During chemotherapy, nausea is a typical side effect for cancer patients. More than 80% of cancer patients, according to Kim et al. (2023), report experiencing nausea and vomiting, which can lead to further metabolic imbalance and dehydration. The importance of the constraint and the necessity to illustrate evidence-based solutions to alleviate it make the topic pertinent. The best methods for searching will be covered, together with a topic proposal and the results, in a literature review that will be created. The current paper’s goal is to ascertain whether the research supports the idea that Acupuncture is an effective method for amelioration.
Patients who are receiving chemotherapy as part of their treatment frequently experience nausea and vomiting, which can lead to reluctance to cooperate with medical professionals or health issues. With Acupuncture, a potential complementary and alternative medical practice, researchers explore the field to develop fresh approaches, minimize undesirable effects, and enhance patients’ well-being (Guido et al., 2019). The goal of this study is to outline the goals and tactics for a future project and provide background information on nausea in patients who can benefit from Acupuncture. Many cancer patients experience nausea and vomiting, and the goal of this essay is to make clear what kind of assistance may be provided.
Project Proposal Topic
The research on the topic of Acupuncture and its effects—or lack thereof—on cancer patients receiving chemotherapy is highlighted in the project proposal. Cancer patients frequently experience nausea and vomiting, which is a serious side effect (Kim et al., 2020). Some patients might disregard medical recommendations to stay away from uncomfortable conditions, which could cause health issues (Guido et al., 2019). One strategy to mitigate the harmful impacts is suggested by the current project. People would be more likely to receive chemotherapy if it were required as part of cancer treatment.
Capstone Proposal
“Does the use of acupuncture or acupressure (intervention) compared to a placebo or no treatment (comparison) result in reduced chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (outcome) over a period of three months (time) in cancer patients (population)?” is the PICOT question. The title of this project is Treatment with Acupuncture to lessen nausea in chemotherapy patients. Acupuncture is proposed as an intervention. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese philosophy that is gaining momentum to effectively improve health and quality of life. Chinese doctors themselves believe that Acupuncture helps with more than 200 diseases, including nausea (Liu et al., 2022). Its appeal lies mainly in the fact that the patient can perform the technique on himself anywhere, anytime, when they need it.
Classical Chinese Acupuncture involves the use of needles of various lengths and diameters. Depending on the patient’s disease, the doctor inserts needles at different depths and at different angles. To enhance the effect, the specialist can rotate them or shake them slightly. The use of Acupuncture is shown during the recovery period after other serious diseases and during chemotherapy. For example, Su-Jok therapy, best suited to combat nausea, involves affecting points on the hands and feet (Liu et al., 2022). The method is used to treat symptoms, including those caused by chemotherapy.
According to the principles of Acupuncture, the body has certain energy points. The dots are located on our faces, hands, feet, and other areas. Called reflex points, they connect to various organs of the body. Each point corresponds to a specific organ and, when pressed, stimulates the latter. The stimulated organ works with renewed energy. Performed regularly, Acupuncture improves and balances the entire system. Acupuncture offers a map of such points to treat any problem. Consequently, there are several reflex points on the body to cope with nausea (Yan et al., 2023). With Acupuncture, the technique instantly relieves the nauseating symptoms experienced by cancer patients.
There are various reasons why this capstone project needs to be prepared. First off, chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting are a known side effect for cancer patients. About 80% of patients do not get the chance to cure chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and the prevalence of cancer is still rising among various communities (Yan et al., 2023). The therapeutic effects of several pharmaceutical therapies, such as steroids, dopamine receptor-blocking medications, and histamine, are insufficient (Ma et al., 2020). Therefore, researching Acupuncture’s elements and results is related to optimism and constructive transformation.
Second, a lot of people today are ready to research pertinent information independently and work with a variety of resources, the caliber of which is not always simple to assess. Unskilled people could endanger themselves by reading articles with inadequate evidence and questionable sources. Randomized controlled trials are important for demonstrating how effective acupuncturists are at preventing nausea and vomiting, according to Liu et al. (2022). Cancer-related nausea can be prevented with Acupuncture in a straightforward, affordable, safe, and effective manner (Liu et al., 2022; Yan et al., 2023). However, because of the potential for inaccurate judgments and attitudes to be formed regarding the study of Acupuncture, more consideration should be given to the caliber of the research.
