Examination of Learning and Cognition Research Paper

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Learning is the directed effort to improve the capability and willingness of persons or groups to gain and acquire new skills and knowledge, also lead to growth and maturity to comfortably adapt to changes and challenges that face them in everyday issues (Jarvis, 2005). Learning empowers individuals or groups to make acceptable decisions, solve challenges, and venture to new grounds. In every learning situation, the behavior role-plays as one of the greatest stimuli affecting the level and model of learning administered. Behavior role is the acceptance, judgment, and motivation that the learner has embraced. According to Robert 1991, cognition is the ability of the brain to process, recognize or be aware of existing elements that lead to learning. So all three are interrelated and their functionality is highly dependent on each other.

Cognition is the ability of the brain to process, recognize or be aware of existing elements that lead to learning.
Figure 1. Cognition is the ability of the brain to process, recognize or be aware of existing elements that lead to learning.

In the above diagram, the relationship can be observed clearly. If the individual is willing to learn something and is in good mood so for such an individual it is not difficult to Cognate new things, hence it results in learning. Assume that if an individual is forced to learn something and it’s against his wish then obviously that individual would not be in the mood of learning (behavior is negative), hence his mind would refuse to cognate, and at the end, the result would be zero learning. Hence, it is proved that the role of behavior is very significant and it may bring negative or positive results regarding learning.

Two Types of Learning

There are two types of learning that are prominent among others. The first type is perpetual learning where there is an enhancement to recognized stimuli that have been prior experienced; basically, this improves the identification and categorization of objects and occurrences and the constant changes in the nervous system leading to the motorization of most of the body organs. This type of learning polishes the identification and recognition skills of an individual. So it is continuous learning and this learning helps to make decisions based on previous experiences. The second type of learning is Stimulus-response learning where you are able to react in a certain way were catalyzed by a specific stimulus; you are able to form adequate links between the brain and the organs.

Relationship between Learning and Cognition

As indicated above; learning cannot happen without being affected by behavior, cognition, and other factors. Joseph 2009 maintained that once the brain has cognition that is it is aware, perceives, reasons, and judges situations, and behaves positively learning is made easy. Learning and cognition will always go hand in hand in achieving the ultimate goal of gaining skills, knowledge, and attitude. Many researchers argued that cognition is not the only factor that has its influence on learning but in reality, it has been proved that cognition is the major factor that has a significant influence on learning (Lieberman, 1999). For instance, if you are unaware of your surroundings and your purpose for being at that place, you might never be able to learn new things in such an environment. And once your brain has recognized the purpose, it would become very easy for you to learn new things, and hence you would be able to memorize things that have you learned with all your attention and interest.

Example of Relationship between Learning and Cognition

In a class situation, the student will adjust his mind to learning due to the following factors; the class set up, seeing books, the teacher, and other students. The cognition of these elements triggers the urge to desire knowledge thus the behavior is adjusted; cannot behave like he is in the playground making learning activity to commence. The nervous system coordinates with the motor organs resulting in perpetual learning.

In general, it is very difficult to classify learning without analyzing other factors that affect it. All others factors are summed up to complete the process of learning.


  1. Jarvis, M.(2005). The Psychology of Effective Learning and Teaching. London: Nelson Thornes
  2. Joseph, A.( 2009).Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Your Route Out of Perfectionism, Self- sabotage and Other Everyday Habits. America: Capstone
  3. Liberman,D. (1999). Learning Behavior and Cognition. New York: Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc.
  4. Robert,G.(1991). The maturing of the relationship between the science of learning and cognition and educational practice. International Journal of Education Research Association,1(2), 132-137.
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IvyPanda. (2021, November 4). Examination of Learning and Cognition. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examination-of-learning-and-cognition/

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"Examination of Learning and Cognition." IvyPanda, 4 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/examination-of-learning-and-cognition/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Examination of Learning and Cognition'. 4 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Examination of Learning and Cognition." November 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examination-of-learning-and-cognition/.

1. IvyPanda. "Examination of Learning and Cognition." November 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examination-of-learning-and-cognition/.


IvyPanda. "Examination of Learning and Cognition." November 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examination-of-learning-and-cognition/.

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