Young people should be encouraged to appreciate intercultural in the society. They need to know that culture diversity is for the best and not source of discrimination. Schools have a significant role to play to make the students have an intimate relationship with those of different cultural background especially their fellow students. The following can be done to ensure cultural diversity is viewed in a positive way in Arizona schools.
The schools should be an outstanding role model to the students. The school should recruit teachers and subordinate staffs from different cultures. Promotion should be based on ones competence and not on culture background.
There should be free interaction among teachers of different cultures and equal treatment. Teachers should encourage students to form groups composed of different cultural diversity. They need to be encouraged to know all cultures are equal, and there is no one superior to another.
The syllabus should portray that every culture is essential. The syllabus should cover cultures of different peoples and not just a given group of people. Elementary school books with pictures should include pictures of different races. Teachers need to emphasize to students that all races are equal. Songs and other entertainment should be from different cultures.
The school administration should encourage students to hold culture day whereby they celebrate their differences and appreciate other cultures. Students who discriminate others should be given severe punishment or be expelled from school. Students should be encouraged to observe their cultural diversity if other students are not affected in a negative way.
Students from marginalized cultures should be encouraged to take students leadership positions. The schools need to protect them from any form of discrimination in school. Students who have friends from different cultures need to be rewarded as this may motivate other students to do the same. The schools should give all cultures equal opportunities during admission.
They should even encourage students from minority cultures to apply for admission. They should provide scholarship to bright students from marginalized cultures.
The school should embrace exchange programs with schools from other countries. In this case, students will be exposed to different cultures a thing that will make them appreciate other people’s culture. The schools in US need to invite students from all continents in the world.
Respecting the Emotional Differences and Sensitivities of Students from different social cultural Backgrounds
The students need to make a list of stereotype they hold on different cultures. The positive and negative stereotypes should be analyzed. Then a student needs to understand that these stereotypes do not hold any water and discard them.
Students should allow other students from different social cultural background to raise their views. Different views aired by students from different cultural background should be interpreted as an individual difference and not cultural differences.
Students need to respect other people cultural practices such as a mode of dressing or worship. They need to accept them the way they are and not criticize them or discriminate them. Students should show interest in learning other students’ culture background.
Anything that other student is doing, and they do not understand it well they should ask in a polite way. Students’ school newsletters should incorporate different cultural background information. This will help students to understand different cultures well and respect them.
In summary cultural diversity should be enrichment to people culture. Students are equal in schools and there should be no discrimination based on social cultural background. Students should respect other people’s culture.