Globalization signifies increasing economic and cultural integrations between different states. It is one of the primary features of modern world economy and society, built on countries’ interdependency and unity of values of diverse nations. Globalization can be illustrated, for instance, by dollarization and global demand for McDonald’s products. Therefore, in my opinion, to date, globalization can be characterized by the interchange of products, knowledge, and technical achievements between various states, striving for standardization of economy and law, and the development of foreign commerce.
Positive and Negative Effects
Although the term “globalization” appeared several decades ago, there is still no ambiguous attitude to this phenomenon. On the one hand, globalization contributes to strengthening the world economy, appropriate resources allocation, the interaction between different countries, and the development of lagging countries due to access to up-to-date technology. On the other hand, there is a risk that it causes unemployment, overpopulation, climate injustice. In addition, its potential negative aspects include the states’ fear of losing sovereignty and traditions due to orientation toward the global interests and culture. Thus, globalization has merits and demerits that provide it with admirers and opponents.
Counteraction to Its Negative Aspects
Globalization can be more effective and bring more positive results if people counteract its negative aspects.
Overpopulation: First of all, I can recommend preparing for population growth: people can develop social protection institutions and labor marketing. Secondly, it is possible to improve the educational system and update the unemployment insurance: it will contribute to decreasing the level of unemployment.
Global Issues: It would be helpful to support small and medium businesses and lagging countries because orienting toward the world economy causes a risk to develop only large organizations and prospering states. In addition, each country should maintain the patriotic spirit of its population and does not allow global tendencies to replace their traditions.
Climate Injustice: It is necessary to focus more on climate change and the environmental state. For instance, people can develop the technology and investment in this sphere to improve the technological capacity and make them more ecologically friendly.
Therefore, globalization is a significant phenomenon of the modern world that needs to be thoroughly explored to enjoy its positive aspects and counteract its adverse effects.