adolescence is a period of individual and interpersonal identity-building when various roles, behaviors, and ideas are examined. Identity formation is a stage of developmental outcomes. For most people, the search for identity begins in adolescence. Adolescents are more receptive to putting on new habits and characteristics throughout these years in order to find who they are. Adolescents are expected to pass through a variety of personalities in order to obtain one that perfectly serves them in their quest to uncover their identity and understand who they are.
Adolescence is understood as a period of human ontogenetic development between childhood and maturity. It covers a long period of life: it starts at 11-12 years old and ends at 17-19 years old. The onset of adolescence entails an increase in secondary sexual characteristics. In the early stage of adolescence, girls start menstruating; boys experience voice changes. Due to the rapid development, the body experiences difficulties in the work of the heart, lungs, and blood supply to the brain. It is a vulnerable time for a teenager of any age range. In adolescence, the emotional background is erratic and unstable, especially in the middle stage. In connection with the rapid growth and restructuring of the body, teenagers experience an intense interest in appearance. A new image of the physical “self” strongly affects the behavior and social perceptions of a person. The late stage of adolescence is characterized by a more stable hormonal and emotional background, influencing decency of social adaptation and resolution of internal conflict.
Tanner Stages, also related to Sexual Maturity Ranking (SMR), is an impartial categorization system used by clinicians to record and monitor the evolution and sequencing of children’s secondary sexual characteristics throughout puberty. Marshall and Tanner created it while performing longitudinal research in England. They devised different scales for the maturation of sexual organs based on empirical data. This research directly studies the biological maturation of a person.