Scientists argue that the different phases of moon not only affect our environment but also humans. It is believed that when the moon is full it creates an upward pressure which causes the sea level to increase while the dry land is pressed downwards which in return develops sea tides. Humans are also perceived to be influenced by the this phase of moon because the water occupies the majority of human body and therefore the upward pressure that is exerted to water inside humans causes induces them to behave violently.
This is hallucination because some people still behave strangely even when the moon is not full. In fact there are people who take advantage of the full moon because they know they have an existing scapegoat which will help them evade prosecution.
Diefendorf argues that people should exercise self control and quit from blaming the moon when someone breaks the law (32). If all people were to be exempted from prosecution because they were induced by the moon then the world would be a living hell because people intending to commit crime would wait until when the moon is full to carry out their missions.
Do the same scientists reckon that there are very many things that happen when the moon is full? For instance there are children who are born, people get promoted and some get new jobs but people tend to focus only on the negative things? If the full moon is to be blamed for the rise in murder cases what then would be blamed for the murders that happen when the moon is half or simply absent.
Authorities should address the causes of crime rather than natural happenings because the moon was created by God to light the skies at night. From another perspective the full moon and the increase in violence are just a coincidence such that the moon happens to be present when people behave strangely but that’s not its intended purpose because the moon is just serving its designated role in the skies and the people prefer to do wrong things at night.
Studies indicate that there are several factors that contribute to strange behavior. First when someone is under the influence of alcohol his judgment is impaired and depending on the volume of alcohol he has consumed he may not know what is sane and insane because to him they don’t matter.
Attewill argues that such people tend to be provocative and when the party that is being insulted can not take it any more that’s when fights start and this usually occurs during festivities such as Christmas holidays when most people indulge in alcoholic drinks (1). If one is keen he or she will realize that during these holidays many people mess up their lives. For instance, there are many road accidents that happen during festive seasons because most drivers are not sober.
Women also get unwanted pregnancies and illnesses because they did not use protection when they were having sex and yet they knew very well the dangers of unprotected sex. Barr asserts that there are other people who do not consume alcohol but they use other drugs whose effects are similar to those of alcohol. Then there are people who were born to be violent even when they are sober because they like poking their noses into other people’s behavior (29).
Authorities should exercise their powers completely and should punish people who blame the full moon for their actions and in fact such an excuse should not be accepted in a court of law. Governments should conduct campaigns to sensitize people about self control during festive holidays such as distributing condoms to drinking joints because when people are drunk they don’t feel like buying such items.
Works Cited
Attewill, Fred. “Police Link Full Moon to Aggression.” The Guardian. 05 June 2007. Web.
Barr, W. “Lunacy Revised: The Influence of the moon on the health and quality of life.” Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Service. 38(2000):28-35.
Diefendorf, David. Amazing…But false! Hundreds of “facts” you thought were true but aren’t. New York: Sterling Publishing, 2007.