“God in You” by Dr. David Jeremiah Essay (Book Review)

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Chapter 1

In Chapter 1, Dr. David Jeremiah argues that people can only feel truly fulfilled if they have dreams. The author recounts his own experiences and shares with the readers that his life is as exciting and colorful as his dreams are. To illustrate that dreams are far greater than memories that people tend to cling to, Dr. Jeremiah uses the example of retirement. Some, believers or not, enter the “retirement mindset” and leave behind their dreams (Jeremiah, 2020). However, people are never too old to serve the Lord and put all their strength into spreading God’s wisdom. According to Dr. Jeremiah (2020), Christians do not have permission to simply check out of life once they reach a certain age since the practice of Christianity is a lifetime commitment.

The author interprets the words of Jesus Christ himself and concludes that people have the potential to do greater works than Jesus, which is tied to the coming of the Spirit of God. Therefore, it becomes clear that Christians do have the ability to create permanent changes on Earth if they prioritize spirituality over the material. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) writes “the spiritual is far more important than the material (…) the eternal is infinitely more important than the temporal” (p. 17). The author makes an excellent point in arguing that the deeds of Jesus, although truly miracles, remained temporary. Hence, Jesus proclaimed that his followers can do “greater works” which means that their deeds can be temporary and their message – eternal. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) finishes chapter 1 by explaining to the readers that “greater works” Jesus talked about can be accomplished only through prayer. At the end of the chapter, the author warns that to engage in prayer, it is crucial to abandon the past, which parallels his earlier point that dreams become greater when people leave their memories behind.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 guides readers towards a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and its significance in the Christian faith. According to Dr. Jeremiah (2020), a lot of believers are often confused about the Spirit of God, a quintessential part of the Holy Trinity. The author argues that “when people try to describe the person and ministry of the Spirit, they become mystical, vague, tentative – and maybe a little uncomfortable” (Jeremiah, 2020, p. 20). Dr. Jeremiah notes that the misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit can be determined by the traditions and attitudes one grows up around.

Since the purpose of Dr. Jeremiah’s book is to inspire Christians to embrace the significance in the teachings and practice of Christianity through the Spirit of God, the author emphasizes the importance of the Spirit by listing how the Spirit helps believers. Firstly, Dr. Jeremiah (2020) mentions that it is impossible to find salvation without the Spirit of God. In addition, no one can possess assurance and true holiness without the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah, 2020). According to the author, the Spirit illuminates people’s minds, which helps them understand the Bible. Moreover, the Spirit of God always knows a person more than they know themselves, which is why the Spirit can search a person’s heart in prayer and deliver the message to God without the need of the person to find the right words (Jeremiah, 2020). Most importantly, every believer has the gift of the Spirit, which enables them to serve God. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) explains that the Holy Spirit fills the weak flesh of a believer with the power to do God’s work. Thus, humans can’t serve the Lord without spiritual assistance. Lastly, the Holy Spirit is truly the center and energy for all witnessing (Jeremiah, 2020). All the aforementioned factors underscore the Spirit’s significance in the teachings and practice of Christianity.

Chapter 2 includes the author’s descriptions of the Holy Spirit’s key attributes and advantages, as well as some recommendations about forming a relationship with the Spirit. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) points out that the Holy Spirit has all the attributes of God. The author notes that He possesses intellect, emotion, and will; He is omnipresent and omnipotent; He is wisdom and love. The Spirit enters a believer permanently, equips them with power, and encourages them to use it to serve the Lord (Jeremiah, 2020). As for the recommendations proposed by the author, he emphasizes how crucial it is for Christians not to be ignorant or indifferent. The greatest insight of Chapter 2 is the idea that it is important not to take the teachings of the Holy Spirit to excess. By making this point, Dr. Jeremiah manages to assure his readers that the life of a Christian is all about balance and acceptance. While it is admirable to always strive to do the best, it is just as important to take a few steps back once in a while to better serve God.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 focuses on the significance of the new birth and the role the Holy Spirit plays in it. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) notes that the logical place to start a discussion of the Holy Spirit is talking about being born of the Spirit. According to Jesus, people have two birthdays but tend to overlook the second one even though it is just as important as the first (physical) one. The first birth is for time, while the one that follows is for eternity (Jeremiah, 2020). Dr. Jeremiah (2020) argues that the second birth is “an extremely important, supernatural work that takes place within the heart of a person when he or she comes into a relationship with God” (p. 45). It is attributed to the Holy Spirit, which causes people to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and be “born again.” The author emphasizes the significance of the new birth by including a number of paragraphs in the chapter dedicated to the role of being “born again.” Firstly, Dr. Jeremiah (2020) assures the readers that the new birth is essential to become a part of God’s family and receive everything that goes with being a member of it. This includes coming into possession of everything God intends a certain individual to have (Jeremiah, 2020). According to the Bible, without the new birth, people cannot form a relationship with the Lord or fulfill God’s purpose (Jeremiah, 2020). Moreover, believers who have not been “born again” are condemned as sinners. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) describes the new birth as an act of 2 agents, which are water and the Holy Spirit. The author makes a really interesting point by offering a different interpretation of water (not baptizing as some people think, but the Word of God). As one experiences being “born again,” they embrace Jesus in faith through the Spirit of God and the Word of God coming together in the heart.