This project was chosen to gain a better knowledge of the physiological processes seen in individuals with particular diseases who undertake the necessary though potentially harmful therapeutic methods by discussing the topic of Acupuncture. In many nations, the idea of treating cancer patients’ nausea and vomiting symptoms has already been brought up. Some consider the fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine to be unreliable or understudied. Guido et al. 2019 acknowledge that the Chinese system might not line up with Western medicine-promoted anatomical principles. By addressing this issue, the author hopes to increase their knowledge of Acupuncture in general and cancer treatment in general.
Literature Review
The nature of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of such a remedy for the side effects of chemotherapy associated with gastrointestinal disorders and nausea such as Acupuncture. The purpose of this literature review is to find evidence of the effectiveness of this review. It will help to provide a theoretical basis for the study, assess the elaboration of the topic, and justify the choice of research direction (Yan et al., 2023). The scope of the review limits the relevance, reliability, and credibility of articles. The more authoritative the researcher was, the more probable that their work would help in this study (Liu et al., 2022). Therefore, the scope of the review consisted of works by recognized authors in the scientific community published in peer-reviewed articles.
Methods of Searching
A literature review was conducted using both electronic and manual resources. Electronic resources were taken from Google Scholar, and peer-reviewed articles were also used using filters in the Nightingale Library database. Among the resources used were magazines published in print, but books were not used. To gather the resources, keywords such as nausea, Acupuncture and chemotherapy were used. Personal blogs and unauthorized websites were excluded because they might have biased information. Five articles were included because they had authors with a reputation in the scientific community. The specific articles that were selected for interview were chosen because of their greatest relevance to the subject of the study. The time frame used was a publication limitation of five years or less.
Review of the Literature
Guido, C., Selmi, V., Chelazzi, C., Borsotti, G., Giachetti, R., Limatola, V., Sicurani, M., & De Gaudio, A. R. (2019). Acupuncture for chemo-related nausea and vomiting. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 4(1). Web.
This is the study on the effects of Acupuncture on nausea and vomiting brought on by chemotherapy. Based on data collected from more than 170 patients between 2017 and 2018, Guido et al. introduced the study. It was the wide patient sample that resonated with the author professionally in this article. With acupuncture interventions, it was discovered that more than 60% of patients had less severe symptoms. The data is in line with the theory that Acupuncture reduces nausea, but it differs from the earlier papers that emphasized the paucity of evidence for a strong association. If acupressure and Acupuncture are incorporated into a normal care plan, the overall quality of life can be considerably increased.
Kim, S. A., Lim, S., Won, T., & Yeo, S. (2023). Acupuncture for cancer patients with nausea and vomiting: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine, 102(3). Web.
The essay presented a high-quality summary of the available data and the discussion of pharmacological therapy and alternative medicine really connected with the author. Kim et al. examined the frequency of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients using three electronic databases and two registry platforms. Because Acupuncture is safe, the findings in oncology were shown to be reliable. The researchers’ contributions to the conversation were aided by clear inclusion criteria and properly stated interventions. The authors demonstrated the need for greater research in this area to find new beneficial applications for Acupuncture and acupressure.
Li, Q.-W., Yu, M.-W., Wang, X.-M., Yang, G.-W., Wang, H., Zhang, C.-X., Xue, N., Xu, W.-R., Zhang, Y., Cheng, P.-Y., Yang, L., Fu, Q., & Yang, Z. (2020). Efficacy of Acupuncture in the prevention and treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in patients with advanced cancer: A multi-center, single-blind, randomized, Sham-controlled clinical research. Chinese Medicine, 15(1). Web.
Studies examining the effectiveness of Acupuncture in reducing nausea frequently develop the same theme as those previously mentioned. Based on the observation of 134 patients divided into two groups, Li et al. published their study. In contrast to the group getting sham Acupuncture, patients receiving acupuncture treatments began to experience advantages after day seven of therapy, according to qualitative and quantitative findings. It was the long-term and careful monitoring of participants that resonated with the author professionally in this article. Thus, it was determined that the medication is effective in reducing symptoms associated with chemotherapy. Clinical study findings somewhat agree with the aforementioned meta-analyses, but they disagree with the aforementioned paper since the findings point to a more significant effect.
