Fire Security Protocols and Leadership Effectiveness Proposal Essay

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Brief Synopsis

When developing security and safety management plans, one of the factors that should be taken into consideration is how to manage a fire outbreak. The risk of fire outbreak within a given organization depends on the industry within which a firm operates. Firms handling petrochemicals and other flammable products face greater risk of fire outbreak than those offering products and services where fire and flammable products are not needed. However, it is crucial for every firm to come up with a proper plan of battling fire irrespective of the industry within which it operates. It is not possible to avoid fire outbreaks because sometimes they are caused by external factors. Having such a plan outlines how an emergency response team should react in cases of fire outbreak.

Research Problem

One of the major risk factors that organizations have to deal with in their normal operations is the threat of fire outbreak. Many factors may cause a fire outbreak, and it is not easy to predict its magnitude and when it will occur. Some organizations fail to understand the significance of fire outbreak and its impact on normal operations. As shown in this dissertation, failing to have a proper fire management protocol can be dangerous for the survival of an organization. A firm should always remain proactive when it comes to managing the threat of fire outbreak.

Aim of Research

The primary aim of the research is to identify the leadership style that leads to the highest level of proactive risk mitigation in the fire department among different organizations. The paper will also look at the dangers of poor leadership or the lack of it when it comes to effective management of the risk of fire outbreak. It seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • To determine the impact of fire outbreaks on organizations within North America;
  • To identify the relevance of effective leadership in the management of fire;
  • To determine the most effective leadership style that can enhance proactive risk mitigation in fire departments.

Research Design and Basic Data Collection Approach

The appropriate research design for this study is mixed method research. Using content and thematic analysis, it will be possible to understand factors that influence effective and proactive fire management in an organizational setting. Using mathematical methods, it will be possible to quantify the magnitude of different factors affecting effective fire management. On the other hand, phenomenology will be useful in explaining specific incidences of fire outbreak in various organizations and how proper leadership and fire management plans made it possible to counter it in the most effective way.

Sampling was considered appropriate when collecting data from respondents. Given the limited time within which data had to be collected, analyzed, interpreted, and presented in an acceptable format, it was necessary to have a manageable sample. A sample size of 100 respondents was considered appropriate for the study. Data will be collected from the participants using two approaches. First, a small sample will take part in a phone interview. These participants must be currently living within the country. The second approach will be to use the SurveyMonkey to collect data from a wider sample. The strategy will make it possible to collect data from a wider geographic location. Once data is collected, an analysis will be conducted using the two methods identified above.

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IvyPanda. (2021, June 30). Fire Security Protocols and Leadership Effectiveness.

Work Cited

"Fire Security Protocols and Leadership Effectiveness." IvyPanda, 30 June 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Fire Security Protocols and Leadership Effectiveness'. 30 June.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Fire Security Protocols and Leadership Effectiveness." June 30, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Fire Security Protocols and Leadership Effectiveness." June 30, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Fire Security Protocols and Leadership Effectiveness." June 30, 2021.

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