Modern emissions of greenhouse pollutants from petroleum fuel burning, deforestation, and agriculture sector activities have resulted in worldwide overheating and climatic changes throughout the Industrial Era. Rising temperatures, variations in weather patterns, alterations in the occurrence and dispersion of meteorological catastrophes like wildfires, thunderstorms, flooding, extreme weather, and rising sea levels are all expected changes in the climate. Many experts believe that climate change will have catastrophic consequences for people and ecosystems and that it constitutes an ultimate danger to society. Numerous organizations across the globe have engaged in activities to reduce the impact of climate change. Undertaking some of these activities requires a lot of finances that have seen governments setting aside funds to help in the budgeting and planning of the institutions. This review concentrates on providing activities that small groups with low budgets engage in to revert the climate issue.
Change of climate implies a deviation in the planet’s inherent conditions. During the previous couple of years, climatic change has grown into a worldwide crisis. In addition, these climatic variations have various consequences on life in the universe. Climate change exerts a range of impacts on the environment and ecosystems. A multitude of vegetation and wildlife populations have become endangered due to these climate alterations (Fawzy et al., 2020). Various organizations worldwide are engaging in activities that target to conserve the environment so that they can make the universe a better place for the coming generations.
There are many big governmental and non-governmental organizations worldwide that play a role in protecting the environment. Organizations such as Fauna and Flora International have a duty to safeguard endangered ecosystems and species (“Saving threatened species,” n.d.). Groups like Earth Island Institute and Earth Justice have huge budgets that enable organizations to offer individuals and other institutions financial aid to establish environmental conservation initiatives. However, small groups with low budgets can participate and play crucial roles in making the world environmentally friendly. This essay focuses on providing activities like advertising cleaning beaches, sending letters to politicians and mobilizing communities that small institutions can engage in, despite having little or no funds.
Advertising Cleaning Beaches
Beaches contribute to climate change reduction and a variation of leisure ventures. Beaches safeguard inhabitants who live along the coastline by serving as a cushion from strong currents and storms caused by major disasters. They assist in generating socio-economic development in the region. The beaches serve as long-term accommodations for several creatures and flora. The coastal habitat is the residence to various types of marine species. Although, since they are microns in size or submerged in the sands, most organisms are invisible to the human eye (Bilgili et al., 2019). These microorganisms contribute a vital function in recycling nutrients and purification in saltwater.
Advertising for cleaning beaches does not require a massive budget in planning; therefore, small groups can participate in the process. The group selects a coordinator to keep all activities in check for the team’s success. Coordinators may visit the beach earlier and set up stations where individuals leave recyclables and trash. The group can take photos and share them on various social networks to enlighten the public on locations to put away the garbage (Krebs, 2019). Furthermore, the group can create and strategically place posters and signs on the beach that educate people on the importance of keeping the site clean.
Letters To Politicians
Recognizing the magnitude of the climate issue, comprehensive government regulation is required to attain a significant, long-term decrease in global greenhouse gas emissions and aid in strengthening environmental vulnerability throughout the global economy. Even in the lack of a coherent commonwealth policy, the national governments may assist communities, regions, and businesses in making advances (Wood, 2021). To combat climate catastrophe, politicians have a variety of policy measures at their disposal. Sending letters to policymakers on climate and environmental conservation matters is inexpensive, and any group with a low budget can adopt the method.
Politicians can implement laws that aim at safeguarding the environment, thereby limiting the effect of climate change. Governments can stop using fossil fuels such as gas, coal, and oil, which produce hazardous products, and invest in clean, renewable energy sources like geothermal, wind, and solar power. Laws that require citizens to switch to electric vehicles reduce air pollution (Howe et al., 2019). In addition, politicians can debate motions requiring citizens to shift to consuming more dairy products than meat as it will improve farming, thereby protecting the environment. Politicians want to stay in power and be reelected, and companies will fall without customers; therefore, writing letters about conserving the environment and demanding action is a powerful method of making change.
Organizing Green Events on Online Platforms
The world is growing and turning digitally at a fast rate due to new technologies, including online platforms. Organizing conferences and meetings through online streamlining services are relatively cheap, and the information quickly reaches the public. The coronavirus outbreak gave rise to digital communication, and citizens across the globe are still embracing the new system. These small groups with low budgets can engage in the organization of online meetings to campaign for ways to reverse climate change (Mavrodieva et al., 2019). Consistency and dedication play a significant role in attracting people to digital conferences and creating a solid audience that helps get the information out to the public.