Liu, X., Zhao, J., Liu, J., Fan, H., Guo, N., Du, Z., Wu, H., & Li, D. (2022). Acupuncture in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Future Integrative Medicine, 1(1), 13–22. Web.
A meta-analysis based on findings shown by randomized trials published between 2003 and 2022 was introduced by Liu et al. The researchers presented quantifiable data. They note that 200 out of 234 cases show Acupuncture’s beneficial effects. The results agree with other researchers’ assessments that Acupuncture reduces nausea and has good effects on both. It was the solid value for further clinical applications and trials in this study that resonated with the author professionally in this article.
Yan, Y., López‐Alcalde, J., Zhang, L., Siebenhüner, A. R., Witt, C. M., & Barth, J. (2023). Acupuncture for the prevention of chemotherapy‐induced nausea and vomiting in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Cancer Medicine. Web.
Yan et al. conducted a study on the connection between Acupuncture and anti-nausea benefits for chemotherapy patients. The data are reliable because the researchers published the study in 2023. To fully comprehend the correlation, they have included 38 studies and conference proceedings between 2015 and 2021. In conjunction with standard medical therapy, Acupuncture may aid in symptom avoidance or, at the very least, delay vomiting. Professionally, this paper struck a chord with the author because of its thorough examination of treatment results about the efficiency and safety of Acupuncture for reducing nausea in cancer patients.
Each essay applies a fresh viewpoint and advances knowledge of the study subject as a whole. The review’s strength is the way Li et al. (2020) evaluated patients with various cancers. The significant research gap, however, is that not all participants wanted to carry out this examination, compromising the study and raising concerns about the efficacy of the selected therapies. A benefit of Yan et al.’s (2023) work is the introduction of a large sample size and meta-analysis. Nevertheless, the researchers draw attention to another important gap: the challenges in evaluating delayed nausea brought on by chemotherapy.
The remaining research offers further strengths and weaknesses that can be noted. By gathering top-notch data and performing a meta-analysis, Liu et al. (2022) have demonstrated the validity of their research. There is a significant research deficit because the authors’ reviews only covered English and Chinese studies.
While Kim et al. (2023) provided more choices for symptom treatment, Guido et al. (2019) conducted a study in which the adverse effects of chemotherapy were objectively evaluated and based on subjective perceptions. It is crucial to think about the interventions accessible to cancer patients when considering a list of common issues and evidence that Acupuncture may lessen unpleasant symptoms. Future studies might broaden the use of Acupuncture and acupressure by utilizing the gaps and contradictions in the existing body of knowledge.
To guarantee that the chosen literature review approach adds to the topic of chemotherapy-induced nausea, the project must accomplish three objectives. Systematic reviews, in accordance with Ma et al. (2020), give practitioners more evidence to assist patients in the treatment of cancer and the mitigation of adverse outcomes; however, new studies are undertaken, and additional assessment is constantly needed. The author will first be able to comprehend the primary aspects of acupuncture treatment for cancer patients by the project’s conclusion.
Second, over the coming months, the author will review enough study results to support the value of Acupuncture in cancer treatment. Finally, by the time the author has finished working on the project, they will understand how to apply the material the author has chosen and promote Acupuncture as a useful method for easing nausea and vomiting in cancer patients. The author’s objectives, therefore, cover the significance of conducting research, collaborating with other sources to comprehend the essence of Acupuncture, and using the knowledge in additional educational initiatives.
Clarifying and analyzing the features of Acupuncture as it is provided to cancer patients to lessen nausea and vomiting is the primary goal. In addition to providing various effective instances of how Acupuncture might be used, it is essential to provide precise definitions of the causes of cancer-induced nausea. The immune system can be strengthened by stimulating a number of acupoints, which can also boost gastrointestinal motility and encourage antiemetic effects (Yan et al., 2023). Acupuncturists can select the ideal sites and deliver the required relief with the aid of the chosen tactics. If all the data is properly structured and backed up by reliable research, better results will be shown.
