Exam Stress: Effective Management Report

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Executive Summary

Exam period is always a time that every student wishes to phase out. According to Hemmings (2014), this period of anxiety could be a tough time for students because of the expectations required of them. The article also identifies the importance of parents’ participation in a child’s education, especially during the examination period, and presents ten ways for students to handle stress effectively. Some of the outlined ways are being prepared, exercising, concentrating on success and managing expectations.

Main Body

The anxiety experienced during exam time affects most students, and this influences their overall performance. Hemmings (2014) presents ten ways/steps for students to manage stress effectively during the exam period. The first way is being prepared. Consistent with Hemmings (2014), early preparation lessens the likelihood of anxiety during the exam period.

By ensuring that a student has a proper study plan, exam period will be smooth and free from bouts of anxiety. The second way is avoiding overdoing things. A student should study with zeal in phases. This means that studying for a few minutes is better and efficient than reading for many hours. This assists a child in studying efficiently and reducing anxiety. The third way is exercise. According to Hemmings (2014), fresh air and exercise help a student in clarifying his/her mind and maintaining excellent health. Parents should encourage their children to participate in such endeavors.

The fourth way is breaking information down. This is one of the best ways of ensuring proper and efficient extraction of information while studying with minimal anxiety. Breaking down of information makes it easy for the student in terms of learning and understanding a subject or topic. This facilitates a high chance of understanding an issue or subject matter before an exam thus preventing anxiety prior to and in the course of the examination.

The fifth way is having sufficient sleep. It is important for a child to get enough rest for the relaxation of the mind and body. This helps in reducing mind-clog that is associated with tiredness. Getting sufficient sleep ensures relaxation of the brain for high performance the next day.

The sixth way is having open communication. In line with Hemmings (2014), it is important for parents to analyze the mood of a child who is sitting for an exam to understand the situation and assist in calming down the student in case of signs of anxiety. This helps a child by talking out the problems that he/she might be facing and the parents should assist the children by addressing their nervousness before it gets out of hand. The seventh way is taking healthy brain food. The author suggests that parents should provide food that is healthy and that will boost the function of their children’s brain. This means that food with high volumes of sugars should be avoided as it facilitates mental fogginess, which ultimately leads to brain lockdown.

The eighth way is mentorship from older siblings. When a child is sitting for an examination, the anxiety gets the best of him/her. It is, therefore, important for a parent to ensure that the child is ready for the exam in proper time. One of the ways is through advice from the child’s older brothers or sisters who have encountered such conditions before. This boosts a child’s morale through encouragement from an experienced person.

The ninth way is concentrating on success. A student should focus on the positive side of success and parents should ensure that regardless of the outcome, the child is awarded for efforts in his/her studies. The tenth way is managing expectations. Parents want their children to perform excellently and this generates expectations. A child will feel pressured to meet the anticipations of the parents, which leads to anxiety, and may hinder the student from performing well in subsequent exams. Parents should show their support to children who do not meet such high expectations.


Hemmings, R. (2014). . Gulf News.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 25). Exam Stress: Effective Management. https://ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/

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"Exam Stress: Effective Management." IvyPanda, 25 Aug. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Exam Stress: Effective Management'. 25 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Exam Stress: Effective Management." August 25, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.

1. IvyPanda. "Exam Stress: Effective Management." August 25, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.


IvyPanda. "Exam Stress: Effective Management." August 25, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.

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