Financial Advisor’s Skills and Career Opportunities Research Paper

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The financial field offers a variety of career options to be chosen by a graduate. Each career opportunity requires certain skills and deep professional knowledge. Thus, it is crucial to estimate a range of careers for understanding which are the most perspective and interesting ones.

One of the careers that an individual can pursue is the job of a financial advisor. The specialists in this field are licensed professionals who offer services on financial advice to various clients including international corporations. To meet the goals stated by their clients, they offer investment strategies and financial products. A financial adviser has an opportunity either to work independently and start ones’ firm or work for a recognizable brand or a company.

People might need financial advice in several situations such as marital concerns, buying accommodation, and for tax, college payment, and retirement planning. It is a general opinion that many individuals feel more secured when a licensed professional takes care of financial matters. It is also important to get professional advice when investing money. The big corporation will benefit from having a financial advisor owing entity in the company.

Financial advisors need several skills to become successful. Their skills include utilizing social media and entrepreneurial spirit for their business. The beginners in this career should be able to manage stresses that occur in the phase of building the business. The advisors who work for a big company should be able to meet corporate quotas and goals. The financial advisors also have to pass exams to confirm their understanding of investment strategies and financial markets.

Another interesting career in the field of finances is the job of a financial analyst. The main responsibility of such professionals is to analyze internal company relations and potential investments to obtain organizational efficiency. Financial analysts can be divided into credit, operations, and equity analysts. Equity analysts are required to identify the value of the stocks that belong to the publicly traded stocks organizations. Credit analysts evaluate the ability of the company to fulfill debt obligations. Operations analysts might be employed to help with the company’s operations in the financial department. Such specialists are focused on corporate strategy, which might benefit the organization.

The skills required for the career of a financial analyst include accounting knowledge or finance expertise and strong academic background. Several regulatory licenses must be obtained by financial analysts. They are also required to have communication skills and analytical abilities. The analytic reports prepared by financial analysts should be based on clear arguments. An analyst is also required to demonstrate the skills of persuasion to influence the committee or manager decision upon some recommendation.

After analyzing two career opportunities in the field of finance, it is possible to recommend a career of a financial advisor as to the most attractive one. It allows initiating own business to provide financial services to diverse types of population. Another reason for choosing this career is the ability to select from a variety of offers to work for individuals or big corporations. Although this job might be a challenge for a beginner, it is an opportunity to apply one’s communication and business skills.

The given paper dealt with the description of two career opportunities in the field of finance. The careers of a financial advisor and a financial analytic were evaluated. The main required skills were identified for these careers. The career of a financial advisor was selected as the most attractive one.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 3). Financial Advisor's Skills and Career Opportunities.

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"Financial Advisor's Skills and Career Opportunities." IvyPanda, 3 Sept. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Financial Advisor's Skills and Career Opportunities'. 3 September.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Financial Advisor's Skills and Career Opportunities." September 3, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Financial Advisor's Skills and Career Opportunities." September 3, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Financial Advisor's Skills and Career Opportunities." September 3, 2020.

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