The second goal is to locate sufficient research that has solid conclusions about the value of Acupuncture for cancer patients. Time management and the use of a certain review technique are the two key elements to getting good results. It can be difficult to combine the results of several sources and display them in a single project. Although Liu et al. (2022) acknowledge that chemotherapy is one of the most popular and successful cancer therapies, individuals still worry about nutrient deficiencies, allergies, hair loss, and ototoxicity. They used RevMan 5.4 software to generate and correctly review 18 articles for their investigation. This project can use the PRISMA flowchart to organize the findings.
In nursing projects, communicating information is crucial, and the aim of this paper is to properly organize the acupuncture findings so as to inform all prospective parties. Just gathering the data and providing answers to the study questions is not sufficient. It is crucial to make sure that results will be practical and helpful to doctors, acupuncturists, patients, and researchers. Standardized training is advised by Li et al. (2020) to provide operational uniformity and dependability. In this situation, encouraging acupuncture treatment options and evaluating other people’s experiences will be useful tactics for enhancing education and experience sharing.
This project will be evaluated using statistical methods. This category includes a method that allows you to obtain the necessary information about the effectiveness of Acupuncture at the early stages of the analysis. The value by which this indicator will be calculated is the investment efficiency coefficient (Guido et al., 2019). Using this indicator, it is possible to track how much profit patients can receive from the therapy performed in the event of a complete successful implementation of the project.
Acupuncture for cancer patients will improve patient outcomes and safety because it will reduce the number of refusals from therapy. Often, the reasons for refusing chemotherapy in cancer patients may be severe side effects (Liu et al., 2022). They significantly reduce the quality of life and overall well-being. This is a common reason for refusing to continue chemotherapy. With a decrease in the intensity of side effects from chemotherapy with Acupuncture, more patients will agree to continue treatment.
Nausea and vomiting are quite common side effects of chemotherapy of varying degrees of intensity and severity. They belong to a number of side effects that are easier to prevent than to deal with an already pronounced condition. It is associated with damage to the gastric mucosa by chemotherapy drugs or their effect on certain structures of the nervous system (Yan et al., 2023). Acupuncture can reduce the intensity of these symptoms and prevent them. This will contribute to patient outcomes and safety, as it will allow to continue chemotherapy while maintaining the quality of life as high as possible.
The budget which is needed is 3$ for each patient. The items that will be required are acupuncture needles, liquid and cotton pads to disinfect them. The most convenient for manipulation will be a needle with a handle thickness from 1 to 3 mm. Since the needles are reusable, their frequent replacement will not be required (Li et al., 2020). They will be ordered from China from medically licensed and certificated manufacturer.
The development of a future capstone project on Acupuncture will benefit from this assignment. The objectives for bettering knowledge, research, and education are noted. Acupuncture is a treatment option for nausea and vomiting in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy (Ma et al., 2020). The arguments against Acupuncture’s value are presented to highlight the value of additional study. The history of cancer treatment sheds light on the best course of action.
According to the literature, Acupuncture can help reduce nausea brought on by chemotherapy. First, more studies must be conducted to determine the value of new interventions. Second, according to studies (Kim et al., 2023), Acupuncture has either a minor or weekly influence. Although the authors have not reached a common ground, there are encouraging generalizations. Finally, experts concur that more thorough research is needed on the subject because it could benefit cancer patients receiving therapy.
Due to a decrease in therapy rejections, Acupuncture for cancer patients will enhance patient outcomes and safety. Patients with cancer may frequently refuse chemotherapy due to its significant adverse effects. They drastically lower overall well-being and life quality (Li et al., 2020). This is a frequent justification for not completing treatment. More patients will consent to continue treatment if the severity of the adverse effects from chemotherapy is reduced with acupuncture.
The side effects of chemotherapy that can range in severity and intensity include nausea and vomiting. They are among a variety of side effects that are simpler to avoid than to treat when they are already severe. It is connected to chemotherapeutic drug-induced damage to the stomach mucosa or its impact on specific nervous system tissues (Kim et al., 2023). These symptoms can both be prevented and lessened in severity with Acupuncture. It will be feasible to continue chemotherapy while preserving the highest level of quality of life, which will improve patient outcomes and safety.