Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc. Essay

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Organizations that are customer-focused and demonstrate a commitment to religious values have character and are capable of demonstrating high business performance. One such company is Apple, a globally recognized digital brand. When speaking about the principles of marketing management at Apple, one might cite a specific biblical verse reflecting the presence of appropriate aspirations and character. The quotation is as follows: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (“Romans 12:2,” n.d.). This verse demonstrates a desire for innovation, growth, and recognition, which, in turn, reflects ambitious goals to realize in a competitive environment.

Christian Faith in Apple’s Marketing Management

The key message is about encouraging the preservation of individuality as expressed in non-conformity. Apple, being an innovative corporation, made a splash in the digital market when the organization became a flagship in shaping customer tastes. Wu and Minor (2019) refer to this situation as “a cult-like phenomenon” and argue that the brand has become similar to religion for its shopper-followers (p. 27). While omitting the metaphorical nature of such a formulation, one can argue that the concept of innovation and the continuous attempts to build an individual image that is different from others have borne fruit. By focusing on the interests of consumers, the founders of Apple set themselves the task of transforming traditional ideas about the digital industry by all means and changing it dramatically. This approach is consistent with the stated biblical quotation and demonstrates the conviction of the company’s marketing management department in the chosen path.

Faith of Apple’s Founders

The Christian faith can be seen as an auxiliary stimulus in the development of marketing approaches, and in the case of Apple, individual markers reflect this. One such evidence was the unquestioning conviction of Steve Jobs, the inspirer and creator of the corporation, that he and his associates were doing a good job. As Marzo and Tramontana (2019) state, Jobs’ task was to convince the masses of the value of new products and explain how innovative they were. Without exception, representatives and founders of the corporation, including the marketing department, followed the idea of ​​transformation by demonstrating to the public by personal example that the company’s new products were useful and convenient (Wu & Minor, 2019). This belief in the correctness of the chosen path is comparable to the Christian faith and shows that the Apple team was sincerely convinced of the correctness and goodness of the organization’s marketing policy.


The biblical verse cited shows a belief in the importance of pursuing higher goals, and in the example of Apple’s marketing department, one can see this desire. Conveying to the public the significance of transformations is comparable to the ideas of the Christian doctrine about changes that are carried out for good. The complete unanimity of Apple’s team proves their confidence in the correctness of the chosen path.


Marzo, P. L., & Tramontana, A. (2019). . Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(2), 303-330. Web.

. (n.d.). English Standard Version Bible. Web.

Wu, Y. C., & Minor, M. S. (2019). . EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal, 9(2), 27-36. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 25). Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc.

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"Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc." IvyPanda, 25 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc'. 25 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc." May 25, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc." May 25, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc." May 25, 2024.

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