If it is really so that every person is destined for some particular occupation, then I suppose that endodontics is the field that I am destined for. No matter how self-assured it might sound but I do believe that one day I will make some outstanding achievements in dentistry as a whole and endodontics in particular. I strive to know as much as possible in the field and I hope that one day my assiduous work will bring expected results.
The more knowledge in the field I get the more knowledge I want to acquire. And in this magnetic force of dentistry, its significance for my personal and professional development is rooted. My Life has always taken a natural course and I have been very fortunate with the opportunities given to me. Circumstances and opportunities in my life have always pushed me in the right direction. It so happens that dentistry runs through all my life.
Since early childhood, I saw the example of my dad who is a dentist and always dreamed of becoming a dentist myself. Until nowadays I clearly remember my visit to my father’s work. A place with a funny smell, the gratingly loud drill, the sparkling chrome-plated tools, and my father skillfully operating all those things that the office was full of. That day I felt subconscious that I would devote my life to this field of knowledge.
As I grew up I realized the importance of dentists’ work. I often saw the happy faces of my father’s patients who got rid of their toothaches; I observed how grateful to my father’s service the patients were and wanted to get that kind of gratitude from my work too.
5 years of study at a dental school in India were the first step to realizing my dream. I worked for my dad in Mumbai (India) for 1 year. I am thankful to the father for giving me an opportunity to implement my theoretical knowledge in practice. With his limited knowledge of endodontics, I was initially pushed to do all the root canals in the office. I enjoyed performing root canals so much that I landed up doing all the root canal cases in the office.
Now I realize that the initial nudge turned out to be crucial for all my life. During my work at the dad’s office, I first realized that I love endodontics. That is when the spark of doing endodontics was ignited. I wanted to learn more and I came to the United States then and was accepted into one of the most honorable 2 years international programs in the country at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Dental Medicine.
These 2 years was the most wonderful period in my professional life. The faculty at the endodontic department at UPENN was extremely inspiring and helpful. Students were encouraged to do as many root canals as possible. We still did hand filing from start to finish and took 3 visits to finish a case. After graduating from SDM UPENN I still wanted to know more and went to Stony brook Dental school for 1 year of GPR. There I observed a lot of complex treatment planning; I was exposed to more complex cases of endodontics and practiced rotary endodontics. That time I learned that root canals could be done in a single visit with great results.
Since then I have practiced as a general dentist in Philadelphia and enjoyed every moment of it. The profession of dentist offers various tasks to cope with. However, endodontics appeals to me most of all. At present, I do an average of 5 root canals per day.
There is a very high need for endodontics in the current practice I am at. The office I work in is extremely busy; I come to deal with different people having different problems. At first, patients that visit me believe that extraction is the only option to get rid of the pain. But when I explain to them that we could save the teeth with a root canal they are surprised and willing to know more about the treatment. Root canal thus gives my patients a second chance to save their teeth and makes them believe in the magnificence of dentistry.
Now I realize that doing a root canal for me is like an adventure hike where there is always something wonderful at the end of it. Why not bring all the excitement in every minute of my working hours? I have performed a lot of root canals in my practice and what I really want is to get perfection in it. I want to master the skill so that I can do any challenging case with ease and comfort. I want my work to change the patients’ stereotypical assumption that getting a root canal is painful and that the tooth will eventually need an extraction. Instead, they should understand that a root canal can help them get rid of that pain and the tooth can last a lifetime with proper care.
I am going to put all my enthusiasm and energy into learning. I feel certain that I will be able to apply the best of my abilities in my work. My desire to learn more and my ability to work hard will approach me to make my dream come true. I believe that armed with the education provided by your estimable program, I will realize all my plans as far as endodontics is concerned.