Healthcare Staffing and Performance Improvement Plan Coursework

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Performance Improvement Plan

In healthcare, staffing shortages positively impact patient safety and general outcomes. Improving patient care and meeting other immediate healthcare needs requires filling staffing shortages that could be achieved through short-term and long-term strategies (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” n.d.). Hospitals should have a hiring plan for hiring and retaining clinical staff. Best hiring approaches include scheduling, engagement and job satisfaction, customized recruitment, and retention. Workforce scheduling tools and planning are currently used by caregivers, such as artificial intelligence, to staff every shift correctly and avoid overworking staff. Employees look for opportunities to be heard and do their best work to feel a sense of independence and ownership. Providing employees with engagement and making them feel a sense of belonging will increase job satisfaction and retention (Marć et al., 2019). Healthcare should develop a flexible scheduling and supportive work culture to attract and keep clinical staff.

Furthermore, it is also essential to consider long-term strategies that require government and private sector initiatives. Some potential solutions to employ as long-term solutions for staffing shortages include investing in public health, nurse practitioners, diversity and equity, and telemedicine (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” n.d.). Spending on public health programs and initiatives is an important way of helping the communities promote the health of their citizens and reduce the burden on hospitals. Among the states, it will be essential to have nurse practitioners who practice under the authority of a physician to assist in alleviating shortages (Marć et al., 2019). The pipeline of healthcare professionals can also be filled by recruiting more minorities to become doctors and nurses. Healthcare specialists with a cultural background as patients have a high chance of improving the quality of care to those populations. It is also vital to incorporate telemedicine to facilitate health care when patients cannot see doctors in person, as it improves staffing crises and increases accessibility to healthcare.

The Success of the Performance Improvement Plan

Monitoring of Financial Implications

A successful performance improvement plan would result in the organization monitoring financial implications by analyzing financial statements, including the cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement. A balance sheet overviews organizational assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity. If the organization has more assets and fewer liabilities, it is an indicator of sound financial performance. Generating more revenues and profit earned with minimal expenses is also an indicator of sound financial performance. The cash flow statement will show financial health through analysis of organizational liquidity, sources of cash, and an increase in overall cash.

Contribution of the Current Information Management Systems to the Success of the Plan

Currently, healthcare is among the most knowledge-driven sectors, where the quality of patient care depends on the tools, support, and knowledge that health facilities have at their disposal. With an information management system, the organization will foster a culture of continuous innovation and cooperation and develop a more efficient flow of information among patients, staff, and providers. The management system will contribute to the plan’s success as it will improve patient care and safety, analyze performance, mitigate medical errors, improve patient satisfaction, and allow remote patient monitoring, reducing caregiver workload and burnout.

Contribution of the Current Organizational Processes to the Success of the Plan

In healthcare, the main processes involved include disease treatment, diagnosis, detection of health problems, and keeping healthy. The success of the performance plan will be helped by organizational processes such as access and communications, external coordination and quality improvement, care management, and patient tracking and registry. Communication is essential to a performance improvement plan because areas for improvement require ongoing conversations with team leaders and managers to pinpoint where they go wrong.

Communication of the Plan Among Departments

The plan will be communicated to the department by highlighting how and why the new process is better and beneficial to every department. All the department members will be ensured they understand the new process developed and have an inclusive process with feedback. The performance communication plan will be segmented to allow the answering of related questions in-depth for every department. All the departments will be invited to attend small in-person briefings to hear concerns and ask questions. The communication will assist team members in committing to the plan as they will understand its purpose.


Centres for disease control and prevention. (n.d.). . Retrieved December 4, 2022. Web.

Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2019). . International Nursing Review, 66(1), 9-16. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). Healthcare Staffing and Performance Improvement Plan.

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"Healthcare Staffing and Performance Improvement Plan." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Healthcare Staffing and Performance Improvement Plan'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Healthcare Staffing and Performance Improvement Plan." May 7, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Healthcare Staffing and Performance Improvement Plan." May 7, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Healthcare Staffing and Performance Improvement Plan." May 7, 2024.

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