Examining Different Types of Spirits and Their Influence on Human Morality Essay

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Distinguishing between spirits allows us to assess how spiritual agents influence the development of human morality, morals, and ethics. Antony’s teachings express this need to look for divine influence in every act performed by man (Lynch, 1980). He points out that existing obstacles on the spiritual path should not become something essential to us because they would limit spiritual elevation. Instead, Antony speaks of the need to understand God within ourselves, his abiding presence that enables us to attain enlightenment. Spiritual distinction for Antony is the ability to understand which spirit and wayfarer we can trust on the spiritual path based on what God says within us (Lynch, 1980). Such a perception of the distinction between actions and beings allows one to accept that every action will be for good as God dictates it. Such teaching within contemporary discourse may raise questions, but it can inevitably be applied to modernity.

The spiritual difference in Antony’s teaching is the ability to recognize the complexity of the path that must inevitably be taken because God has given us this opportunity. We can apply this in modern life when any acts seem strange or hasty to us. We may not know why we should act this way, but understanding that God’s help dictates this way and word, one can accept these actions. This teaching also can be applied to us today because theological study allows many people to recognize reality and reflect on the acts of society. From within the human soul come impulses that are not always clear to us (Lynch, 1980). Finding God within ourselves can facilitate this journey and determine why God always dictates acts.


Lynch, K. A. (1980). Atlantius: The life of Antony and the letter to Marcellinus. Tranlated by Gregg, R. C. Paulist Press.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 28). Examining Different Types of Spirits and Their Influence on Human Morality. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examining-different-types-of-spirits-and-their-influence-on-human-morality/

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"Examining Different Types of Spirits and Their Influence on Human Morality." IvyPanda, 28 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/examining-different-types-of-spirits-and-their-influence-on-human-morality/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Examining Different Types of Spirits and Their Influence on Human Morality'. 28 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Examining Different Types of Spirits and Their Influence on Human Morality." May 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examining-different-types-of-spirits-and-their-influence-on-human-morality/.

1. IvyPanda. "Examining Different Types of Spirits and Their Influence on Human Morality." May 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examining-different-types-of-spirits-and-their-influence-on-human-morality/.


IvyPanda. "Examining Different Types of Spirits and Their Influence on Human Morality." May 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/examining-different-types-of-spirits-and-their-influence-on-human-morality/.

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