Greek Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander Essay

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The turn of the 6th century before the imminence of Christ marked a detonation in the thinking of the Greeks. More people became involved in the seeking of knowledge ranging from methodical to theological. This knowledge came to form the basis of most developments in the various fields of study and research. Some of the ancient Greek philosophers who made a notable impression include Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander.

Thales was one of the pioneer critical thinkers in primordial Greece. He was a rich engineer and mercantile who traveled widely in the quest for knowledge. He revealed that the incidence of innate phenomena like earthquakes was as a result of contact of material and not the gods (Famous historical events).

However, he did not deny the existence of gods but only separated them from natural phenomena like the moon (Burnet 19). Further study into the incidence of natural phenomenon and bodies in the universe has proven his school of thought right.

The commencement of the fifth century saw the rise of one of the most illustrious Greek scientists in Democritus. He was also a widely traveled and rich engineer from Abedra. Key to his practical discoveries was that everything in existence is made up of indivisible atoms moving in space. Subsequent research work has proven this advancement right; however, the only departure from it being that atoms can be broken down to sub atomic particles (Famous historical events).

Anaximander emerged later in the fifth century and was from Milesia in Greece. Mentored by his Milesian predecessor, Thales, he traced the beginning of all things to water. Furthermore, he explored the stars and most importantly founded geometry. His discoveries and writings formed the foundation of the researches from 400 B.C. onwards by famed philosophers like Aristotle (Graham 15). Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander are found to have played a critical role in development and research in various fields.

Works cited

Burnet, John. Greek Philosophy – Thales to Plato. US: READ BOOKS 2007 19 Famoushistoricalevents. Thales and Democritus Change the Basis of Man’s thinking. Web.

Graham Daniel. Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 2006 15-18.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 16). Greek Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander.

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"Greek Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander." IvyPanda, 16 Apr. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Greek Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander'. 16 April.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Greek Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander." April 16, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Greek Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander." April 16, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Greek Philosophers: Thales, Democritus, and Anaximander." April 16, 2020.

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