Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, Humanistic, and Family Systems Essay

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Human behavior is unpredictable and is rather difficult to study up. There are some studies which are aimed to follow and learn some aspects of human behavior. Clinical psychology is a very complicated field of knowledge. Contemporary clinical psychology is aimed to study people’s behavior, the problems which may appear and the differences in behaviors of different people. Behavior of people is very difficult to study and follow as there are a lot of people who have different understanding of live and are free to behave as they want, and they should not submit to any rules.

Clinical psychology is “a complex field that parallels the complexity of human behavior and emotion” (Plante, 2004, p. 4). There are four major approaches to clinical psychology, that is psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and family systems. It is impossible to say whether this or that theory is more or less frequently used. These approaches have different aims and sphere of functioning, but they all are aimed to research the people’s behavior and constructing some models to help to make some prognoses.

Psychodynamic approach seems to be traditional. Psychodynamic theory insists that all problems come from people’s childhood, from “painful, frightening or unsupportive experiences” (Lehmann and Coady, 2001, p. 31) which could appear in people’s childhood. The main aim of psychodynamic approach is to make unconscious conscious. Psychoanalysis is the classical type of psychodynamic approach but it is not the most popular now. (Lehmann and Coady, 2001)

The other theory which deserves our attention is cognitive-behavioral theory. There is a tendency to consider these theories separately. Cognitive-behavioral approach studies a model of human functioning. This theory studies human behavior, it is focused on changes which should be made in present. The main aim of this approach is to reveal some symptoms, to solve some problems, and only after this the general improvement will be possible. There are also some types of cognitive-behavioral approach, and these types are “more focused and directive that psychodynamic therapies” (Lehmann and Coady, 2001, p. 34).

Humanistic approach of clinic psychology aims to develop a new meaning about current experience. This approach implies “getting in touch with painful realities of personal responsibility” (Lehmann and Coady, 2001). The current theory creates the opportunity to make free choices and to develop a new meaning in people’s life.

Family theory is one of the must frequently used theory. This approach is focused on the family boundaries and connection between relatives in the family. This approach solves some problems which appear inside family relations, some problems which concern some separate members of the family. (Plante, 2004) During the treatment all family members are involved in the process. The reaction of some members may be unpredictable but the aim of family system to maintain calm and confident relations inside the family.

So, after having considered four approaches of clinical psychology, we may compare them and make some conclusions. So, we may come to conclusion that humanistic theories and psychodynamic theories, deal with personal growth, and at the same time are opposed to cognitive-behavioral approach, which deals with some problems and specific symptoms, which may be changed now, in present, without turning to past. Psychodynamic approach reveals to past, to childhood. The family system means group treatment with involving the whole family and studying the relations inside the family.

Reference List

Lehmann, P. Coady N. (2001) Theoretical perspectives for direct social work: a generalist-eclectic approach. Springer Publishing Company.

Plante T.G. (2004). Contemporary clinical psychology. John Wiley and Sons.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 9). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, Humanistic, and Family Systems. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evaluation-of-the-effectiveness-of-psychodynamic-cognitive-behavioral-humanistic-and-family-systems/

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"Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, Humanistic, and Family Systems." IvyPanda, 9 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/evaluation-of-the-effectiveness-of-psychodynamic-cognitive-behavioral-humanistic-and-family-systems/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, Humanistic, and Family Systems'. 9 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, Humanistic, and Family Systems." November 9, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evaluation-of-the-effectiveness-of-psychodynamic-cognitive-behavioral-humanistic-and-family-systems/.

1. IvyPanda. "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, Humanistic, and Family Systems." November 9, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evaluation-of-the-effectiveness-of-psychodynamic-cognitive-behavioral-humanistic-and-family-systems/.


IvyPanda. "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, Humanistic, and Family Systems." November 9, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evaluation-of-the-effectiveness-of-psychodynamic-cognitive-behavioral-humanistic-and-family-systems/.

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