Although the name of the servant leadership type presupposes being lower than others, this is not quite true. One can both express servitude and possess strong leadership features at the same time (Leadershipahoy!, 2020). At the core of servant leadership is the desire to improve people rather than the endeavor to focus on one’s own gains. Servant leadership behaviors include enhancing one’s emotional intelligence and empathy, concentrating on developing the subordinates, engaging in active listening, working on one’s persuasion skills and big picture thinking, and striving to promote one’s community.
The roles of the servant leader are highly important for the followers since the latter can see how valuable their development is to their leader. As a result, each member of a team will strive to do their best to promote their department’s or organization’s success. When a leader develops their empathetic and emotional intelligence skills, the subordinates will work in a harmonious environment where they will not be afraid to express their suggestions or share their negative emotions or experiences. A leader who is an active listener will never miss an interesting or useful idea given by the subordinates. Neither will such a leader miss out on an opportunity to support someone who is experiencing personal or professional difficulties. When a leader focuses on developing their people’s skills, employees will be immersed in their work to the fullest, interested in self-development, and willing to dedicate their time and efforts to the company’s success.
Possessing persuasion skills and big picture thinking will enable the leader to convince their team members of the usefulness or inappropriateness of some options. Furthermore, servant leaders do their best to plan ahead with minimal losses to their company and people. Finally, servant leaders endeavor to develop their community, which is a noble and beneficial feature. When employees are interested not only in their company’s but also in their outer environment’s flourishment, they will benefit themselves, their families, and their organization simultaneously. Therefore, even if a servant leader does not place himself or herself on the highest position, they still manage to gain the most useful outcomes for everyone.
Leadershipahoy! (2020).Servant leadership! How to become a good servant leader? Is servant leadership the right choice? [Video]. YouTube.