Most of the businesses in Kazakhstan revolve around oil and gas; these industries have greatly contributed to the sturdy economic growth in the country. In addition, Kazakhstan provides one of the largest markets in the middle of Asia and is in the middle of the busy business route between China and Europe. Also, the country has other minerals which have the potential of boosting its economy. All that combined with the number of increasing professionals, makes Kazakhstan one of the most vibrant new markets today.
Just like other ex-soviet states, the country is trying to com up with clear and efficient trade customs that will tend to attract investors. In one way or the other, the country’s leaders are trying to tune their business customs to reflect those practiced in the Western World.
Nevertheless, business reforms are usually wrongly implemented, especially in business communication, leading to serious stalling of business activities. This is mainly attributed to the culture found among the citizens of Kazakhstan. The way to address people in the society differs depending on age, place of origin and associate families.
For many years now, business men have consulted Dale Carnegie’s book called How to Win Friends and Influence People so as to gain principles in effective communication. Although the book was written a couple of decades ago, the fundamental doctrine of human communication has not changed.
In fact, some argue that the principles in this book are needed now more than when it was written. Carnegie’s book focuses on the means of achieving a progressive interpersonal connection with other work mates. The book explores how someone’s attitude relates to the way one communicates. Due to the culture in Kazakhstan, the people there have a unique way in which people should communicate.
When it comes to meeting people, greetings are usually formal and the handshake is frequently done with two hands accompanied with a smile. However, due to the Muslim culture, some men opt not to shake women’s hands. If a special relationship develops, it is acceptable for acquaintances of the same gender to hug. Also, it is important for a foreigner to wait to use a Kazakh’s first name until he has been given the go ahead. Otherwise, the surname should be used at all times.
Kazakhs usually speak in a non direct manner and prefer to beat around the bush before they deliver their point. Also, they prefer tender inquiring instead of straightforward questioning. Conversely, many of them have an explosive behavior in which they shout just to make a point.
Therefore, they usually have ferocious arguments. The way they carry out their business meetings vary from one company to another. Private companies have adopted the western style of meeting where matters are rather fluid. Contrary, public companies usually adhere to numerous protocols much like during the communist regime. Therefore, public company’s meetings usually take longer with few agendas addressed.
In such meetings, business agendas are usually discussed after the members have had a small talk. Also, these meetings do not usually have a specific ending time; this is because most of the members do not usually get to the point immediately but rather beat around the bush before putting their point across. Lastly, the hierarchy is strictly observed during the meeting. This means that no junior person should ever criticize his boss in public. All the lower members in the hierarchy should always follow what they have been told by their seniors.
As a result of all the above, a company becomes inefficient in delivering its services. If this trend is repeated in almost all the crucial companies in Kazakhstan, it means that the economic growth will be deterred. However, all that can be changed if the principles advocated in Carnegie’s book are applied.
One of the first and foremost principles in the book is learning how to gain conformity and collaboration between the workers. This principle is basically about listening to one another; this means that the hierarchy factor should never be considered at all. All the members in the company have the right to air their views and be heard just like their bosses.
Another major principle in the book, which specifically addresses the business men of Kazakhstan, is maintaining composure even under pressure. Since they are known to loose their temper quickly, which leads to long useless arguments, they end up wasting a lot of time and energy. If they just learn how to control themselves, they will become more efficient in delivering their thoughts.
In conclusion, there are numerous lessons in which the people of Kazakhstan can learn from Carnegie’s book. Perhaps the most recurring lesson of all is the respect and appreciation of work mates. This is especially critical in such an area where women are not seen as equal to men or where the juniors can not criticize their bosses.
This means that the regimes which have been in use for years (communism) will remain. That is absolutely bad for business since the business world is radically changing and the people must learn to change too. By applying the principles in this book, the various industrial sectors will be able to achieve their maximum potential.