Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position Research Paper

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The general public seemed to be very surprised when Obama became a president of the USA. However, people got used to the changes and accepted him. Today, his second term is running out, and new candidates are willing to be elected. They represent the Democratic, Republican and third parties, some are even independent candidates. The list of individuals who want to get such a position is extremely long, and it seems to be questionable if people know them all. Here are the overviews of the candidates who came from different parties.

Being a political campaign adviser, I support “Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton” (“Presidency” para. 2). Clinton is a candidate from New York who works in the Democratic Party and is known to the general public not only as a great politician but also as Bill Clinton’s wife. Her website meets Internet users with a pop-up window that encourages them to get involved and support her. Regardless of the individual’s reaction (chip in or close the window), one is thanked for being a part of this.

There is no need to spend lots of time looking for the issues Clinton wants to discuss, as they are put into the separate section. It is emphasized that Hillary has a particular vision for the USA, and she will do her best to implement new policies that will help her to enhance the state of the country. The number of issues pointed out on the website is already great, and it exceeds 25 issues, but it is stated that with the course of time there will be even more of them:


  • Alzheimer’s disease. Clinton states that she is able to help people with Alzheimer’s and even make it curable by 2025.
  • Health care. Healthcare services will become affordable for everyone.
  • Social Security and Medicare. Enhance people’s condition.
  • Substance use disorder and addiction. Make treatment available.


  • Campaign finance reform. Democracy presupposes equality, and people from all social layers should have an opportunity to benefit from it.
  • Climate change and energy. Hillary believes that the USA can become a clean energy superpower at the closest time.
  • Economy. The workers will have better incomes.
  • Wall Street and corporate America. Tackle risks and control the breach of the law.

Education and Labor

  • Campus sexual assault. People condemn campus sexual assaults, but it is critical to stop them to have a better future.
  • College. The New College Compact will make education available to the wider population.
  • Early childhood education. All children will have a chance to receive an education.
  • K–12 education. Better education for children.
  • Labor. Hillary will protect and support workers and their families.
  • Paid leave. Provide paid family and medical leave for workers.
  • Small business. Better financing and targeted tax relief.
  • Workforce and skills. Make training available and enhance student aid.


  • Criminal justice reform. Clinton will cope with mass incarceration and enhance the opportunity to re-enter society.
  • Disability rights. All Americans regardless of their condition will have better opportunities.
  • Gun violence prevention. Hillary will implement changes to keep guns away from criminals and mentally ill individuals.
  • Immigration reform. There will be equal citizenship for different people.
  • Infrastructure. Infrastructure will be improved with the help of investments.
  • LGBT equality. There will be no sexual discrimination.
  • National security. Keep the USA strong and safe.
  • Racial justice. There will be no racial discrimination.
  • Rural communities. More investment and enhanced production.
  • Veterans, the armed forces, and their families. Veterans will be supported.
  • Voting rights. Expansion of voting rights.
  • Women’s rights and opportunities. Women will be defended and will receive decent payment (Hillary for America para. 29).

In this way, being a presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton focuses on international, domestic, economic and social issues, which proves that she is ready to implement changes in different spheres that require improvement (“On the Issues” para. 1).

The Experian Simmons “PolicalPersonas” Segmentation Report

Being a representative of the Democratic Party, Clinton is likely to attract people who support it. According to the Experian Simmons “PolicalPersonas” Segmentation Report (Experian Simmons 2), all US adults who have a right to vote can be classified into PoliticalPersonas segments on the basis of their beliefs. There are eight segments that can be gathered in three main groups of voters who support the views of Republicans (3 segments), Democrats (3 segments) and Independent (2 segments). There are also unregistered voters who do not belong to the parties and equal to 25 percent of all people (2 segments).

Perian (para. 12) believes that the Super Democrats is the segment that includes individuals who are likely to be loyal voters for Democrats, including Hillary Clinton. They represent 13 percent of all voters, which proves them to be one of two massive groups. Left-Out (9 percent) and Conservative (12 percent) Democrats are also expected to vote for her. Even though their number does not seem to be rather influential, together they compile 32 percent of all citizens with the right to vote, which is the greatest number, even bigger than the number of Republicans who are their opponents.

The Super Democrats population includes both male and female individuals of different races and nationalities, who have higher education and are employed. Their average age is 46 years. Left-Out Democrats represent a similar population but only with the maximum of the college education. They are mainly 44 years old and are not all employed. Conservative Democrats are females of different nationalities who are usually retired. Their average age is 54 years. These voters are concerned about “the environment, health care, international relations, education, and the economy” (Experian Simmons 4).

Hillary Clinton pays her attention to such problems, but it will be more advantageous if the information about abortion abolition and environmental protection were added to her website. The candidate already mentioned that she wants to improve the situation with climate change, which proves that she is ready to discuss other environmental problems. Thus, the promise to implement programs for control of abortion is likely to have the strongest appeal to these segments because they all consider this issue to be critical.

The candidate has an opportunity to be supported not only by the representatives of the general public who are concerned with the way of life the youth have but also by the religious people who usually tend to believe that they should not be involved in politics as God gives them the path they should follow. Moreover, different religions have similar views on abortion, which is likely to reduce possible issues among the population. Of course, such an issue can be discussed in relation to health care, but even people who disregard it are likely to support the abolition of abortion.

Being seen as the opposition, Republicans are not likely to vote for Clinton as they tend to support their own candidates. The timeline of US presidents (“Timeline” para. 3) prove this fact. For a long time already, the representatives of the Democratic and Republican parties are winning the elections. In this way, another segment might be swayed to vote for Hillary Clinton. It is the independent voter segment that consists of the On the Fence Liberals and Green Traditionals.