Podcasts and zoom meetings are platforms that the small group can employ to make the world environmentally friendly. The groups can tackle different topics daily like the importance of harvesting rainwater, recycling programs, the significance of using automated building management systems, and the effects of fossil fuels on the surrounding. Such meetings educate people allowing them to acknowledge the effects climate change has on their daily lives (Tuitjer & Dirksmeier, 2021). Furthermore, the group can engage with famous individuals in different communities to aid in attracting people to listen to their online sessions. Online communication has reduced costs, and it is a quicker and easier way of getting information to individuals across the world.
Mobilizing Society
The way individuals live and associate together in communities plays a significant role in tackling the climate crisis. Deliberating and taking measures at the local level assists in combating climate change and establishes the capacity to recover quickly from the effects of climate. Society requires sensitization of the environment and ways to fight the challenges. Marshaling communities is an activity that does not require vast amounts of money and can be undertaken by small groups (Bullard, 2019). The small institutions can hold campaigns in different communities to provide better behaviors to the residents for tackling the climate issue.
Raising awareness, educating, and inspiring individuals on the daily human activities that impact the local surrounding and the world can reduce and change their routine to safeguard the environment. The groups can engage with the community leadership to spearhead and rally the members to participate in the process (Tol, 2020). Furthermore, the small groups can develop a formal system that can successfully guide behavioral change and help coordinate the activities. The community members should be involved in decision-making and appointed to take up roles and responsibilities in the programs.
In conclusion, climate change is an acute international problem that requires immediate universal intervention. If communities take bold initiative immediately, there is undoubtedly room to avert the harshest effects of climate disasters. Climatological changing will impact individuals all across the planet, including accessibility to freshwater, agricultural supply, healthcare, and the ecosystem. Thousands of individuals may face starvation, resource depletion, and coastal floods as the universe heats. The ecosystem has certainly been affected by widespread environmental issues. Glaciers have receded, ice on streams and reservoirs has broken up prematurely, animals’ and plants’ habitats have altered, and plants have begun to bloom relatively early.
Humanity should release fewer climate-warming greenhouse emissions, such as carbon dioxide, whereas removing extra carbon from the air helps to avoid permanent damage to the world’s life processes. This will necessitate a rapid and major shift to cleaner and sustainable energy resources. Even when the globe ceases utilizing fossil fuels entirely, humans would not be able to avoid a much worse outcome unless they reverse the degradation of carbon-absorbing environments like forests. Although the consequences of people’s actions on planet’s weather patterns to the present are irrevocable in the timeframe of today’s humanity, every action taken to prevent the future rise in temperature amounts to less heating that might possibly endure indefinitely.
There exist numerous ways in which small groups with low budgets can engage in and try to conserve the environment to stop the climate crisis. Engaging in activities such as advertising cleaning beaches and mobilizing the community members on the significance of cleaning the environment are cheap ways of reversing climate change. Writing letters to politicians demanding better environmental laws to be implemented and organizing online meetings create awareness of the climate issue and are inexpensive. Small ecological groups can take part in these activities to achieve their objectives.
Bilgili, M. S., Adar, E. & Yildiz, S. (2019). Characterization of waste collected from beaches, coastlines, marine surface cleaning processed and ships: A case study of Istanbul. The Journal of Sustainable Circular Economy, 37(6), 134-172.
Bullard, R. D. (2019). Dumping in Dixie: Race, class, and environmental quality (3rd ed.). Routledge.
Fawzy, S., Osman, A. I., Doran, J., & Rooney, D. W. (2020). Strategies for mitigation of climate change: A review.Environmental Chemistry Letters, 18(1), 2069-2094. Web.
Howe, P. D., Marlon, J. R., Mildenberger, M., & Shield, B. S. (2019). How will climate change shape climate opinion?Environmental Research Letters, 14(11), 27-48. Web.
Krebs, J. (2019). Promising pictures: Depicting, advertising, instructing. Phenomenology and Mind, 17, 112-120.
Mavrodieva, A. V., Rachmann, O. K., Harhap, V. B., & Shaw, R. (2019). Role of social media as a soft power tool in raising public awareness and engagement in addressing climate change. Climate, 7(10), 122.
Saving threatened species. (n.d.). Fauna & Flora International. Web.
Tol, R. S. J. (2020). The economic impacts of climate change. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 12(1), 214-248.
Tuitjer, L., & Dirksmeier, P. (2021). Social media and perceived climate change efficacy: A European comparison. Digital Geography and Society, 2, 49-55.
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