Homeland Security Issues Research Paper

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Only a few authorities were allowed to perform competitive and collaborative analysis of any intelligence information within the US. The attacks on September 11, 2001, revealed that there was a loophole within the methods used by government agencies to share information.

This resulted in a shortage of sufficient information that could detect and overcome any terrorist plan. There was the issue of lack of trust since the agencies argued that information shared does not stand to safeguard security interests. They also failed to comply on the fact that sharing of information should occur reciprocally (Pradhan and Headayetullah, 2009).

Emphasis laid on information sharing at different community and government levels enhances the level of homeland security. This ensures solidarity and unity within different levels, which ensures that greater amount of effort is concentrated towards averting terrorist attacks. The e-government infrastructure requires efficient sharing of information between individuals and governments, which could assist in quick framing and making of decisions.

Information Sharing Model and September 11th, 2001

Recommended Information Sharing Models

The intelligence information-sharing systems have undergone transformation within the last ten years. The information-sharing models suggested for implementation should have the capability of overcoming several systematic issues that have accumulated for the last fifty years. The new information-sharing models provide the opportunity for the provision of culture-based intelligence, which utilizes information from the community-wide enterprises (Director of National Intelligence, 2008).

Some of the new information-sharing models include Security model and Access model. Under security model, the full information concerning security issues are built into the data and the environment of operation, example being use of data tags. Access model has been renovated to be attribute-based; this means that all information is treated with equal measure that goes beyond the limits provided by security classification.

This ensures that the government operates in trustworthy environment which promotes confidence in handling the issues and risks associated with intelligence information. The new model promotes greater relationships amongst those partnering with intelligence within community set-ups (Director of National Intelligence, 2008).

Available Technology to Support Information Sharing Models

The available technology enables users and all the partners involved in the whole intelligence process to easily obtain the relevant information required appropriately and in time. It makes it easier for retrieval and dissemination of available information whenever it is needed.

The government must work in real-time, critically, constantly, and dynamically gathering and processing data whether they are to support rapid disaster recovery, homeland security, or provide benefits to citizens. Our ability within the federal community to quickly discover, access, and understand data and information must mature beyond what has been accomplished in our first wave of E-Government solutions (Pradhan and Headayetullah, 2009).

Enterprise Architecture can be utilized since it provides the most strategic management method that deals efficiently with complex information from all government agencies. This technology allows the managers in these agencies to design achievable objectives based on trusted information at affordable cost.

Strategic goals and information channeled through organizations, business enterprises in line with this technology, the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), from the Federal Government makes it possible for departments and agencies to operate in unity and solidarity of purpose towards ensuring effective work in intelligence operations (Thomas et al., 2008).

The Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference Model, which incorporates the Data Reference Model (DRM), assists in the process of combating the frightening complications within technical scale and professionals. This promotes strategic dialogue amongst the right agency partners who ensure that targeted mission is well accomplished (Pradhan and Headayetullah, 2009).

Information-Sharing Model to Help Prevent Terrorist Attacks

Utilization of information sharing and integration forms the most trusted and effective methods applied by governments to overcome terrorist attacks. There are a number of global security issues which require the use of modern Information Technology that is effective and promotes sharing of information amongst intelligence partners. A more stern control over terrorism is required all over the world; this can only be made possible through information sharing that is purely based on trust (Thomas et al., 2008).

The information from the government requires lots of trust and efficiency for its maintenance. All trusted partners should have the ability of sharing the information at level that is little more superior. All the information channels must be guarded under well-supported and coordinated integrated information model. The dexterous method of sharing information in collaboration with intelligence arms of the government provides efficient ways of predicting security risks and intended terrorist attacks.

This ensures secure sharing of vital and confidential information amongst the government’s intelligence partners. There is need for the non-privacy preserving protocol (trust-based security protocol) which ensures that information is disseminated based on the already determined trust levels. The protocol ensures that any information on terrorists is shared in a credible, secure and confidential manner (Pradhan and Headayetullah, 2009).

The security protocol based on trust enables effective and most secure way of sharing information between governments and the communities without interfering with the general national interests. The advancements made in information technology makes it simple to channel information appropriately.

The technology discussed, trust-based security protocol works in support of government intelligence units. It is increasingly important for state officials to understand the dire need efficient data information designed upon active delivery processes (Thomas et al., 2008).


Director of National Intelligence. (2008). United States Intelligence Community Information sharing strategy. Intelligence Journal, 1 (4), 9-11

Pradhan, G. K., & Headayetullah, M. (2009). Secure information sharing between Government Intelligence Agencies: An innovative protocol based on Trust International. Journal of Engineering & Technology, 1 (4), 346-371

Thomas, C., Harbitter, A., Leary, M. & Martin, I. (2008). Secure information Sharing for the U.S. Government, White papers, Nortel Technical Journal, 2(4), 34-100

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 18). Homeland Security Issues. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homeland-security-issues/

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"Homeland Security Issues." IvyPanda, 18 July 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/homeland-security-issues/.


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Homeland Security Issues'. 18 July.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Homeland Security Issues." July 18, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homeland-security-issues/.

1. IvyPanda. "Homeland Security Issues." July 18, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homeland-security-issues/.


IvyPanda. "Homeland Security Issues." July 18, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homeland-security-issues/.

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