Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With Muslims Essay

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Islam is a religion that, according to non-Muslims, is guided by very strange principles and associated with acts of violence and disorderliness. Apparently, the word Islam was revealed to Prophet Muhammad and is used to refer to a religion that encourages followers to seek peace by submitting to the will of God. Incidents of Muslims being involved in terrorist activities that leave scores of people devastated make the world wonder whether Muslims are out to do any good.

In many places around the world, the interpretation of Islamic teachings is mainly controlled by politics. The religion is assumed to promote spiritual development, strict morals, and the application of Quran to civic and political decision making (Almoharby & Neal, 2013). While this may be the case, some scholars argue that Islam, unlike other religions, is often at odds with democracy. For some scholars, however, this is only true theoretically (Cook, 2012).

As a result of the varying interpretations of Islam, Muslims are regarded differently by people in different countries. While some consider Islam to be a friendly religion, others see it as a very hostile one. According to Muslims, the Quran is the only reliable source of direction when it comes to dealing with societal issues. One key principle of Islamic leadership is the freedom to let subjects act without any form of coercion.

Although Non-Muslims see Islam as a religion associated with acts of violence and intimidation, Muslims blame the Western media for distorting the truth about what Islam really is. This paper looks at various issues about Islam and Muslims and attempts to explain how Non-Muslims can live in harmony with Muslims.

Misgivings about Islam and Muslims in General

There are several misconceptions about the Islamic religion and Muslims in generally. Some of these are discussed in the following subsections.

Muslims versus Christians

Most non-Muslims argue that Islamic religion teaches its followers to kill Christians. This allegation is most probably linked to the fact that organized Muslim groups have been singled out as perpetrators of hatred in different countries across the world. In Africa, Nigeria seems to have experienced the worst cases of Muslim attacks in the recent past. Many churches have been burned and several Christians assaulted in various incidents.

The East African community has also suffered the wrath of Muslim associated groups such as Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabaab. Kenya and Uganda are two nations in the East African region that have been victims of such attacks from organized Muslim groups. In pursuit of their selfish agendas, these groups claim that they are doing so in the name of Islam. As such, they have given Islam a very bad reputation. While it is true that most Muslims could be innocent, it is hard for one to believe this given that most terrorists and suicide bombers always claim to be associated with the Islamic religion.

Islam and Violence

For many non-Muslims, Islam is a religion that is associated mostly with violent acts that include the killing of innocent people and suicide bombing attacks that are aimed at disrupting security and causing harm to others. Terrorism is believed to be an important political issue in Britain and apparently, British Muslims are convinced that suicide bombings against civilians is legitimate and a commendable thing to do. Most British Muslims also believe that those who take their lives through suicide bombings are martyrs (Baines et al., 2010).

Muslims are brainwashed by their Leaders

There have been claims that most Muslims act the way they do because they do not think for themselves. Rather, they depend on their spiritual leaders to provide direction on almost everything. This has been necessitated by the fact that Muslims esteem their leaders so high and this prevents them from criticizing what they say or do.

On many occasions, young men and women have been recruited into terror groups organized around Muslim principles and later subjected to teachings and trainings that create both fear and hatred within them. They are made to believe that any person who is not a Muslim is an enemy of the Muslims and must be dealt with ruthlessly. Although it can not be ascertained as true or false, Muslims and converts to the Islamic faith believe that being a jihadist has its benefits. All Muslims are thus convinced that it is important for one to dye while protecting his or her people. Due to such a mentality, most Muslims are often ready to do even the most stupid thing so as to die as heroes or heroines no matter the cost involved.

However, arguments by some Muslim scholars indicate that Muslims, just as Christians, are no longer following what their leaders teach or say blindly. Ostensibly, many Muslims are beginning to stand up against retrogressive actions of those among them who come out to act selfish while taking cover under the Islamic faith.

Muslims and Modernization

Research indicates that most Muslims are against any form of modernization. They thus would do all it takes to safeguard their treasured beliefs and teachings. It is, however, thought that their actions and decision to resist modernization has to do with the fact that they hate anything that has to do with the West. They see those from the Western world as being responsible for the evil in the society and thus refuse to be associated with them or their ways of life.

Effect of Negative Accusations on the Lives of Muslims

Muslims in general have been accused of so many negative activities in the society. Top on the list is terrorism. Almost every act of terrorism is linked to activities of a Muslim organized group. Acts of terrorism associated with activities of these groups are witnessed every other time through out the world. Several other Muslims have taken part in suicide bombings and in the process inflicted fear and harm to so many innocent people. As a result, non-Muslims regard Muslims very negatively and subject them to unfair treatment. Some of these are discussed in the following subsections.