Chapter 4

In Chapter 4, the focus is the notion that every single problem Christianity has ever faced can be traced to non-believers engaging in sabotage and attacking the Word of God. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) argues that people often undermine the authority of the Bible by overestimating the value of experience. The author analyzes the Scripture in terms of what it says about baptism. He divides the text into prophetic and purpose passages, excluding the Pentecost passage. The author defines baptism as a unique form of God, which is “the impeccable work of God but which the believing sinner is placed by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ at the very moment of his conversion” (Jeremiah, 2020, p. 64). Dr. Jeremiah (2020) also notes that baptism is not defined by what one tradition or denomination might say, which means that it is truly universal. An excellent point that Dr. Jeremiah makes is that baptism is essentially repeated since salvation depends on God and people cannot just lose it. Another insightful discussion that takes place in this chapter centers around the importance to distinguish between the baptism of the Spirit and the filling with the Holy Spirit.

Chapter 5

In continuation to the idea examined in Chapter 4, Dr. Jeremiah tried to explain to the readers the meaning behind filling with the Spirit in Chapter 5. It is important to note how well-structured this transfer from one chapter to the next is as readers gradually discover new insights from Dr. Jeremiah’s interpretation of the Scripture. The author emphasizes the need for Christians to accept that their faith has extremely high standards. In order to meet them, believers have to possess the power beyond their understanding, which is why it is crucial for every Christian to allow the Spirit to live within them (Jeremiah, 2020). Most importantly, people must allow the Spirit of God to take control as it is the only way to truly accept God’s wisdom and love (Jeremiah, 2020). Dr. Jeremiah continues to emphasize the importance of not taking faith to excess in this chapter. He argues that being filled with the Spirit is an ongoing process (Jeremiah, 2020). The stages include possessing initial desire, denouncing sin, dedicating oneself to serving God, and eventually becoming dependent on the Spirit even when it comes to daily matters. As for the outcomes of the process, it results in a different way of speaking, singing, expressing gratitude, submitting, as well as serving (Jeremiah, 2020). In conclusion, Chapter 5 demonstrates that the Holy Spirit enables people to lead the most fulfilling life and face every day with confidence.

Chapter 6

The central focus of Chapter 6 is the Spirit’s ability to illuminate a person’s life in unpredictable ways. Since a lot of believers’ visions are clouded with immaturity and lust, Christians need to expose themselves to truth and prioritize the Word of God (Jeremiah, 2020). Dr. Jeremiah (2020) notes that the Holy Spirit allows a person to see the world illuminated through the spiritual eyes. The author incorporated numerous examples throughout the chapter to illustrate certain points. However, the example of Stephen, a young man falling victim to an unjust and violent death, from the New Testament is exceptionally useful to provide readers with an educational opportunity to learn more about the Holy Spirit’s power engagingly. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) finishes the chapter by listing the benefits of the Spirit, which include discernment into God’s Word, a new sense of spiritual direction and confidence, as well as an ability to depend on the Lord in times of need.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 takes notice of Christians, who might feel burned-out and lost. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) assures his readers that the only way to progress in a relationship with God is by choosing a path with the Spirit. Walking with the Holy Spirit enables believers to live every day in dependence upon God, thus receiving the Lord’s support and wisdom (Jeremiah, 2020). Taking a Spirit-filled walk is the only option for Christians, who wish to meet the high demands of the Christian faith.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 revolves around an in-depth discussion of the fruit of the Spirit as the evidence of His presence and power. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) notes that the fruit is indeed not hidden, which means that anyone walking with the Spirit can observe it. According to Dr. Jeremiah (2020), the fruit of the Holy Spirit includes love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, weakness, as well as self-control. The author notes that Christians filled with the Spirit of God are too busy growing spiritual fruit to get distracted and fulfill the lists of the human flesh (Jeremiah, 2020). This chapter also emphasizes that being filled with the Spirit is a completely individual experience, which is why Spirit-filled walks of believers can differ drastically.

