Energy Crisis in the Next 10-12 Years Is Inevitable Essay

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The predicted ‘worse case scenario’ is going to happen 10- 12 years from now. Sources for non-renewable fuel will run out or become scarce with the available fuel being inaccessible. Renewable energy sources have not been developed to meet the world’s energy needs with the US having 7% only of developed energy sources by 2007 (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2008). Mass environmental damages are going to occur with the most sensitive ecosystems not spared, which in turn are going to escalate environmental problems such as global warming and climate change, ozone layer destruction, extinction of species among others which further worsens the living situations. To prevent this crisis from happening or preparing the country for this scenario, decisive measures should be taken in the US. These measures and the stakeholders who should undertake them are outlined in the discussion that follows.

Government actions

The federal government through the Department of Energy should invest in hydroelectric energy generation as a measure to increase the amount of renewable energy in the country. This should be developed along major rivers by the creation of dams in major projects and canals. State governments in the areas targeted should take an active role by identifying potential areas for power generation plants. Since environmental concerns are bound to arise from these projects Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other governmental and non-governmental agencies should help the energy department in identifying and mitigating the negative impacts of these projects (National, 2009).

Automobiles that use fewer fossil fuels

Transportation consumed 27.7% of all fuel used in the US by 2007, innovations into automobiles that use fewer fossil fuels or modes that will use renewable energy efficiently is imperative. One such innovation is fuel cells to power hydrogen cars. Though this is yet to be made, the federal government, and Department of energy, and automobile manufacturers should invest in research and development of such automobiles. Research institutions and universities also have the responsibility in the innovation, improvement, and research of such utilities (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2008).

Solar-wind projects

The development of small-scale solar-wind projects especially in rural areas is another measure the Department of energy should explore. Solar and wind power energy contributes to only 6% of all renewable energy developed in the US by 2007. Installation of wind turbines and solar panels into the power grid of the identified areas with potential for harnessing both should be a priority. This will make them all seasons’ energy sufficient as wind power is harnessed in winter and solar power during summer and spring when days are longer. This can be done by the private companies in the energy development business, the customers, or energy users in the area who will agree to pay a little extra money with their monthly charges for investment into the project and the power providers. Private farms can also invest in this energy source in their farms and factories (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2008).

Geothermal energy

The US has quite an impressive potential for geothermal energy yet it contributes only 1% of all energy needs for the country. Most of the country and especially the western part have more than 1000 C of subterranean temperatures at a depth of 6 kilometers (National, 2009). The Energy Department, individual states, consumers and businesses, and industries have a role in the development of this energy source as initial costs are high. Industries also consume 33.7% of energy which is mostly from fossils fuels and to prevent the worst-case scenario mentioned above they need to orient their operations to use this source of energy (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2008). A lot of focus in the search for renewable energy should be put into geothermal generation since it is environmentally friendly, efficient, reliable, and continuously available. Power from geothermal also can be transported to other parts of the country using wire transmissions.


The energy crisis in the next 10-12 years is inevitable as oil and natural gas deposits run out and countries are faced with underdeveloped renewable sources. The country needs to put measures to prevent and prepare for this scenario by embarking on the development of renewable sources of energy such as geothermal, wind-solar projects, innovations into renewable sources of energy to fuel automobiles, and hydroelectric power plants.

Works cited

Cunningham, W. P. & Cunningham, M. A. Principles of Environmental Science – Inquiry and Applications. McGraw-Hill, 2008.

National Renewable Energy Sources in the United States, 2009.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 29). Energy Crisis in the Next 10-12 Years Is Inevitable.

Work Cited

"Energy Crisis in the Next 10-12 Years Is Inevitable." IvyPanda, 29 Nov. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Energy Crisis in the Next 10-12 Years Is Inevitable'. 29 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Energy Crisis in the Next 10-12 Years Is Inevitable." November 29, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Energy Crisis in the Next 10-12 Years Is Inevitable." November 29, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Energy Crisis in the Next 10-12 Years Is Inevitable." November 29, 2021.

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