Fun in the Workplace: Strategy and Implantation Essay (Critical Writing)

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The quality of the work environment matters to employees and contributes to improved worker productivity and motivation (Hazelton, 2014). Anton (2013) believes that work-related stress and conflicts could be addressed by adopting fun in the workplace. Nevertheless, the initiative should be implemented appropriately to minimize its negative effects (Tews, 2012). The article below explores fun in the workplace.

The main concept

The general statement suggests that lack of fun in the workplace is to be blamed for the ever-increasing workplace-related stress (Stafford, 2013). Catherine & Lottie (2014) note that with an increase in global competition, employers require employees to be efficient and to increase their productivity. Through this, the employees have been required to put more effort into the success of their organizations leaving little or no time for fun in the workplace (Catherine & Lottie, 2014). In this regard, Chang-Juck (2011) suggests that companies should adopt fun in the workplace to address conflicts and enhance productivity in the workplace. The initiative will enable the employees to develop a positive staff culture, boost their morale and motivation, and enhance employer and employee relationships.


The specific statement states that the lack of appropriate information about fun in the workplace is a concern. Though many benefits can be enjoyed by organizations that adopt fun in their workplaces, the limited understanding of this management concept is blamed for its slow implementation (Carlson, 2013). Carlson (2013) suggests that likened with other management concepts little literature reviews have been documented fun in the workplace because the concept is relatively new. Carlson (2013) asserts that many pieces of literature just mentioned the advantages of their adoption without offering appropriate means of adopting the approach.


Anton, A. (2013). Facing challenges and having fun. Computer, 46(3), 65-66.

Carlson, K. (2013). Designing Business Training for Fun and Results. Performance Improvement, 52(9), 45-46.

Catherine, G., & Lottie, C. (2014). Sustainable cultures: Engaging employees in creating more sustainable workplaces and work styles. Facilities, 32-(8), 438-454.

Chang-Juck, S. (2011). The Effects of FUN on Service Innovation Performance in Service Corporation. Journal of Korea service management society, 12(5), 109 133.

Hazelton, S. (2014). Positive emotions boost employee engagement: Making work fun brings individual and organizational success. Human Resource Management International Digest, 22-(1), 34-37.

Tews, M. (2012). The Fundamental Role of Workplace Fun in Applicant Attraction. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies,19(1), 105-114.

Stafford, K. (2013). Does Fun Pay? The Impact of Workplace Fun on Employee Turnover and Performance. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(4), 370-382.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 26). Fun in the Workplace: Strategy and Implantation.

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"Fun in the Workplace: Strategy and Implantation." IvyPanda, 26 Jan. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Fun in the Workplace: Strategy and Implantation'. 26 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Fun in the Workplace: Strategy and Implantation." January 26, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Fun in the Workplace: Strategy and Implantation." January 26, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Fun in the Workplace: Strategy and Implantation." January 26, 2022.

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