Identifying Meaningful and Significant Topics for Research and Publication Essay (Article)

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Purpose of research

The main purpose of this research is to provide more insights into research productivity which involve the generation of meaningful/significant ideas. They are loads of published material and information regarding the research and publication process yet few can answer the critical aspects of research education: communication & packaging and idea generation. The study came up with two vital factors namely the capability to distinguish more important ideas from less important ones and the process that the scholar employs in formulating his research topics.

Why the research question is important

The significance of the research question has never been in doubt. Scholars insist that the formulation of a research topic is critical in determining the accomplishment of a publication progression since literature materials only provide a basic guide to the idea generation.


Identification and formulation of a significant research topic and developing ideas into publications scholar should focus on major issues which if solved would impact the society.

Basic Method

To provide an in-depth analysis phone interviews were conducted with a set of accounting authors who were identified by Ashton (1998) as influential based on average citation on the top five journals. Each author was asked to list two questions before the interview which influence the generation and development of an idea. According to (Holland & Jacob) there was consensus on the following factors:(1)” What makes a research topic especially meaningful and significant”, and (2) “Could you take a study that you have finished or published and that you consider being especially noteworthy, and share the process that you went through in arriving at and developing the idea?”. The study argued that the inclusion of multiple researchers would reduce subjective judgments and have a broader reflection of varied interests and experiences. All scholars consented to the phone interview being recorded and the transcripts extracted were rich in content. The verbal and non-standardized nature of the data made it essential for analysis to be carried out in order to draw conclusions and reports. The data (interview transcripts) were reduced according to the guidelines of Hassel and Watson (2001) regarding open-ended interview responses.

Research Results and Conclusions

Most scholars agreed that for a research topic be significant it must have a huge impact on literature and/or solve the real-world issue. For the study to be having any impact on literature it must either fill significant gaps in a certain theory, introduce new or unexpected results or focus on difficult research issues. The aforementioned factors are explained in detail.

  1. Addresses areal world/societal problem-This factor had the highest ranking among scholars.
  2. Advances theory and fills significant gaps.
  3. Produces new/unexpected results.
  4. Addresses hard to solve issues.

Another result of the study was the consensus on identifying and developing ideas in publications. Three points were agreed upon

  1. following and critically evaluating the literature
  2. keeping abreast of real-world issues and
  3. working with fellow mentors

Application to business practices

The study could improve the nature of scholarship from the traditional emphasis on, “commitment to knowledge for its own sake” and integration to an application base approach where knowledge is applied to solve consequential problems among individuals and institutions. The study could also help a great deal in transforming lives rather than instilling knowledge and information. Future scholars will find this study vital in trying to generate and formulate ideas that would fill literature gaps and solve social problems such as unemployment. Publication of accounting education research requires guidance and awareness of current issues to identify relevant ideas. It is also crucial to involve other disciplines which transcend accounting education to get the necessary insight from the experts in those fields.

Brief critique

The author did not address an element of subjective argument and bias which was notable in sections of the case of his writing, in focus being the selection of 20 authors. The data transcripts from the phone interviews were subject to an individual interpretation and the fundamental issues may not be preserved. The author is also inconclusive as he advocates for further research on accounting literature by sampling more published and cited researchers. The study relied on publications by other authors whose applicability of scholar experience is limited. The main strength of the article was the inclusion of scholars from diverse areas of research who provided the fundamental inputs of generating and developing a significant idea. Major improvements could be done in terms of data collection and sampling methods. A face-to-face method rather than phone interviews would reserve the facial expressions and feelings of scholars thus providing more insight into the study.


Ashton, R. H. (1998). Writing accounting research for publication and impact. Journal of Accounting Education, 16(2), 247–260.

Hassel, J, Watson, S. (2001). Accounting education literature review (1997–1999). Journal of Accounting Education, 19(1), 1–61.

Holland, M, Jacobs, F. (1988). The perceived availability of resources which contribute to accounting faculty productivity. Journal of Accounting Education, 261–278.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 9). Identifying Meaningful and Significant Topics for Research and Publication.

Work Cited

"Identifying Meaningful and Significant Topics for Research and Publication." IvyPanda, 9 Jan. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Identifying Meaningful and Significant Topics for Research and Publication'. 9 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Identifying Meaningful and Significant Topics for Research and Publication." January 9, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Identifying Meaningful and Significant Topics for Research and Publication." January 9, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Identifying Meaningful and Significant Topics for Research and Publication." January 9, 2022.

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