War has always been an integral part of human society. Very often, it has served as a main moving force that has contributed to the communitys further evolution and the appearance of new unique features. Moreover, it has also been considered one of the tools of natural selection that has promoted the survival of the strongest groups and the extinction of the weakest ones. Thus, the causes of war have been different. Trying to obtain a certain competitive advantage, states have fought for territory, resources, people, and more. Yet, in the course of the evolution of society and the development of diplomacy, the causes of war have become more complex. As a result, the majority of modern military conflicts have been instigated by a set of sophisticated reasons that have triggered the evolution of various processes and the escalation of violence. In this regard, the subject of war could be considered an important topic.
Thus, one realizes the fact that war also attracts the attention of people who are directly impacted or know about it. That is why there are also numerous sources that try to depict the most important peculiarities of this process and understand its ugly nature. War obviously cripples individuals, altering their mentalities, psyche, and lives. For instance, A Novel of the Balkans by S. Drakulic shows readers how war deprives people of their identity and creates the basis for numerous problems in the future. The region depicted in the story has experienced a severe military and civil conflict that resulted in the collapse of the state. There were different causes for this opposition. However, no one won, and people found themselves in a totally devastated land inhabited by desolate people who were not able to understand how they should survive under the new conditions. That is why, being a teacher, the main character of the novel turned into a depersonalized, raped refugee, who had no motherland and who had to look for her identity (Drakulic 67). The novel revolves around the subject of war by underlining its pernicious impact on peoples lives. Individuals involved in the war are deprived of a future.
Additionally, the war also destroys families and annihilates values appreciated by people. Being placed in stressful conditions, they adhere to unusual behavioral patterns. Additionally, the political background of the majority of wars conditions the appearance of disputes within the family. The Company You Keep provides a certain perspective on the way the tension between political ideals and family loyalties might contribute to the aggravation of the situation (Gordon 34). People who have experienced war are very often not able to restore their inner balance and reunite with family because of the differences in attitudes to war. This is another aspect of the subject of war. Very often, it results in the collapse of the traditional value system and reconsideration of one’s main principles.
Altogether, the nature of war and its never-ending character contribute to the increased importance of the subject of war. It is obvious that it has an overwhelming impact on peoples lives and cripples their souls. There have been different causes that have triggered the escalation of violence; however, the result has always been the same. Being deprived of their homes, individuals are doomed to wander, looking for new shelter and trying to find their identity and reconsider their lives. War has a horrible face and results in the appearance of thousands of unhappy people.
Works Cited
Drakulic, Slavenka. S. A Novel about the Balkans. Penguin, 1999.
Gordon, Neil. The Company You Keep. Penguin, 2004.