Greenbelt Banking Company’s Human Resource Management Essay

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The Greenbelt Banking Company was founded in 1991 with a mission to provide reliable, efficient, and affordable banking services to the public. Although it took a while before taking off in other countries due to tight legal constraints, the company has since set other head offices in most countries. The organization has more than 700,000 employees, with the major part of the employees comprised of young and energetic people.

Other than providing banking services, the company had to involve itself in other activities such as social works over the past years. Such activities have compelled the management into recruiting different classes of employees to ensure proper service delivery.

The existence of different types of employees within the organization’s setup necessitated the need for a functional human resource management department, which would address all the concerns of the organization’s workforce.

The department of human resource management is headed by the human resource manager. Alike with other companies, this department is tasked with the responsibility of planning and sourcing for the employees for the organization. The office of human resource management plans and projects the number of employees that the organization needs to carry out its activities.

The human resource manager also recruits and selects the appropriate employees for the organization. Selection is done to ensure that the company captures the best workforce from the labor market. The office of human resource manager also organizes training workshops and seminars for the employees to keep them up to date with the new trends in the banking industry.

Training also allows the company to address the shortcomings of the employees as a result of long hours of work by breaking the monotony. The human resource manager also spells out proper channels of communication between the company’s management and the employees. A healthy relationship between the company and its employees enables smooth flow of operation and consequently, proper service delivery (Mondy et al., 2007).

Even though the company has quite a large number of employees, it has been able to keep to the expected standards more, to concern the company-employee relations. Through decentralization, employees now have a faster reach to the relevant authority, especially when there is a need for a quick response. The company also conducts a transparent employee recruitment process.

This practice not only presents the company with the opportunity to choose from the best workforce available but also gives the aspiring employees the opportunity to appreciate the need for better governance. The company, however, should improve on the employee appraisal methods. Most employees feel that the company offers little reward for the effort that they put in as compared to the profits that the company makes from its business activities.

Equally, there is significant unrest amongst the employees about employee dismissal. While decentralization of powers has been a great achievement as concern efficiency, it has also placed lots of powers with the departmental heads, who more than often abuse power.


Mondy, R. W., Noe, R. M., & Premeaux, S. R. (2007). Human resource management. 9th Edition, International Edition, Prentice Hall.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 20). Greenbelt Banking Company's Human Resource Management.

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"Greenbelt Banking Company's Human Resource Management." IvyPanda, 20 Mar. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Greenbelt Banking Company's Human Resource Management'. 20 March.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Greenbelt Banking Company's Human Resource Management." March 20, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Greenbelt Banking Company's Human Resource Management." March 20, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Greenbelt Banking Company's Human Resource Management." March 20, 2020.

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