As a result of the negative accusations directed at the Muslim community, most Muslims have suffered discrimination in various ways. A Muslim, for example, may be denied an opportunity to a good school all because of the allegations made about Islam and Muslims in general. Muslims have also been refused a chance to live in some neighborhoods all because of the negative impression people have about them.

While it may be true that some Muslims can not be trusted, it is unfair to generalize and treat all Muslims the same way. This has led to Muslims in some countries coming up with their own establishments such as schools, restaurants or other social facilities.


Many have been harassed severally because of their affiliations to the Islamic religion. In the event that something bad happens and it is alleged that a Muslim group is involved, investigations mostly target the Muslim community. Usually, all Muslims are viewed as suspects and law enforcers treat them with a lot of suspicion. They are arrested, arraigned in courts, and their lives suddenly change because of fear. There have been instances of innocent Muslims being sexually harassed or beaten without proof of guilty.


Because of the many negative activities carried out by rogue groups claiming to be associated with the Islamic faith, many innocent Muslims are hated by many for no good reason. They are looked at as people who lack a sense of humanity and out to cause harm and instill fear in others. Although only a few individuals take part in such activities, many are affected for being staunch followers of the Islamic religion.


Generally, Muslims are labeled by many as bad people because of the negative acts associated with them. For most non-Muslims, therefore, it is hard to believe that a Muslim harbors any good intentions for his or her neighbors. Many see Muslims as terrorists and suicide bombers whose agenda is to go about killing innocent people aimlessly.

Living in Harmony with Muslims

Despite all the negative treatment that Muslims receive because of the activities of some groups claiming to be associated with Islam, it is possible to live in harmony with them. As earlier explained, it is wrong for the society to view and treat all Muslims with a lot of suspicion. While it is true that some may be out to cause harm to others, some are determined to do good for their neighbors.

To live in harmony with Muslims, it is imperative for non-Muslims to seek to understand Islam and Muslims in general. Muslims should also not be condemned through any unfair process.

Seeking to Understand Islam and Muslims

The world should try to understand what Islam is and what being a Muslim really entails. Rather than making unfounded conclusions about the Islamic religion because of a few selfish individuals, people should take time to study the religion and look for ways that will ensure that innocent Muslims are not mistreated.

Most Muslims have come out to speak against the injustice often directed to them by non-Muslims and their main concern is that those who subject them to unfair treatment tend to do so because they do not understand what Islam stands for. Forums should thus be created for Muslims to actively discuss with others what they believe in (Reeves, McKinney & Azam, 2013). Doing so will enable non-Muslims to understand and live in harmony with Muslims.

Giving the Benefit of Doubt

We all have a right to receive fair treatment and all Muslims should also be given a benefit of doubt. Before being labeled, every Muslim must be given an opportunity to prove his or her innocence. Often, many people rush to judge Muslims even before they get to interact and know them well. To a large extent, however, this is as a result of the bad publicity that Islam has received over the years.


By and large, Islam is regarded as a violent religion. Most non-Muslims see Muslims as their enemies and would probably go to any extent to avoid association with them. Because of how Muslims are viewed, they are discriminated upon in various ways.

Despite negative accusations that have been made against Muslims, many of them are innocent and deserve a fair treatment. Rather than passing wrong judgments, therefore, Muslims should be given an opportunity to defend their integrity.


Almoharby, D. & Neal, M. (2013). Clarifying Islamic Perspectives on Leadership. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 4(3/4), 148 – 161. Web.

Baines, P., O’Shaughnessy, N., Moloney, K., Richards, B., Butler, S. & Gill, M. (2010). The Dark Side of Political Marketing Islamist: Propaganda, Reversal Theory and British Muslims. European Journal of Marketing, 44(3/4), 478 – 495. Web.

Cook, B. (2012). Democracy and Islam: Promises and Perils for the Arab Spring Protests. Journal of Global Responsibility, 3(2), 175 – 186. Web.

Reeves, T., McKinney, A. & Azam, L. Muslim women’s workplace experiences: implications for strategic diversity initiatives. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 32(1), 49 – 67. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 14). Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With Muslims. https://ivypanda.com/essays/harmony-between-islam-and-muslims/

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"Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With Muslims." IvyPanda, 14 May 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/harmony-between-islam-and-muslims/.


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With Muslims'. 14 May.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With Muslims." May 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/harmony-between-islam-and-muslims/.

1. IvyPanda. "Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With Muslims." May 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/harmony-between-islam-and-muslims/.


IvyPanda. "Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With Muslims." May 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/harmony-between-islam-and-muslims/.

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