DPI Strategy Implementation in the Present-Day Environment: Disruptive Innovation Saves the Day Report

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Introduction: Disruptive Innovation as the Path to Ultimate Success

It has already crossed the minds of the most prominent people, not only in the field of business and management, but also in other areas, that the learning process is, in fact, unceasing; starting from the point of one’s birth, the process of gaining and processing the obtained information goes on till the very end of one’s existence.

However, it has been only since recently that the idea of disruptive innovation process, which actually is continuous learning, should be applied to the sphere of business. Applying the DPI strategy to a specific organization, one can possibly learn more about the impressive prospects behind the DPI strategy.

DPI Strategy Implementation: The Steps to Be Taken

To start with, there are several steps which must be taken to implement the DPI strategy.

High Adoption: Absorbing New Ideas Momentarily

According to Oshri and Kotlarsky, the key specifics of the DPI strategy implemented the right way is the increase of the level of adoption within the organization; as the authors claim, the organization is bound to accept the changes willingly and adapt to these changes, developing and using these changes to become even more powerful: “Adoption of a change new to an organization and to the relevant environment” is their definition of innovation as DPI presupposes it (Oshri & Kotlarsky, 2010, p. 157).

Using all the benefits of the changes and making the negative effects even less noticeable, a company is highly likely to enter a new level of development. Thus, one can observe DPI strategy in its full force.

Internal Capability as the Key Asset: The Power within

Another way in which the DPI can affect an organization in the most efficient way is setting of the company’s internal capability. Making the organization fulfill its potential, the DPI strategy will make the leader of the organization, as well as its members, realize what the company is capable of.

Thus, the limits for the company’s capacity will be set and the danger of overestimating the organization’s capabilities will be driven to nil.

Oshri and Kotlarsky define the internal capability in the following way: “A high-level routine (or collection of routines) that, together with its implementing input flows, confers upon an organization’s management a set of decision options for producing significant outputs of a particular type” (Oshri & Kotlarsky, 2010, p. 158).

Market Senses and Future Perspective

In addition to the above-mentioned effects which the PDI is bound to have on the development of a certain company, it can also be suggested that the given strategy will help to “sense” the market to avoid numerous mistakes.

As Anthony, Johnson, Sinfield & Altman (2008) explain, “An incremental improvement in an existing market cannot be just measured, monitored, and managed as if it were a bold new strategy in an emerging market” (p. xiii).

Hence, with the DPI approach, one can do what used to be impossible, i.e. “sense” the market tendencies. Likewise, the future perspectives can be foreseen with the help of DPI.

Conclusion: Watching the DPI Strategy Applied to Practice

Therefore, it can be concluded that the DPI innovation system is bound to boost company development. Once the new idea is implemented wisely, one can be sure that the results will be quite fruitful.

However, as it has been mentioned, the type and method of innovation matter as well, which means that the choice of the DPI strategy must be taken with all due responsibility.

Reference List

Anthony, S D, Johnson, M W, Sinfield, J V, & Altman, E J, 2008. The innovator’s guide to growth: putting disruptive innovation to work. Boston, MA, Harvard Business Press.

Oshri, I & Kotlarsky, J 2010, Global sourcing of information technology and business processes, Springer, Switzerland.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 26). DPI Strategy Implementation in the Present-Day Environment: Disruptive Innovation Saves the Day. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dpi-strategy-implementation-in-the-present-day-environment-disruptive-innovation-saves-the-day/

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"DPI Strategy Implementation in the Present-Day Environment: Disruptive Innovation Saves the Day." IvyPanda, 26 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/dpi-strategy-implementation-in-the-present-day-environment-disruptive-innovation-saves-the-day/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'DPI Strategy Implementation in the Present-Day Environment: Disruptive Innovation Saves the Day'. 26 June.


IvyPanda. 2019. "DPI Strategy Implementation in the Present-Day Environment: Disruptive Innovation Saves the Day." June 26, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dpi-strategy-implementation-in-the-present-day-environment-disruptive-innovation-saves-the-day/.

1. IvyPanda. "DPI Strategy Implementation in the Present-Day Environment: Disruptive Innovation Saves the Day." June 26, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dpi-strategy-implementation-in-the-present-day-environment-disruptive-innovation-saves-the-day/.


IvyPanda. "DPI Strategy Implementation in the Present-Day Environment: Disruptive Innovation Saves the Day." June 26, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dpi-strategy-implementation-in-the-present-day-environment-disruptive-innovation-saves-the-day/.

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