The concept of “being healthy” is the absence of bad habits, the regime of work and rest, the nutrition system, and various hardening and developing exercises. Still, it also includes a method of attitudes towards oneself and life in general. In my opinion, physical health is often tried on for this concept, but mental health is no less important, including its impact on physical well-being. The lightness of the body and the fullness of energy every day are also signs of a healthy person; in this aspect, healthy people are like small children.
My obligations concerning health are the observance of hygiene, and prevention in the most dangerous seasons, as I feel and bear responsibility for my loved ones. If I get sick, I must limit contact with family and friends. Compliance with hygiene habits contributes to preventing diseases from contamination of the hands, oral cavity, and others and gives confidence in appearance.
The responsibilities to society with health are pretty similar: the pandemic experience has systematized them. Manifestations of viral diseases in each responsible person should be accompanied by personal protective equipment and social distance (Kulkarni et al., 244). In addition, vaccination has become mandatory for all adult populations. I try to follow all these instructions, including hygiene procedures and doctors’ periodic examinations.
Finally, society itself, in my opinion, should provide all the conditions that would support the habits of responsible, healthy people. Many mandatory disease prevention measures before the pandemic were not fully implemented. Only after the critical point of the spread of the virus were government agencies forced to completely change the processes in medical institutions, creating a safer environment for both doctors and other patients. In addition to specialized institutions, in my opinion, it is essential that society has the opportunity for healthy recreation and that cities have the appropriate infrastructure: parks and sports grounds. Finally, a healthy community is formed by healthy people who must respectfully and responsibly treat others’ health as well as their own.
Work Cited
Kulkarni, Tanaya, et al. “COVID-19: A review of protective measures.” Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment, vol. 3, no. 2, 2020, p. 244.