Four Communication Skills I Have Learnt Presentation

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Four Skills I Have Learnt

  • Communicating in the diverse world;
  • Communicating negative messages;
  • Creating presentations;
  • Composing résumés.

Four Skills I Have Learnt

Communicating in the World of Diversity

  • Learning more about people of other cultures and ignoring stereotypes.
  • Composing written messages and holding meetings.

These skills will help get ready for meetings and will help effectively communicate with business partners. It is important to speak the same language and be able to understand business partners’ needs. Understanding other cultures will help avoid misunderstanding. Without understanding of cultural peculiarities, it is easy to unintentionally offend or insult business partners. This will make communication ineffective or even impossible.

These skills are of paramount importance as they enable an employee to:

  • Develop proper relations with colleagues;
  • Develop necessary skills for becoming an effective leader in a diverse business environment;
  • Develop proper relations with business partners of different cultural backgrounds;
  • Work out effective agreements with business partners of different cultural backgrounds.

Communicating in the World of Diversity

Communicating in the World of Diversity

Composing Negative Messages

  • Choosing the writing style;
  • Communicating the negative message;
  • Ending the message in a positive way.

Communicating negative messages is inevitable in business communication. It is important to compose such messages properly as it will help handle quite difficult situations. Firing people and bringing bad news should be conducted properly so that there are no negative consequences for the company, e.g. extra compensations, scandals, etc. It is important to sustain proper business relations between people within any company.

Composing Negative Messages

Composing Presentations

  • Composing written presentations.
  • Composing presentations for delivering speeches during meetings.

Composing proper presentations is essential for employees of any level. The presentation is an effective way to present ideas. Presentations also help in trying to persuade others to share certain opinions. Effective presentations presuppose clarity and precision. It is also important to remember that while composing presentations, one should know the audience to communicate the message in the most effective way, i.e. speaking the language of the audience. Understanding the purpose and the audience’s needs and expectations makes the presentation as well as business communication effective.

Composing Presentations

Composing résumés

  • Effective research.
  • Composing résumés.

A résumé is often the first business message as it results in employment and the start of a career in a certain company. Résumés should be precise and clear. Every detail given should reveal something which is potentially of interest to an employer. Composing effective résumés presupposes research as it is important to understand what is each prospective employer looking for in employees. It is also crucial to provide meaningful details which can make the employers interested and which will result in an interview.

Composing résumés

Written Communication

Such skills as communicating negative messages, creating presentations, composing résumés will help:

  • To compose effective written messages;
  • To clearly present specific messages to a particular audience;
  • To develop proper relations with colleagues;
  • To get a job in a company.

Written Communication

The Value

  • Communicating in the diverse world;
  • Communicating negative messages;
  • Creating presentations;
  • Composing résumés.

These skills are essential as composing résumés results in employment, composing negative messages and presentations as well as ability to communicate in a diverse environment helps become an effective employee. These are also quite difficult skills to learn as each of them has a lot of peculiarities and details to focus on.

The Value

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 9). Four Communication Skills I Have Learnt.

Work Cited

"Four Communication Skills I Have Learnt." IvyPanda, 9 Sept. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Four Communication Skills I Have Learnt'. 9 September.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Four Communication Skills I Have Learnt." September 9, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Four Communication Skills I Have Learnt." September 9, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Four Communication Skills I Have Learnt." September 9, 2022.

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