“Conserve Water through Food Efficiency, Report Says”
How much good is actually “wasted”?
In the article under consideration, the results of the investigations organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute, the International Water Management Institute, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization helps to clarify that more than 50% of food is wasted (Block par. 2).
How does this occur?
As a rule, such events as inefficient harvesting, packaging, transportation, and storage turn out to be the main sources of food waste. Besides, there are several cases when the citizens of developed countries find it normal just to throw food away and use, as well as waste, much water.
What are the real costs of this food waste?
The cost of food waste is about $19.6 billion annually. There are many negative outcomes of food waste. First, people should understand that food waste requires about 80% of the water resources of the whole world. Second, climate changes occur. Post-harvest food losses may be observed as well. Finally, the number of crop-eating pests and organisms undergoes considerable changes and leads to unpredictable outcomes in agriculture that frustrate and confuse people.
What policies could work to reduce food waste?
In the article, several ideas and policies on how to reduce food waste are offered. For example, it is suggested to consider the transportation details and food processing and set some kinds of benchmark standards. It is important to have some labels in regards to which people can learn how much water is required for each product.
“Food, Famine & Climate Change: How We Feed the World on 85p”
Why are an additional 100 million people malnourished this year?
The global recession, the establishment of high food prices, and the considerable increase of environmental disaster are the main reasons for and the explanations of why the additional 100 million people malnourished or even were left hungry in the past year. As a result, such a huge number of people remain to be dependent on the UN food supply and can do nothing to change the situation and avoid the problems and deaths connected with human hunger.
What other factors are contributing to the widespread hunger and general poor health?
Many factors can contribute to the widespread hunger and poor health of people in developing countries. The examples given in the article show that ordinary climate changes have led to unpredictable and dangerous outcomes. Because of successive rains, there were no crops for feeding cattle. As a result, cattle died, and families had nothing to eat. In addition to poor households, hunger occurs because people just do not have money to buy food.
They cannot find good jobs and pay for food. Therefore, unemployment and poor or no education at all are other factors that contribute to hunger in many developing countries. Finally, the majority of families contain more than two or three children with no fathers. Personal family problems can also be defined as significant contributions in addition to the economic crisis that occurs globally.
What has happened to the millennium development goals? Will they be met?
Millennium development goals were signed to solve the problems of hunger by 2015. Still, no one could predict the changes in oil prices and further outcomes in different spheres of life. People were ready to meet the goals. Still, numerous recessions, economic instability, and credit crunches changed the whole situation. Some developing countries were not ready for new changes. The results are frustrating. Hunger and poor health have been increased during the last several years instead of providing people with more opportunities and chances, (Vidal par. 15).
How important is food aid to the malnourished? Explain the issues surrounding long term reliance on food aid.
Nowadays, some people stay dependent on food aid that is provided by the UN or by the government. About $230 million are spent to feed more than 3.8 million people, who are defined as those affected by hunger. Such aid organizations help to reduce the number of deaths because of hunger. Still, such aid cannot solve the problem of hunger but help some people in need. Several issues, doubts, and concerns remain to be open.
How has the global recession affected the world’s poor and malnourished?
The global recession affected the world considerably. Developing countries were hit hard, and more than ten million people lose their jobs. People do not have enough money to feed the hungry, and even professional specialized organizations cannot provide the required portion of help in time.
“Global Hunger for Protein Fuels Food-Industry Deals”
What factors are prompting the increased demand for animal protein?
It is hard to neglect the fact that the demand for animal protein has been increased considerably. People want to choose diets based on proteins to protect their health and find new options to gain control over their BMI. People learn more about the worth of proteins in their breakfast foods and the conditions under which it is effective to use the products (Bung par. 20).
What is the effect of the increased demand for animal protein on the quantity of corn and soybeans planted?
The rise of animal protein demand has effects on corn prices that have been decreased about 30% during the last year. Corn and soybeans are used to feed animals whose meat is the source of protein. About 97 million acres of corn were planted in 2013 (Bung par. 14).
What is the effect of livestock production on greenhouse-gas emissions?
The environmental concerns are connected with livestock production because it takes responsibility for more than 14% of global greenhouse-gas emissions Bung par. 15).
“Can We Prevent a Food Breakdown?”
What global factors are complicating solutions to an impending food crisis?
The food crisis has several causes that have to be identified and understood. In addition to climate changes that make people migrate and abandon their ordinary habits and issues, people have to understand that such global needs as the eradication of poverty, stabilization of population, meat consumption, and biofuels policies also contribute to the food crisis (Brown par. 6).
How can a disastrous food crisis be avoided?
A food crisis can be avoided due to certain agricultural practices and governmental interruptions. A possible example to overcome challenges and promote food equitation is to use no-till farming that could help to control weeds automatically. Besides, environmental changes and attention to the level of pollution should be considered. Finally, the industrial economy should be transformed to stabilize the population and rebuild grain stocks.
Works Cited
Block, Ben. “Conserve Water Through Food Efficiency, Report Says.” Worldwatch Institute 2013. Web.
Brown, Lester, R. “Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity.” Earth Policy Institute. 2014. Web.
Bung, Jacob. “Global Hunger for Protein Fuels Food-Industry Deals.” The Wall Street Journal. 2014. Web.
Vidal, John. “Food, Famine & Climate Change: How We Feed the World on 85p.” The Guardian. 2009. Web.