According to the IDEA, students with disabilities need special attention and special consideration that should be provided by the Individual Education Program (IED).
The IDEA provides the definition of the “speech or language impairment” as follows: “Speech or language impairment means a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.” (n. p.).
The IEP should be designed specifically for the individual with a disability and focus on the improvement of his/her academic success, as well as social life. The plan should be based on special needs of the student and help student be involved in and successful in general curriculum.
Students with speech and language impairments usually have difficulties with problem-solving, pragmatic and communication skills. However, as there are different types of speech impairment, there can be different needs with students. This paper provides the analysis of the IEP for the 9th grade female student with speech and language impairment.
Summary of strengths and needs
As provided in the IEP, “the students has significant delays in the skills areas of language, written expression, reading comprehension, math calculation and concepts which inhibit progress in the general education curriculum” (p. 4).
There are considerable difficulties with reading activities which need to be improved. Due to the disability, the student experiences difficulties with fluent reading and reading comprehension. However, she likes reading and struggles to improve her skills. Need: to use more reading strategies.
The student is able to perform basic mathematic functions, but her solving skills are rather weak and her inability to understand the basic mathematic skills frustrates her. Thus, this skill must be trained on a regular basis.
The writing skills of the student are developed rather well, but she needs help with data and organizing information, as well as with complex sentences. The language skills also have an appropriate level of development; however, pragmatic skills are the area of difficulty for the student.
Thus, student’s academic skills have a good level regardless the fact that there are areas that seek for special considerations. These “areas “are reading skills, dealing with data and details in her writing assignments and generate ideas. Mathematic skills are also a weak point and need to be improved (comprehension of the value of zero and fractional number).
Social skills are also rather good. However, she must be more involved into class social activities and learn to communicate effectively. She also must work on self-esteem and socially acceptable behavior.
Physical development of the student is good, and thus, she may join general curriculum. The tutor might pay more attention to the motor needs of the student and her involvement into group games.
Summary of instructional recommendations
“Skillful instruction is an imperative in order to bring curriculum to life for young learners, and flexible instructions is necessary to make curriculum work for academically diverse student population” (Tomlinson & McTighe, p. 6).
The skillfulness and flexibility of the curriculum is especially important for students with disabilities who need special consideration and “specialized” educational program. The IEP under consideration meets these requirements that can be seen in the instructional recommendations.
The following table presents the summary and analysis of the instructional recommendations.
Analysis of legal compliance
It is a brief analysis of how the IEP follows the legal requirements as outlined in IDEA 2004. The goals, procedures and methods used in the IEP follow the IDEA 2004. The detailed analysis of the student’s needs and abilities is provided. The educational goals are based on these needs, and presented in detail.
The act of the year 2004 makes a special emphasis on the special education and related services for such students should be designed in a way to provide them with favorable education environment. In addition, students with disabilities should be well prepared for the future educational or working career. These areas are reflected in the IED for the student with speech and language impairment.
Evaluation of instructional utility
The IEP has a great instructional usefulness. First of all, the information is properly organized. The IEP takes into consideration all aspects of the student’s life (academic, social, behavior, physical). All of them are properly analyzed and student’s weaknesses and needs are defined and explained. In addition, the ways to improve the weaknesses are provided.
The plan presents the performing models and strategies designed specifically for the students of the 9th grade that have speech impairment. For example, the plan suggests multiple repetition of the assignment so that a student is able to understand it.
In addition, the students may be excused to attend English, Reading, Math, and Special Class Academic Support. The detailed and explained annual goals can be found in the plan. They have all necessary information required by federal and state mandates.
Recommendations to facilitate use
According to Tomlinson and McTighe, “two of the greatest contemporary challenges for educators – crafting powerful curriculum in a standard-dominated era and ensuring academic success for the full spectrum of learners – is gratifying” (p. 2). It is important to the teacher to bear in mind several issues to provide the quality of learning.
In particular, the teacher should take into consideration four important elements of the educational process: students, learning environment, content and instructions (Tomlinson & McTighe, p. 2).
These elements are considered in the IEP under consideration (the analysis of these elements has been provided in the previous section). However, there are still some recommendations that can be provided in order to facilitate the use of the IEP. These recommendations are:
According to the plan, student with Speech or Language Impairment has no ability to learn foreign languages, and thus, this subject should not be present in the curriculum. However, taking into consideration the fact that psychological need for communication with peers, (especially of the 9th grade female student) this subject can be introduced as well.
In such way, a student will not feel herself isolated or infringed It will help student feel herself a part of the classroom. However, the requirements and education program should be accommodated to the abilities of the student. Such classes can also contribute to the facilitating of the student’s communication in class.
The cooperation with parents should also be considered. The IEP provided does not mention the responsibilities of parents. However, according to the IDEA, “parents should have the necessary tools to improve educational results for children with disabilities by supporting system improvement activities” (n. p.).
Thus, parents should also be involved into educational process and always informed about the child’s success. The tutors who work with the student should provide recommendations to parents how to contribute to the student’s academic success on a regular basis.
Specialized computer programs for children with speech or language impairment might be introduced. Assistive technology (AT) might also be very helpful.
For example, the student can be engaged into electronic communication with other students who have the same disability that will contribute to the development of communication and social skills. However, this communication should be controlled and interactions with other students must not be limited.
The student also needs social skills development. Thus, she has to be involved in the class and school activities. For example, she might be provided with special responsibilities (correspondent to her skills) that will improve her communication with peers.
Reference List
Tomlinson, C.A. & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating Differentiated Instruction & Understanding by Design. Alexandria, Virginia, Association for Curriculum and Instruction.
IDEA: Speech or Language Impairments. Project IDEAL: Informing and Designing Education for All Learners. Individual Educational Program, 2006-2007.