Chapter 9

In Chapter 9, Dr. Jeremiah seems extremely important to examine God’s gifts. According to Dr. Jeremiah (2020), “whenever the church of God has had an interest in the laity – the people in the pew – as opposed to just the person behind the pulpit, the ministry and study of the gifts of the Spirit have always gained prominence” (p. 143). Once a person is born, they receive their first spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah, 2020). The author notes that the blessing from God is uniquely designed for each individual. All of the spiritual gifts can be divided into 4 categories, including special, speaking, sign, and serving gifts, with each category having a specific, pre-determined purpose. Dr. Jeremiah makes an excellent point that gifts should be distinguished from natural gifts and the Spirit’s fruit, which makes it a little easier for readers to understand the concept of the gift. The chapter ends with the author’s examination of the most common issues associated with gifts such as “spirituality,” the “specialist,” and the self-centered problems.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 focuses on the signs that demonstrate whether a person has been filled with the Spirit of God or not. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) argues that the most significant attribute of a Spirit-filled individual is gratitude that they express to the outside world. In order to achieve a high level of gratitude, it is crucial to allow the Spirit to take control (Jeremiah, 2020). Moreover, a truly grateful Christian has a peaceful heart and shows great concern for God’s will (Jeremiah, 2020). Gratitude requires a commitment to the teaching and practices of the Christian faith, which is, in fact, a detrimental part of the entirety of the Christian faith.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11, deals with the act of joyful submission as a reflection of being filled with the Spirit. Only the person filled with the Holy Spirit can have a truly positive attitude towards submission in the municipality, the marketplace, or the membership likewise (Jeremiah, 2020). Chapter 11 includes the Apostle Peter’s principles of submission, which are described in great detail. They include a commitment to one another, humility toward one another, charity to one another, taming the tongue, concern for one another, as well as commission to one another (Jeremiah, 2020). Although the descriptions of the benefits of being filled with God’s Spirit may seem a bit repetitive, Chapter 11 offers a little twist. It includes a couple of passages dedicated to the advantages of submission, which are God’s safety, security, and support.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 contains an argument that without the Holy Spirit, Christian marriages (and all marriages, for that matter) are doomed. According to Dr. Jeremiah (2020), the Spirit manages the differences between a man and a woman, which can result in hurt and misunderstanding. The Spirit of God serves as “glue” that prevents couples from growing apart. The author recounts the experiences of hundreds of Christian couples and their struggle to remain mutually submissive without the presence of God’s Spirit. The Spirit enables a Christian wife to submit willingly, reverently, and spiritually, while a Christian husband submits to his wife’s emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 highlights that the reality of Christian life is the family relationships one has to maintain and nurture. Dr. Jeremiah (2020) notes that the most significant bond every Christian has to invest in is the one between a child and his parents. The author emphasizes how detrimental it is for children to obey their parents since kids’ compliance is the building block of any Christian family. This chapter also includes various specifics regarding parents’ conduct when it comes to raising their children.

Chapter 14

The chapter focuses on the practice of Christianity in Spirit-controlled workplaces. The value of Christian doctrine is best observed in the strain and grind of the marketplace, according to Dr. Jeremiah (2020). The author expertly offers advice on doing business in an era of employers willing to abuse their power and employees refusing to submit the will of their bosses (Jeremiah, 2020). Another great point Dr. Jeremiah (2020) makes is that every Christian must recognize that every job is essentially a responsibility before the Lord, which means that God is the ultimate authority, who can reward the work of any believer.

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 concludes that the Holy Spirit can be known only in prayer, which both helps believers succeed in their spiritual walk and witness the power of God. The chapter features the results of an interesting survey that reveals the majority of Americans believe there is no such thing as the Holy Spirit or the devil. These insights demonstrate a high level of ignorance of the fruit of the Spirit that so many have, which is why Dr. Jeremiah’s book is so needed.

Concluding Remarks

The book by Dr. Jeremiah is an excellent guide to the Holy Spirit for every Christian. As a forgotten member of the Holy Trinity, the Spirit of God is regarded merely as a mythical presence that has no real power to affect people’s lives. Through a detailed analysis of the Scripture, Dr. Jeremiah argues that the Holy Spirit is a person, not just an entity. Walking with the Spirit and experiencing the new birth can help any Christian to accept the will of God and all the support, security, and wisdom that comes with it.


Jeremiah, D. (2020). God in you: Releasing the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Multnomah.

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""God in You" by Dr. David Jeremiah." IvyPanda, 27 Feb. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/god-in-you-by-dr-david-jeremiah/.


IvyPanda. (2022) '"God in You" by Dr. David Jeremiah'. 27 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. ""God in You" by Dr. David Jeremiah." February 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/god-in-you-by-dr-david-jeremiah/.

1. IvyPanda. ""God in You" by Dr. David Jeremiah." February 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/god-in-you-by-dr-david-jeremiah/.


IvyPanda. ""God in You" by Dr. David Jeremiah." February 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/god-in-you-by-dr-david-jeremiah/.

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