On the Fence Liberals are mainly male individuals who represent white populations. They graduated from colleges or other higher education establishments and are employed. Their average age is 43 years. As a rule, they do not feel extremely concerned about political issues discussed by the candidates. Still, their views on such things as abortion seem to be close to the views of Democrats. When politicians start speaking about “health care, the economy, education, and international relations”, they tend to be on the fence as they are not sure which side to accept and what will be better for them (Experian Simmons 6).

In this way, Clinton receives an opportunity to appeal to the Liberals and make them support her. She needs to make her statements well-grounded and detailed so that they become influential enough to change the position of this segment. Taking into consideration the fact that the ideas of Democrats are close to the Liberals, Clinton can emphasize that she is willing to give people more opportunities but leave the right to take advantage of them or not to the general public. It is also critical to provide some proof in this perspective, such as a number of unemployed individuals and expected improvement so that the claim does not look unfounded.

There is also an opportunity to appeal to the Green Traditionals who are mainly white males and females with higher educations but unemployed or retired. They are mainly 49 years old. Even though their views are closer to the Republicans than to the Democrats, Clinton can influence their opinion and make them support her. Their ideas are rather conservative so the abolition of abortion is likely to be supported by them, and the fact that it is not yet considered as the key issue by other politics can work in her favor. Moreover, the Green Traditionals are highly concerned about environmental pollution, so the emphasis on the implementation of the new recycling programs is likely to appeal to them.

Hillary Clinton is likely to become the next president of the USA, which can be proved by several factors. First of all, she is a well-known person who knows what to expect and how to appeal to the general public. Being the First Lady several years ago, she received a great experience and got acquainted with the voters. Many people who supported her husband and his views are likely to vote for her. Except for that, Hillary is a representative of the Democratic Party.

The fact that Obama also belonged to it and was re-elected proves that its ideas appeal to the public. The segment of voters who are likely to support Democrats comprises 32 percent of voters, which is the greatest result (the Republicans are only 25 percent). Thus, if they support her as well as a part of independent voters, Clinton is sure to win this race. The results of the survey show that Hillary got 1,001 votes for today while the highest number of Republican votes is only 285 (“US Election 2016” para. 10).

Clinton also has a better election program and website, which can be seen when comparing her with other candidates. For example, with Dr. Ben Carson (“Presidency” para. 5). This candidate represents the Republican Party from the state of Florida. He is a well-known doctor and writer who was even honored by President Bush. Carson’s view on the key issues is considered to be of the first perspective as the link to it is put on the main page. A range of the problems taken into consideration by Carson is not as extended as Clinton’s. The candidate discusses only some issues mentioned by Hillary:

  • Cybersecurity. Carson will encourage the public to educate themselves about online dangers and ways to secure them.
  • Defeating the Islamic State. He will implement new strategies to reduce the threat of terrorism from Islamic State.
  • Defense & foreign policy. The military will be rearmed, and the National Security enhanced.
  • Education. The federal bureaucracy will be reduced, and more children will receive a decent education.
  • Energy. New energy policies will be created.
  • Federal spending. Spending will be allocated according to US priorities.
  • Government reform. The bureaucracy will be controlled so that the government will serve the public.
  • Health care. Access to the healthcare services of good quality will be enhanced.
  • Immigration. The orders will be secured, and the immigration system will be restored.
  • Investigate CAIR. Control over the relations with the US Muslim group and reduction of the terrorist threat.
  • Pro-life. Improvement of the children’s lives.
  • Tax reform. Make a tax system less complex so that people receive an opportunity to innovate.
  • Veterans. Make sure that veterans gain what they deserve (“Ben on the Issues” para. 2).

Bob Whitaker (“Presidency” para. 12). This representative of the American Freedom Party came from South Carolina. He is one of the third-party candidates, which makes him less influential than other politicians. Whitaker is focused on the limited amount of problems faced by the USA and is sure that his main duty is to support the Constitution. His website does not provide an opportunity to look at the range of main issues discussed by the candidate and the way he treats them in the way previously discussed websites did. Still, the problem that is of the first priority is put on the main page so that every person can reach it easily. Three most critical issues can be pointed out when looking closely at the information posted on the website:

  • Diversity. White genocide is the key problem seen by Whitaker. He believes that people tend to emphasize the necessity of diversity more than it is really needed. Diversity presupposes that there are too many white individuals in the US, which is a wrong view in his opinion.
  • Liberty and prosperity. Whitaker will withdraw “all American forces from foreign soil” so that they will protect only the USA (BOB para. 8). Being an independent nation, the USA should not make other nations accept their notions and should demand sovereignty.
  • The people’s funds. The tax system will be reconsidered so that people receive means to do what they want.

Thus, it can be seen that other candidates do not have such detailed and well-grounded programs. They do not consider as many issues as Hillary Clinton and do not promise to discuss other problems that are not mentioned yet. They do not have such experience in the political sphere and are likely to have fewer votes being not so close to the general public.

Works Cited

Ben on the Issues 2016. Web.

BOB. The platform, 2016. Web.

Experian Simmons. Simmons Consumer Segmentations: PoliticalPersonals, 2011. Web.

. Issues, 2016. Web.

On the Issues 2015. Web.

Perian. Top News and Media Websites for Key Voter Segments. 2012. Web.

. Web.

Timeline: Guide to U.S. Presidents 2016. Web.

. 2016. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 8). Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hillary-clintons-presidential-candidates-position/

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"Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position." IvyPanda, 8 July 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/hillary-clintons-presidential-candidates-position/.


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position'. 8 July.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position." July 8, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hillary-clintons-presidential-candidates-position/.

1. IvyPanda. "Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position." July 8, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hillary-clintons-presidential-candidates-position/.


IvyPanda. "Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position." July 8, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hillary-clintons-presidential-candidates-position/.

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