Ford’s Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure Essay

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The Concept of Connected Cars

Ford introduced the concept of connected cars, and it entails the development of cars that can communicate with each other and the infrastructure around them (Turban par. 1). This concept aims at ensuring that there is an elimination of current issues being faced by drivers across the world, especially in the rush hours in different cities.

According to the blueprint plan of the development of connected cars, the associated vehicles will be fitted with communication devices that will facilitate communication between drivers on the roads and also develop a communication network for different models and brands of cars. The essence of the communication system is to reduce traffic jam on the roads and to limit the number of accidents reported on a daily basis (Turban par. 2). While the technology required achieving the same is yet to be developed, Ford claims that the goals are attainable; hence, the company has developed a plan to meet the ultimate objective of connected cars in three main phases.

Additionally, the company has also revealed that the connected cars will contain warning systems. The warning systems could be used to alert different cars about the best routes to follow when navigating to specific destinations. Ford Motors will facilitate this feature through the development of an autonomous function in driving its cars. The network will eliminate the reliance of a human driver on the roads to enhance the efficiency of the communication between the cars. Connected cars are expected to communicate and make decisions without the interference of the human entities in the car (Turban par. 4).

This innovation will create a network of vehicles that can solve problems on the roads to enhance the efficiency of the transport system even as the number of cars on the roads increases exponentially.

The Need for Connected Cars

Bill Ford has a futuristic vision of the transport system across the globe, and he is looking to develop a solution to an inevitable challenge in the future. According to his sentiments, the world will experience an exponential increase in cars on the roads in the next few years and this will potentially lead to congestion of cars on most roads; thus, crippling the transportation system across the world (Hillsdon par. 1).

The connected cars will facilitate the elimination of overcrowded routes across the globe by ensuring that the cars on the roads communicate with each other for smooth driving with minimal cases if congestion on the roads. Bill Ford’s idea is to develop a network of cars that can develop innovative solutions to potential challenges on the roads through an autonomous driving experience that is characterized by an efficient mobility system.

Bill Ford sees the need for such a system as a preventive measure to a possible global gridlock, an increase in traffic jam, and the wastage of resources and time on a slow transport system (Hillsdon par. 1). Ford understands that the global commerce is heavily reliant on the transportation system, especially the road system; hence, there is a need for the global society to embrace a plan that will mitigate future problems. The consumption level of motor vehicles across the globe has increased over the years, and Ford believes that the 1 billion cars on the roads in the current world will increase to 4 billion cars in the future (Hillsdon par. 2). The road systems will still be the same, and this will result in a global gridlock that will hurt economies and the global society.

Global Gridlock

Ford refers to a global gridlock as a situation where there will be endless queues of cars on every road across the world, which will cause a stand still situation on every road (Ford). His sentiments imply that the world is approaching a time when there will be no possible way of reducing traffic jams on the roads. This development will lead to a situation where it will be impossible for people to transport products through the roads.

People will be forced to use alternative ways to go to work because the roads will be overly congested and terribly slow throughout the day. The global gridlock will influence a slower delivery of products from the manufacturers to the stores, and human assets will fail to get to work on time. This will ultimately result in a situation where economic activities across the globe will take a halt because transportation will be crippled (Sahota par. 3). Ford believes that the global gridlock will be a function of an increase in the number of cars on the roads, poor infrastructural development, and the lack of a communication network that can facilitate the elimination of traffic jams (Hillsdon par. 1).

How an IT Network Can Help Reduce Global Gridlock

An IT network can help reduce to bypass the potential global gridlock by facilitating a more efficient transportation system on the roads. The proposed network looks to ensure that every car on the roads across the world can communicate with other cars on the roads. This network implies that the cars can develop a mobility system that ensures that there are minimal delays on every road. The IT network would also help in the development of a navigation plan for every car based on its destination (“Waze” par. 2).

The navigation plan would be designed in a manner that reduces traffic jam on the roads while ensuring there is efficiency in time and resource usage. Ford proposes an IT network that will eliminate the reliance on human drivers to solve congestion issues on the roads (Hillsdon par. 3). It is apparent that humans cannot communicate effectively on the roads, and they are the major reasons that a global gridlock would occur. A standardized IT network that includes autonomous cars would be more efficient in controlling the mobility of cars on the roads to avoid the global gridlock.

Effects of Taking No Action

According to Ford, if the world fails to take any action toward preventing the challenges in the future, there will be no way of bypassing the global gridlock (“Ford” 2). This issue means that the world should be braced for a period where economic activities will come to a halt because of their overreliance on road transport. Nations will struggle to grow their economies because there will be high rates of resource and time wastage on the roads.

Just like the issue of global warming, I no action is taken to solve the underlying issues, the global gridlock will become a reality, and the consequences will be dire for the global society. For instance, there will be no food for most people across the world, health care services will be unreachable, and people will not have access to their workplaces. There is a need for the global society to take this matter seriously and act accordingly. Car manufacturers should be particularly involved in developing a standardized IT network that will facilitate the development of connected cars.

Works Cited

Ford, Bill 2011, . Web.

Ford: Bill Ford Outlines “Blueprint For Mobility” Vision – Calls On Mobile Industry To Help Develop Transportation Solutions 2012. Web.

Hillsdon, Mark 2015, Intelligent Transportation Systems: Ending The Gridlock. Web.

Sahota, Dawinderpal 2012, . Web.

Turban, E 2005, . Web.

Waze: Outsmarting Traffic, Together 2016. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 10). Ford's Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure.

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"Ford's Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure." IvyPanda, 10 Sept. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Ford's Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure'. 10 September.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Ford's Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure." September 10, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Ford's Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure." September 10, 2020.


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