How to Generalize Learning Associations to Other Things Within Emirates Airlines, and Why This Is Important to Marketers Essay

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The Emirates Airline is one of the major airlines within the Middle East; it is known to be one of the top ten best carriers and the seventh biggest airlines worldwide.

Setting up lucrative business organization and making it stabilize within the airline industry proves very risky. However, the people working for Emirates Airlines counters the risks involved by setting up appropriate strategies through the use of Five Forces for the purposes of analyzing business environment.

Generalization of learning associations to other things is done within Emirates Airlines through the use of Porters Five Forces Strategies used to analyze the market environment.

The company ensures that their employees undergo frequent training programs within various departments to ensure continuity of excellent service provision within various business circles (Nicholas, 2009).

Learning strategies are important to marketers since they are enabled to form appropriate pictures on the kind of market and industry they are operating.

This ensures that marketers apply appropriate principles and strategies for the purposes of protecting the business from outside threats owing to high competition.

Implementation of appropriate strategies makes it easier for marketers to develop Emirates Airline as one of the market leaders. Studies done on the marketing strategies of competitive businesses prove vital since competition could be realized from other businesses not related to the airline industry.

The presence of close substitutes makes it easier for customers to switch alternatives owing to differences in prices, resulting into what is known as high elasticity of demand.

Several factors determine the company’s ability to attract customers, these include; the cost switching tastes, perceived level of product differentiation and relative prices (Nicholas, 2009).

Description and explanation of an airline example related to Emirates Airlines

One of the examples related to Emirates Airlines is Northwest Airlines which is one of the domestic airlines with the ability to serve large market segmentation across nations.

Its ability to provide excellent domestic services has been made possible through close operations with other commuter airlines. There is a link provided between NWA and other airlines which provides easy connection channels for jet services within the country of operation.

The overall merger makes NWA have superior technical and operational services just like Emirates Airlines hence boasting of established common operation and maintenance points (QuickMBA, 2011).

Such strategies have been utilized by the marketing department ensuring that NWA competes favourably with major airlines owing to their up-graded and up-dated services.

The marketing department has further resorted to integrating their flights and operations. Connections between air link carriers and Northwest have been shown with clarity as online rather than interline transfers, whereby less time and lower cost on fares are involved to facilitate connections.

These strategies have made NWA just like Emirates to obtain better competitive advantage hence commanding good part of the consumer base (QuickMBA, 2011).

The prime role of NWA is assisting customers in obtaining the best services that are safe and profitable to the company. The operations are reinforced through application of modern computerized systems helps in supporting necessary working systems, providing customers with efficient customer care services.

The various customer needs are easily met through installation of computerized technology system which provides customers with variety of choices on the kind of services and products they require (QuickMBA, 2011).

Is there a difference between classical and instrumental conditions? Identify each and explain the concept within Emirates Airlines

As one of the several rapidly growing airlines, Emirates Airlines operates brand new fleets of long-range. Their classical conditions operate hand in hand with instrumental conditions.

The designs of their aircrafts appear unique for classical service purposes. They use wide body aircrafts within which they offer finest services and accommodations.

Emirates operate the largest passenger jets which includes giant Airbus A380 aircrafts for the convenience of consumers. They offer superior in-flight services and limousine services on the ground.

In-flight services comprises entertainment, private suites within first-class and operate large spas with ability to accommodate families. They ensure that travellers are granted quality experience on long flights both in business and economy classes (Nicholas, 2009).

Description of things which customers and marketers could learn by observing other behaviours

Emirates Airlines have put a lot of faith in their employees and goes extra-mile to safeguard their jobs by giving them handsome pay. This enables employees give extra contributions towards ensuring that the company operates within the best realms in the market.

The company organizes for several training programs for their employees which ensure that they continue in good shape. Emirates Airlines operates in business circles whereby financial reports are made independently, the company serves ten destinations continuously within India, dozens of cities in some Far-East and Middle East countries.

Their services extend to Africa, more than twenty cities both in Europe and Asia. This shows how dynamic their marketing strategies are since there is non of the European Airlines covering such wide market outside Europe, the same with American Airlines (Nicholas, 2009).


Consumers respond either positively or negatively depending on the kind of services offered by various airlines. They crave for convenient and professionally managed airlines which are concerned with comfort and safety of passengers. The focus should be in-flight services, seat designs, availability of luggage area, sanitary requirements and also entertainment systems.


Nicholas, K., 2009. Emirates Sets the New Standard for Airlines. Web.

QuickMBA, 2011. Global Strategic Management. Available at

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 25). How to Generalize Learning Associations to Other Things Within Emirates Airlines, and Why This Is Important to Marketers.

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"How to Generalize Learning Associations to Other Things Within Emirates Airlines, and Why This Is Important to Marketers." IvyPanda, 25 Mar. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'How to Generalize Learning Associations to Other Things Within Emirates Airlines, and Why This Is Important to Marketers'. 25 March.


IvyPanda. 2019. "How to Generalize Learning Associations to Other Things Within Emirates Airlines, and Why This Is Important to Marketers." March 25, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "How to Generalize Learning Associations to Other Things Within Emirates Airlines, and Why This Is Important to Marketers." March 25, 2019.


IvyPanda. "How to Generalize Learning Associations to Other Things Within Emirates Airlines, and Why This Is Important to Marketers." March 25, 2019.

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