Kidney Cancer and New Approach to Its Research Essay

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Modern medicine needs new technologies and approaches to obtain data on specific diseases, such as cancer. Certain methods and tools, such as simulators, are essential to get the necessary results. This essay will briefly discuss the features and species of Kidney Cancer, as well as new approaches for its research. Despite the possibility of the appearance on only one or two human kidneys, Kidney cancer can spread to other parts of the body.

Kidney Cancer and Its Affect

As a species of cancer, Kidney Cancer was chosen. This type of cancer appears on one or two human kidneys. It has various forms of effects on the human body. At a particular stage of its development, it grows and forms a mass called a renal cortical tumor (Kommu & Gill, 2020). Among the main kidney species, Cancer tumors are malignant, indolent, and benign. The main difference between these types of Kidney Cancer is their ability to spread to other parts of the human body. While malignant and indolent tumor types may extend to other parts of the body, a benign tumor may only increase in volume but not spread (Kommu & Gill, 2020). As a system and body parts are influenced by Kidney Cancer, it is vital to highlight lymph nodes, bones, and other organs (Kommu & Gill, 2020). This issue of the tumor’s spreading is known as metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

New Approaches and My Experience

As new approaches in the research phase to assist in diagnostic procedures of Kidney Cancer, one should highlight simulators. According to Kommu and Gill (2020), “the ideal simulator should have a significant educational impact, improve subsequent performance in the operating room, shorten the procedural learning curve and subsequently increase patient safety” (p. 76). This approach will allow a better understanding of the behavior of Kidney Cancer. As a new piece of information that was unexpected to me, I stress the ability of Kidney Cancer to spread to other organs of the human body. In particular, it was unexpected that there were three types of tumors and their different degrees of distribution.


In conclusion, it will be necessary to stress the importance of finding specific methods to obtain more information about diseases. The method described in the essay for the study of Kidney Cancer, simulation, is effective for this process. In addition, it is crucial to consider different species of tumors and thoroughly investigate them.


Kommu, S. S., & Gill, I. (2020). Evolving trends in kidney cancer. BoD – Books on Demand.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 24). Kidney Cancer and New Approach to Its Research.

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"Kidney Cancer and New Approach to Its Research." IvyPanda, 24 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Kidney Cancer and New Approach to Its Research'. 24 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Kidney Cancer and New Approach to Its Research." May 24, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Kidney Cancer and New Approach to Its Research." May 24, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Kidney Cancer and New Approach to Its Research." May 24, 2024.

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