An emergency is always considerable stress for a person because of unexpected problems and a need for immediate actions. Thus, being a loved one of the patient, it is difficult to communicate with a physician in the way presented in the video (Caiticat141, 2011).
First, it makes you confused as the previous plan is not topical anymore, and a new course of action is needed. Second, you should accept responsibility for a recent decision suggested by a specialist not having time to discuss it with the loved one. The pressure from the therapist, in this case, contributes to the growth of anxiety, stress level, and fear because of the unclear situation and possible complications resulting from the adherence to the new birth plan. In such a way, in the communication course, you start to feel helpless and confused.
On the other hand, being a physician means correctly realize the need for specific actions that will help to save a child and a mother. For this reason, the first thought is to offer the most effective care that will be able to solve the problem and avoid its further deterioration. It preconditions the manner of behavior and communication as the specialist is responsible for the result, and as against the patient, he realizes high risks associated with delays or inappropriate treatment (Van Servellen, 2008). That is why there is anxiety because of the possible deterioration of the situation and high risks that can lead to the death of a child or a mother. Additionally, there is nervousness and anger as the patients do not accept the only practical course of action that can help them.
Caiticat141. (2011). Knocked up – Doctor/patient communication [Video file]. Web.
Van Servellen, G. (2008). Communication skills for the health care professional: Concepts, practice, and evidence (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.